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2� 1 ��38�� <br /> and restvratian in a single pa�rmen�or in a series af prvgress paymen�s as the v�ork is cnmp�eted. If the�nsurance or <br /> condemnation proc�eds are not sufficient to repair or restore �he Prvperty, Sarro�rer is not relie�red of Borro�rer's <br /> ob��gation for the comp�etion of suc�repair or restvratxon. <br /> If condemnation proceeds are paid in connectian �nrith the tak�ng of the proper�, Lender sha�� apply such <br /> prviceeds�o the reduc���n vf�he �ndebtedness under �he Nvte and th�s Security�ns�rument, firs� �o any delinquent <br /> am�oun�s, and then to payment af principal. An�r appl�ca�ian of fhe proceeds ta the principai sha�l nat extend or <br /> pos�pone the due date ❑f the month�y payments or change the amount of suCh payments. <br /> Lender or�fs agent may make reasonab�e en�r�es upan and inspec�ions vf�he Proper��.�f i�has reasonable cause, <br /> Lender may inspect#he interior of#he improvements an the Property. L�nder shall gi�e Borro�rer notice a�the time <br /> of or pr�or to such an interior inspectivn spec�fying suc� reasonab�e cause. <br /> 8. Borrawer's Loan Application. Borrvv�er sha�� be in defau�t �f, during the Lvan applica�ivn process, <br /> Bvrrvvver or any persons�r eri�itie�acting a�the direction of Borro�ver or�ith Barro�er's knv��edge or cvnsen��ave <br /> ma�er�al�y false, xnislead�ng, or inaccurate �nformafivn or s�atem.ents to Lender �or failed ta pravide Lender �nr��h <br /> ma��ria� information} in connec�ion v�ith �he Lvan. Mater�a� representa�ians include, �ut are nat l�m�fed ta, <br /> representations concern�ng Barrv�nrer's occupanc�vf the Propert�as Borra�rer's principal residence. <br /> 9. Protectian of Lender's Interest �n the Prvper�� and Righ�s Under this 5ecuri�y Iristrument. �f �a} <br /> Bvrrnv�rer fails to perfarm the co�renarits and agreements contained in this Securi� �nstrument, �b} fhere is a l�ga� <br /> prviceeding that might s�gnif�cant�y affect Lender's interest�n the Proper�y andl�r r�ghts under this Secur�ty Instrument <br /> �suc�as a praceeding in bankrup��y, prvbate, for cvndemnation or forfeiture, far enforcement �f a��en which ma�r <br /> attain priar�ty over thxs Securit��nsfrument or �a enfarce�av�s or regula�ions}, vr �c} Borrov�rer has abandoned the <br /> Property, then Lender may do and pay for whafever is reasanab�e or apprvpr�ate to protec�Lender's in�eres�in the <br /> Proper�y and righ#s under this Securi�y Ins�rumen�, in�luding pratecting andlor assessing the�ralue of the Propert�r, <br /> and secur�ng andlor repair�ng the Propert�. Lender's ac��ons can in�lude, but are not��mi�ed�v: �a} pa�ing an�r sums <br /> s�cured by a�ien which has priori�vver this Securi�y Ins�rument; �b� appearing in court; and �c� paying reasonab�e <br /> at�arne�s' fees�o pratect��s in�ere��in the Property andlor rights under this Securi�y Instrument, includ�ng its secured <br /> position in a bankruptcy proceed�ng. 5e�uring�he Proper�y inc�udes, bu��s not Iim�ted to, entering the Proper�tv <br /> m.ake repairs, change locks, rep�ace or�vard up doors and vcrindvv�s, drain�r�rater frvm pipes, e�im�nate building or <br /> vther cade�iola�ions or dangervu�condit�ons, and have uti�ities turned on�r off. Al�haugh Lender may take actian <br /> under th�s Secti�n 9, Lender dnes nvt have to do sv and is n��under an�r duty vr vb�igat��n �o do s�. If is agreed�ha� <br /> Lender�ncurs no�iabil�ty for n�t taking an�or all ac��ons au�horized under fhis Section 9. <br /> Any amaun�s dis�ursed hy Lender under this Se��ivn 9 shall�ecorne additiana�debt of Borrovver secured b�this <br /> Security Instrumen�. These amvunts shall bear interes� at �he Note rate fram the da�e of d�sbursement and shail be <br /> payable, �nri�h such�n�erest, upvn nvtice from Lender to Borro�er requesting payment. <br /> If th�s Secur�ty Instrument �s an a lea�eh�ld, Bvrro�ver shall campl�r��th a11 the provisians of the lease. If <br /> Bvrrvwer acquires fee#it�e to�he Praperty, the Ieaseha�d and the fee title sha1��at merge un�ess Lender agrees to�he <br /> merger in�riting. <br /> 1Q. Assignment vf Miscellaneous Pr��e�c�s; Forfeiture. All Misce�lanevus Proceeds are hereby assigned tv <br /> and sha���e paid�v Lender. <br /> �f the Prapert3r is damaged,su�h Misce�lanenus Proceeds shall be applied to restvration or r�pa�r of the Froper�, <br /> �f the restoration vr repair is ecfl�namicall� feas��Ie and Lender's secur�t�r is not �essened. During such repair and <br /> restorafion period, Lender sha�i have the right �o hold such M�scellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an <br /> � inspect�uch Proper�y tv ensure �he vvvrk has�een camp�eted to Lender's satisfaction, prav�ded that <br /> such in�pectinn shall�e undertaken pr�mptly. Lender ma�pa�r fnr the repairs and restoratior�in a single disbursement <br /> or in a series af progress pa�ments as the�nrork is c�mple��d. Un�ess an agreement is made in�riting or App�icab�e <br /> Lavsr requires interest t❑�e paid❑n such Misce�lane�us Prviceeds, Lender shal�na#be requ�red to pay Borrov�er any <br /> �nterest or earnings on such Misce�laneous Proceeds. If the restvratio� ❑r repair �s no� econamica�ly feasi��e ❑r <br /> Lender's security�rau�d be lessene�,the Misce�laneous Proceeds sha1l be app�ied�o the sums secured b��his Securi� <br /> Instrumenf, �vhether or no�then due, v�rith the excess, if an�, paid�� Borrvv�rer. 5uch Miscel�aneous Froceeds shal� <br /> be applied in�he order pro�ided for in Section 2. <br /> NESRASKA FHA❑EED�F TRUST-MERS DoC1�lr�gi� a � <br /> N E D�T2�.FHA 091'141'15 Page 7 of'13 www.dvcmagic,com <br /> Vedatx�.fl�a.xmi <br />