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2� 1 ��38�� <br /> �❑ do, an�thing affecting the Property �a} that �s in vialation af an�r En�iranmen�a� La�, �b} �nrhich creates an <br /> En�ironmental Conditian, ar �c} �hxch, due to #he presence, use, or re�ease of a Hazardaus Subs�ance, cr�ates a <br /> �ondition tha�ad�ersel�affects the va�ue vf the Property.The preceding t�o sentences sha�l nat app�y ta�he presence, <br /> use, or storage vn �he Prapert� ❑f sma�l quan�i�ies of Hazardous 5u�stances tha� are generally recagnized �o be <br /> appropriate to narmal residentzal.uses arid to maaintenance vf the Property �incXud�ng, bu#no��irni�ed to, hazardaus <br /> su�stanc�s in consumer prvducts). <br /> Bvrro�rer sha�l promp��y give Lender�vritten na�ice❑f�a} an�r invest�ga�ion, claim, demand, la�su�t ar other <br /> action b�any g�vernmental or regula�vey agen�y or priva�e par�r invnl�ing the Proper�and an�r Hazardous Substance <br /> �r Enviranmental La�vf�rhich Barrov�rer has actual kno��edge, �b} any Environmenta�Conditinn, �nc�uding�ut not <br /> lim�ted tv, an� spi�ling, leakir�g, discharge, release ❑r threa� af release of any Hazardous Substance, and ��} any <br /> cvndi�ion caused b�the presence, use or re�ease of a Hazardaus Su�s�ance�rh�ch ad�rersely affects �he�alue af�he <br /> Property. �f Barrav�er�earns, ar is nvtif�ed�y an�r ga�ernmental or regu�a�ory autharxty, or any priva#�part�, that <br /> an�remvva�vr other remedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance affecting �he Property is necessar�, Borro�rer shal� <br /> promptl�take all necessar�remedial actions�n accardance vvith Envirvnmental Lavv. Nothing herein sha�l crea�e any <br /> obligat�an on Lender fvr an Environmentai��eanup. <br /> NC3N-UNIF4RM ��VENANTS. Borro�ver and Lerider further co�enant and agree as fo�lov�rs: <br /> 2�. Acceleratian; Rernedies. Lender shall gi�e no�ic� to Borrawer pr�or to accelerat�on fallaw�rig <br /> Borrower's breach af any cv�eriant ar agre�men#�n this Security Instrument�b�.t not prior to acce�erat�on u�der <br /> Sect�on 18 uriless Applicable Law prvvides athe��v�se}. The notYce sha��specify: �a) the default; �h} the actian <br /> required tv cure the default; (c} a date, not�ess�ha�3�days from the da�e fhe nat��e�s gi�en to Borrvwer,by <br /> which the default must�e cured; and �d� that failure to cure the defau�t vn�r befare the date specified in the <br /> natice rna�result in acce�eration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument arid sale vf the Proper�y.The <br /> noti�e shau��further�nfarm Sorrower vf the righ�to reinstate after ac�elerativn a�td�he right ta bring a caurt <br /> act�on to assert the rivn-exYstence vf a default o�ariy a�her defense af�nrrvw�r tv acceleration and sale. If the <br /> defau�t is not cu�red on or�efare fhe date specxfed�n the notice, Lend�r at�ts aption may requ�re imrnedxate <br /> payment i�. full of all surns secured�y t�s Sec�.rity Instrument�vi�hvut fu�ther dernand and may invvke trie <br /> pvwer �f sa�e and any �fher rem�dies perm�tted by App�icable Law. Lerider shall be �ntitled ta collect a1� <br /> experises incurred�n.pursuing the remedies pro�ided�n this Sect�on 2�,including,but nv��imifed to,reas�nab�e <br /> attvrneys' fees and casts of t�t�e e�ridence. <br /> If the pow�r af sale is xrivoked, Trustee shal�recvrd a natice af defau�t�n each cvurit��n�rhich an�part <br /> of the Proper�y is lvcat�d and shall mail copies of such nat�ce�n the manner prescr�bed by Applica�le Law tv <br /> Borrovver and ta�he ofher persons prescr��ed b�Applica�le Law. After the time required�y Applicable Law, <br /> Trustee shall gi�e public na�ice af sale to the persar�s a�d in�he manner prescribed b�Applicab�e Law.Trustee, <br /> wi�haut demarid�n Borrower, sha�1 sell the Property a# public auction ta the highest bidder at�he time arid <br /> place and under the terms designater� �n the noti�� of sale in nne var mare parcels and in an� arder Trustee <br /> determines.Trustee ma�pvstpone sale of all or any parce�nf the Praperty�ay pu���c ann�uncemen�at#he fYme <br /> and p�ace of any pre�iou�ly schedu�ed sa�e. Lender ar its des�gnee ma�purchase �he Propert�at ariy sa�e. <br /> Upan rece�pt af pa�ment of the price bid, Trustee sha11 deli�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed con�e�ing <br /> the Prvpert�r.The recita�s in the Trustee's deed sha11 be prima fac�e e�den�e af the tru�h af the statements ma�� <br /> therein. Tr�stee shall app�y the praceeds vf#he sale in the fv��vwing ❑rder: �a} to a11 c�sts and expens�s af <br /> exercisirig trie power of sale, and the sale, iric�uding the payment af th�Tr�stee's fees a�tuall� incurred arid <br /> reasvnab�e attorneys' fees as permitted by Applicable La�v; ���ta a�l s�ms secured by this Security Iristrumerit; <br /> and �c} any ex�ess to the persnn or persans Iegally enti#led tv it. <br /> 23. Recon�eyan�e.Upon payment of a��sums secured b�this Security Ins�rumen�, Lender sha�1 request Trustee <br /> �o recnn�e�r the Propert�and sha�1 surrender this 5ecurit�Instrument and a�l nvtes e�idencing deht secured by this <br /> Security�ns�rument to Trus�ee.Trustee�hal1 recon�r�y the Proper�r�r��hout v�arran�y to�he persan vr persans legall� <br /> entit�ed to it. Such person or persons sha1�pay any recvrdation costs. Lender may charge such person vr persons a <br /> NEBRASKA FHA DEED❑F TRUST- MERS <br /> NE1]�T2z.FHA 091'I 41�5 Pa e '�� of�3 D���agiC a <br /> 9 www.docmagi�.corn <br /> ���af��.t�a.�� <br />