2� 1 ��38��
<br /> If Lender exercises th�s op�iari, Lender sha�l g�ve Borro�er not�ce of acce�eratinn. The notice sha�� provide a
<br /> period af nat�ess�han 3D da�s fr�m the date the notice is g�ven�n ac�vrdance with Section 14�v�thin which Borrov�er
<br /> must pa�r a��sums secured b�#his Secur�ty�ns�rumen#. If Borrov�rer fails ta pa�r these sums prinr�a the exp�ration of
<br /> �his p�riod, Lender may invake an�remedies perm�tted b�r this 5ecur���Instrument v�ithout further nv�ice ar demand
<br /> on B�rrvv�rer.
<br /> 18. Barrawer's Right to ReYnstate After Accelera�ivn. �f Bvrr�v�er meets certa�n condi�ions, Barra�er shal�
<br /> ha�e the righ# to rezns#aternen�vf a mvrtgage. Those conditions are �hat Borrvv�rer: �a) pays Lender a�l sums�hich
<br /> then v��u�d be due under this Secur�ty Ins�rumen�and the Note as if n�acce�erafian had occurred; �b}cures an�defau�t
<br /> af any ather covenants or agreements; �c}pa�s a11 expenses incurr�d�n enforcing�h�s Se�urity Ins�rument, xnc�ud�ng,
<br /> �ut nat limited to, reasana��e attvrneys' fee�, propert��n�pe�ti�n and valuation fees, and�ther fees incurred for the
<br /> purpose�f pro�ec�ing Lender`s in�erest in the Prvperty and rxghts under this Se�urity�n��rument; and �d} takes such
<br /> action as Lender may reasonabl�r require to assure tha�Lender's in#eres�in the Proper�and ri�hts under this Secur�t�r
<br /> Instrument,and Barrv�er's v�liga�ion tv pay the sums secured by this S�curity�nstrurnent,s�al1 continue unchariged.
<br /> Ho�v�re�er, Lender is not required to re�nsfafe if: ��} Lender has accep�ed reinstatement after the commencement of
<br /> fareclosure proceedings v�ri�hin t�ro years immedia�el� preceding the commencement af a curr�nt fvrec�asure
<br /> proceedings; �ii� re�nstatement�v��1 preclude fare�lvsure�n different grvunds in�he fufure, or�i��} reinstatement�nril�
<br /> adversel�r affect�he priar�ty❑f the lien created by�h�s Securify Instrum.ent. Le�.der may require tha� Borrov�rer pa�
<br /> �uch reinstatement sum.s and expenses in one ar mvre of the fo�lawing farms, as selec�ed by Lender; �a� cash; �h}
<br /> mvne�vrder; �c) �er�if�ed check,bank check, treasurer's check nr cashi�r's che�k,prvvxded any such check is drav�n
<br /> upon an institution�hose deposits are insured by a fe�erai agen��, ins�rumentalit�or en#it�r; or td} Electronic Funds
<br /> Transfer.L�pon reinstatement�y Borrovsrer,th�5 Securi���ns#rumen#and o��igations secured hereb�sha1l rema�n fu�l�
<br /> effective as if no acce�era�ivn had❑ccurred. Ha�nre�er, th�s r�ght t❑reinstate sha11 not apply in�he case of acceleraf�on
<br /> under Sectia� 17.
<br /> 19. Sa�e vf Nate; Change nf Loa�Ser�cer;Not�ce of�r��Wari�e.The Na�e❑r a partia��n�erest in the Nate
<br /> �together vvith this Security�ns�rument} can�e sold vne or more times�ifhout prior n��ice#o Borro�nrer.A sa�e might
<br /> result in a change�n �he ent�ty �kna�n as the "Lvan Ser�ricer"� tha# ca��e�ts Per�odic Pa�ments due under the N�te
<br /> a�d �h�s Security�nstrumenf a�.d performs o�her martgage �aan servicing o��igations under the No�e, fhis Securify
<br /> Ins�rument, and Applicable Lav�r. There alsa m�ght be ane or more changes af the Laan Servicer unrelated�a a sa�e
<br /> af the Not�. If there is a change of the L�ari Servicer, Barro�ver�ill�e gi�en�nrri�ten notice nf�he change�hich�r���
<br /> sta�� #he name and address of the n��nr Laan Servicer, fhe address to which pa�ments should�he made and an�other
<br /> information RESPA requ�res in c�nnect�an �v�rith a no�ice vf transfer of ser�ic�ng. If the Note �s svid and thereafter
<br /> the Loan�s se�viced by a Loan Ser��cer other than�he purchas�r of�he Na�e, �he morfgage�van ser�icing v�Iigations
<br /> to Borro�nrer vvill remain�rvith the Laan Servicer or be transferred to a successar Loan Servxcer and are not assumed
<br /> b�r�he Note purchaser unless other�v�se pr�vided by the Note purchaser.
<br /> �U. Bnrrovver Nvt Third-Party Benef�ciary ta�onfract af Insurance.Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender
<br /> �or any entit�r�hat pur�hases#he N��e} for certain lvs�es it may in�ur if Borrvv��r does not repa�r the Loan as agre�d.
<br /> Bvrrav�rer ackno��edges and agrees tha� �he Borro�ver is nv� a third party beneficiar� to �he cantract �f insurance
<br /> be�een �he Secretary and Lender, nor is Borro�er ent�tled to enfarce an�r agreement bet�veen Lender and the
<br /> Secretary, unless explic�tl�r auth�r�zed to do so b�Appl�ca�Ie La�r.
<br /> 21. Hazardv�s Substances.As used�n this Sec�ion 21: �a} '"Hazardous 5u�bsfances"are th�se suhsfances def�n�d
<br /> as taxic nr hazardaus su�s�anCes,pol�utants, ar�rasfes by Envxronmental Lav�and the fo�lo�v�ng substances:gasaline,
<br /> kerosene, ather flammalble or toxic petroleum prod���s, faxiC peS��CX�.eS aild her�iCi�eS, v�lat�le solvents, mater�a�s
<br /> containing as�estvs vr farmaldehyde,and radivactive materials; �b} "En�rironmenta�Lav�r"means federal 1a�s and�a�rs
<br /> of the jurisdictian where the Property is locate�. t�a� relate to heal�h, safe� ❑r enviranmen�al prote�tivn; �c}
<br /> "En�ironmenta� Gleanup" includes an� resp�n�e ac�ian, remed�a� ac�ion, or remova� act�on, as def�ned �n
<br /> En�ironmental Lav�; and �d} an "Env�ranmental �ond�tion" means a cvridition tha� can cause, con�ribu�e �v, vr
<br /> otherv�rise �rigger,an Environmenta� Cleanup.
<br /> Borro�v�r shall no�cau�e or permit th�presence,use, disposa�, s�orage, o�release of any Hazardous Su�hstances,
<br /> or�hreaten#o release any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Prvpert�r. Bnrrov�rer shal�not do, nor a�lo�anyone else
<br /> NED�TZ2,FHA �91'I 41�� Page 'I D o�'�3 �ravww.docmagr"c.cam
<br /> Vednfz�.ffia.xm�
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