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� ` 2� 1 ��3831 <br /> . <br /> , <br /> , o <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> promissory n�te is rep�aced, the Lender hereby indemnifies me against any i�ss associa�ed with a <br /> demand on the original note.A11 documents the Lender requests of rne under this Sectian 4.�. shal� <br /> be referred to as"Documents." I agree to deliWer the Documents within ten�10}days after I receive <br /> ' the Lender's written request far such replacement. <br /> �. That the mortgage insurance premiums on my Loan, if applicab�e, may increase as a resuifi of the <br /> capitalizatian which will resuit in a higher t�tal monthiy payment.Furthermore,the date on which I <br /> may request cancellation of mortgage insurance may change as a result of the New Principal <br /> Ba�anee. <br /> F. ��RRECTI�N AGREEMENT: The undersigned B�rrower�s}, for and �n c�nsideration of the <br /> approWal, closing and fi�nding of this Modificativn, hereby grants, We��s Far�o Home Mortgage, <br /> as lender, limited power of attorney to correct andlar initiat a�l typographical or clerical errors <br /> discovered in tihe Modification Agreement required to be signed. In the e�ent this limited power of <br /> attorney is exercised,the undersigned wi�l b� notif�ed and recei��a copy of the document execut�d <br /> or initia�ed on their behalf. This pro�rision may not be used to modify the interest rate, mvdify the <br /> term, madify the outstanding principal ba�ance or modify the undersigned's m�nthiy principai and <br /> iiiterest payments a.s modified by this Agreement.Any of these specified changes must be executed <br /> direct�y by the undersigned. This �imited power vf attarney shall automatical]y t�rminate in �20 <br /> days from the clnsing date of the undersigned's Modifcation. <br /> Q. If the mortgage is a bivv�ekly mortgage with payments due e�ery two weeks, thraugh the attached <br /> modification agreem�nt,the Loan witl con�ert t�a M�NTHLY payment schedule.Ta accommadate <br /> month�y payments, in�erest will be charged based on a 12 month year and a 3� da}r month.As part <br /> r of the can�ersion from biweekly to monthly payments,any automa#ic withdrawal af payments�auto <br /> drafting} in effect �vith Lend�r for the Loan is cancel��d. �ompl�te �he enclvsed Automatic Loan <br /> Paymen�Authorization fvrm to establish automatic payment draft�ng. <br /> R. If my Loan Documents go�ern a horne equity loan or line af credit, then Y agree that as of th� <br /> Modification Effecti�e Date,I am terminating my r�ght to borrow new funds under my home equity <br /> loan ar��ne of credit.This means that I cannot obtain additional advances and must mak�paym�nts <br /> accord ing to thi s Agreement. �Lender may haWe pre�ious�y termi nated or suspended my right to <br /> obtain additional ad�ances under my home eyuity loa.n or line of�redit and if so, I cnnfirm and <br /> acknowledge that no additional adWances may be abtained.} <br /> , <br /> S. By signing �his Agreement the Borrower hereby �onsents to being contac�ed cancerning theic loan <br /> at a�ly ce�lular or mabile telephone number they may ha�e. This inciudes text messages and <br /> telephone calls includrng the use of autornated dialing systems tfl cantact any celiular or mobile <br /> teleph4ne. The Borrower may be billed by the cellular or mvbile carrier for any text messages that <br /> Lender may send. Any cal�s Lender places to the Borrower's cellular ar mobile phane may incur <br /> norma�airtime charges assessed by the mobile carrier. <br /> All Borrowers are required to sign and date this Agreement in b�ue or black ink only as yaur name <br /> appears below.�f signed using any other calor or method,the dflcument wi�l nat be accepted an�another <br /> copy of the Agreement wrll be sent to you to be signed. <br /> , <br /> By signing be�ow,a�l Borrawers certify they have read th�s Agreement in its ent�rety,that all Borrowers <br /> know and understand the meaning aad intent af this Agreement and that a�l Borrowers enter int� th�5 <br /> Agreemeat knowingly and�oluntari�y. By s�gning below,ai�Bnrrowers agree�o atl terms and conditioas <br /> described on e�ery page af this Agreemen� <br /> Wells�argo Cusram Hame Affnrdable Madi6c�tion Agreement-llina-G5E 1�042U I�_329 74g j������� <br /> Page 7 <br />