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<br /> H. That, as af t��e Modifi�ation Ef�ectiWe Date, notwithstanding any other provision of the Loan
<br /> Docurnents, Y agree as follows: If all �r any part of the Proper�ty or �ny interest in it is sold �r
<br /> transferred without Lender's prior vr�ritten consent, Lender may, at its option, require immediate
<br /> payment in ful�of a�l sums s�cured by th�Mortgage.How��er,Lender shall no�exercise this option
<br /> if federal law prahibits the exercise of such option as of the date af such sale or transfer. If Lender
<br /> exercises this option, Lender shall giWe me notice of ac�eteration. Th�notice shall pro�rde a period
<br /> af not less than 3� days from the date�he notice is deliWered or mailed within which I musf pay alI
<br /> sums secured by the Mortgage. �f I fai� ta pay these sums prior ta the expirarion of this per�od,
<br /> Lender may inWoke any remedies permitted by the Mortgage without fur�her n�tice or demand on
<br /> me.
<br /> I. That,as of the Modificatian Effecti�e Date,I understand that the Lender wil�anly allow the transfer
<br /> and assumption of the Loan, including this Agreement, to a transferee af my property as permitted
<br /> under the Garn St. C�erma�n Act, 1� U.S.�. 5ection I74�j-3. A buyer ar transferee of the Property
<br /> wi11 nat be permitted, under any other circumstance, to assume the Laan. Except as noted her�in,
<br /> this Agreement may nat be assigned�o,or assumed by,a buyer or transfer�e of the Praperty.
<br /> J. That, as of the Modificatian Effecti�e Date, if any pro�ision in th� N�t� or in any addendum ar
<br /> amendment to the I�ote allowed for the assessmenf of a penalty for ful��r partial prepayment of the
<br /> Note,such provision is null and void.
<br /> K. That, I will caop�rate fully with Lender in obtaining any title endatsement�s}, or sfmilar title
<br /> i��surance productts}, andlor subordination agreement(s} that are necessary or required by the
<br /> Lender's procedures to ensure that the modified mortgage loan is in f rst lien pasi�ion andlor is fu�1y
<br /> enforceable upon modification and �hat if, under any circums�ance and not withs�anding any�hing
<br /> else to the cantrary in this Agreement, the Lender does not recei�e such title endorsement�s}, tit�e
<br /> insurance product�s} andlor subordinat�on agreement�s}, then the terms of this Agreement will not
<br /> become effecti�e an�j�e Mod if cation Effecti��Date and the Agreement wi11 be null and�oid.
<br /> L, That I will execute such other documents as may be reasonably necessary to�ither�i}consummate
<br /> the terms and canditions of this Agreement;or�ii}correct the terms and conditions of this P�an if an
<br /> ' errar is detected after execution af this Agreement. I unders�and that a corre�ted Agreement w�il be
<br /> pro�ided tn me and this Agreement wiil be�oid and of nn legal effect upon notice of such error.If I
<br /> elect not to sign any such cvrrected Agreement, the terms of the originai Loan Documents shatl
<br /> continue in full force and effect, such terms will not be modif ed by tihis Agreement, and Z wili nvt
<br /> b�el�grb�e fo�a modification under the Home Affordable M�dification program.
<br /> M. That Lender v�vill callect and record personal information, including, but n�� limited to, my name,
<br /> address, telephone number, social security number, credit SCore, income, payment �'11SfQI'�,
<br /> ga�ernment monitoring information, and information about account balances and acti�ity. In
<br /> addition, �understand and consent to the disclosure of my personai infarmation and the terms of the
<br /> � Trial Period Plan and this Mvdif ca�ion Agreement by Lender �o �a} the U.S. Department af the
<br /> Treasury,{b}Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in�onnection with the�r responsibilities under the Home
<br /> Affardability and Stability Plan; �c} any in�estar, insurer, guarantar or servicer�hat owns, insur�s,
<br /> guarantees ❑r services my first �ien ar subardinate lien �if applicable} mor�gage laan�s}; �d�
<br /> cvmpanies that perform support services far the Home Affordable Modificatior�Program and the
<br /> Secand Lien Mod ification Program;an��e}any H[JD certified housing counselor.
<br /> N. I agree, that if any document related tio �he Loan Dacuments andlor this Agreemen� is �ost,
<br /> misplaced, misstated, inaccurately reflects tl�e true and corre�t terms and conditians of the loan as
<br /> modified,ar is vtherwtse missing,I r�rill comply with the Lender's request to execute,acknowledge,
<br /> , initia� and deliWer to the Lender any dacumentation the Lender deems n�cessa.ry. If the original
<br /> ' V4'ells Far�;o Custon3 Harrte AfFnrdable Modificativn Agre�men�-Non-GSE 1Qa42Ul S_329 7�$�m����Q�
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