2� 1 ��3829
<br /> L�AN#: 1��52798'I 1
<br /> tv Lender, but only sn lang as B�rrower is per�ormin�such agreem�n�; �b}cvnt�sts the lien in good fai�h
<br /> by, or defends aga�ns�enfar�emen�vf the lien in, legal proceed�ngs which �n Lender's opinion operat��v
<br /> pre�ent the enforcement of the lien�hile those proceedings are pen�ing, bu�vnly un�if such prac�edings
<br /> ar�concluded; or�c}secure�fr�m the holder��the lien an agreement sa�isfactvey to Lender subordina�-
<br /> ing�he I�en to this Secur�t�Instrument. If Lender det�rmines tha�any part o�the Praperty is subj�ct�o a
<br /> lien which can attain priori�y aver�his Security lnsfrument, L�nder may give Borrower a notice identifying
<br /> the lien. V�ithin 'l 0 days�f the date Qn�hich�hat no�ice i�given, 6arrQw�r shal! satisfy the lien vr tak�
<br /> one or m�re of the actions set farth �b�ve in this Section 4.
<br /> 5. Prvper�y Insurance. Borrav��r shall keep the impro�emen�� naw existing or hereafter erec�ed
<br /> an the�raperty jnsured ag�inst Ioss by fire, ha�ards incfuded vtiri�hin the term"extended coverage,"and
<br /> any ath�r hazards including, but no�EEmit�d to, earthquakes and flavds, forwhi�h Lender requires insur-
<br /> ance.This insurance shall be main�ained in the amvun�s�including d�duct�ble levels}and for the periods
<br /> #ha�L�nder requires.What Lender r�quires�ursuan�t�the prec�din�sen�ences can change during�he
<br /> �erm of�he Loan.Th�insurance carr�er pravidin��he rnsurance shall be chosen by Barr��ruer subject ta
<br /> Lender's right to disapprove Borrowe�'s choice; which r�ght shall not be exercised unreasonably. Lender
<br /> may r�quire B�rr�vuer ta pay, in cvnnection with �his L�an, either: (a} a vne-time charge for ffood z�ne
<br /> det�rmina#i�n, �ertificatian an�tracking s�nri�es; a��b}a one-time charge for fl��d zone det�rm�na��on
<br /> and certifiicat�on services and subsequen�ch�rges each time remappings�r simiEar changes occur which
<br /> reas�nably might a�F�ct su�h determina�ion or certi�icati�n. Barrowe� shall also be responsible far the
<br /> payment vf any fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Nianag�ment Agen�y �n c�nnection w�fih the
<br /> review of any fiood�one determinati�n resu[ting �rom�n objectian by Borra�rver.
<br /> If Barr�wer fiaiis to maintain an� af the cove�rages des�rib�d aba�e, Lender may obtain insuran�e
<br /> co�erage, at Lender's optivn and B�rrawer's expense. Lender is under na obliga�ion �o pu�chase any
<br /> particular typ�ar amounfi of co�erage.Therefore, su�h coverage sha[I cvver Lender, but might�r might
<br /> no�prvtec�B�rrower, Borrower's equi�y in the Prop�rty, arthe cont�nts o�the Prvperty, against any risk,
<br /> ha,zard ❑�I�abili�r and might pravi�e greater�r lesser coverage than�rras previou��y in ef�ect. Borrower
<br /> acknavirledges tha�fihe cos� vf the insurance ca�era�e so obtaine� migh�s�gnificantly exceed the cost
<br /> of�nsurance tha�Barrowercould h�ve obtaEn�d.Any amounts disbur�ed by Lender under�hi�Sect�an 5
<br /> �hall�ecome additiana�debt af Borrvwer secured by�h�s Security instrument.These amoun�s shall bear
<br /> inte�est at the Note rafe from fih� date of disbursement�nd shall be payable, �rvith �uch interest, upan
<br /> no���e frvm Lender to Borrower re�uesting payment.
<br /> All insurance pofi�ies requir�d by Lender and renewa�s af such policies shall be subject to Lender's
<br /> right to disappro�re such palicies, shall include a standard mort�age clause, and shall name Lender as
<br /> mortgag�e andlar as an addifiional I�ss pay�e.L�nder sh�ll hav��he right to ho�d th�polic�es and renewaf
<br /> certificates. If L�nder requires, Borrower sha�f pramp�Cy gi�e ta Lender all re�eip�s of paid prerniums and
<br /> renev�al nofii�es. If Borro�nrer abtains any form af insurance co�erage, nafi otherwise required b}r Lend�r,
<br /> f�r damage ta, or destructinn a�F,the Property, su�h pvlicy sh�il in�lu��a standard mortgage claus�and
<br /> shall name Len�e�as mvrkgagee andl�r as an addi�ianal Ivss pay��.
<br /> In the e��nt of loss, Barrawer sha�� giv� pr�mpt notice fa�he in�urance carrier and Lender. Lender
<br /> may make pr�of a�loss if na#made prvmptly by Barr�wer. Llnfess Len�er an�Borr�ower ofiherwise agree
<br /> in �rvri�ing, any insurance pro�eeds, wheth�r�r not the und�rlyin� �nsurance was requ�red by Lender,
<br /> shal�b�applied to rest�rati�n ar repair�f th�Prop�rty, if the restarafiian or repair is e�onomica�ly feasible
<br /> and Lender�s security is nat fessened. During such repair and res�orat�on periad, Lender shall hav�the
<br /> ri�ht to hold �u�h insurance prve�eds until Lender has had an appartuni�y to inspect such Praperty fo
<br /> ensure �h� wark has been �ompl�ted to Lend�r's satisfactian, provided that such inspecfiion shafl be
<br /> undertaken prvmptly. Lend�r may disburse prviceeds for the r�pairs and restorativn in a single payment
<br /> or in a seri�s�f progr�ss paym�nts as the wark is c�rnple��d. Unl�ss an a�reemen�is made in writing vr
<br /> Applicabl� Law requires int�res����ae paid on such insurance pr�ceeds, Lend�r sha�l not lae required to
<br /> pay Borrower any�nterest ar earnings on such pracee�s. Fees for publ�c adjusters, ❑r oth�r third parties,
<br /> r��ain�d by Borrawer shall no�b� paid out o#the in�urance pra�eeds and �hall be�he sole obEigation of
<br /> Barrow�r. If the restoration or�epair is nat econamica�ly feasib{e or Lender's securi�y would be less�ned,
<br /> the insuranc�praceeds shall be applie��o the sums secured by th�s Security�ns#rument,�nrhether or not
<br /> then due,�rvrth�he ex�ess, if any, paid to B�rrower,Su�h insuranc�proceeds shali be ap�lied in the order
<br /> prar�ided far in Sectian�.
<br /> If Barrow�r abandons�he Prvperty, Len�er may fife, negotiate and se�tle any avaifabl�insurance claim
<br /> and related matters.If Borrower does n�t resp�nd within 3�days�o a notice from Lender�hat the in�uran�e
<br /> car�ier has offered to seitle a clairn, �hen Lender may nego�iate and settle�he c[aim. Th�3��-day period
<br /> wil� begin vUhen the notice i�given. In either�vent, or i�Lender acquires the Praperty under S�ction 24
<br /> or ofiherwis�, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender�a} Bvrrower's righfis to any insurance praceeds�n an
<br /> amaunt no�t��xceed�he amaunts unpaid under the Note ar th�s 5ecuriiy Instrument, and �b}any ather
<br /> vf Borrower's rights �oth�r than fihe right�o�ny refund vfi un�arned prem�ums paid by Barrower} under
<br /> all insurance po[icies covering the Pr�per�y, insofar as such rights are appli�b�e to the cv�erage of the
<br /> Praperty.L�nder may us�the insurance proceeds eE�he�tv repair or restore the Property�r�o pay amaun�s
<br /> unpaid under the Note or�his Securi#y �ns�rument;whether ar n�t then due.
<br /> 6. Dccupancy. Bo�rawer shall vc�upy, establish, and use �he Property as Borro�rer's principa�
<br /> ��sidenc�within 6D days after the execu�ivn of this Securifiy Instrument and shall con�Enu� �o accupy
<br /> ,
<br /> NEBRASKA—Single Fami�y—Fannie�IaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM[NSTRLJAAENT Fvrm 3��8'�IO �
<br /> Modified far FHA 912�94(HUQ Handboak 4Q�0.�} �n It1aE5:
<br /> Ellie Mae,Inc. pag���fi�� NEEFHA'lSDE Q9�5
<br /> os�osrza�s�9:1 B AM FST
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