2� 1 ��3829
<br /> L�AN#: 1��5279$'I'I
<br /> Borrow�r might hav� now or in the fu�ure agatnst Lend�r shall relieve Bvrrawer from making payments
<br /> due under the Note and this Security Instrument�r performing th�covenanfs and ag�eements secured
<br /> by�his Securi�y I�strument,
<br /> �. Applicativn of Payment� vr Praceeds. Exc�pt a� ofherwise described in �his Section 2, al�
<br /> paymen�s accepted and applied by Lende�sha�l be applied in the fvllo�in� order of prior�ty:
<br /> First, to the IUlort�age ln�urance pr�miums to be paEd by Lender#a the Secre�ary ar the m�nthly
<br /> charge by the Secr��ary instead of the rnanthly mortgag�insurance premiums;
<br /> Secand,ta any taxe�,spe�ial assessments, leasehold paymen�s ar grvund rents,and f�re,flood and
<br /> o�her ha�ard insurance premiums, as required;
<br /> Third, to�nfere�t due under#he Na�e;
<br /> Faurth, �o amortization af the principal �f the Nate; and,
<br /> Fif�h,tv late cha�ges due under fhe Note.
<br /> An}�applica�ion of payments,Ensurance pr�ceeds,or Miscellaneaus Pr�ce�ds to principa!due under
<br /> the No�e shall nv�extend or pvstpone the due date, or change th�amoun�, of the Periodic Paymen�s.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow ltems, Bor�ower shall pay to Lender on the day PerEodi�Paymen�s are due
<br /> under the Note, un�i�the No�e�s paid in full, a sum ��he"Funds"}to provide for paym�n�af am�unts due
<br /> for: �a}taxes and assessments and ather items which�an attain pri�rity ave�this 5ecurity�nstrument as
<br /> a I;�n or�n�umbrance on the F�raperty; ��} leasehold payments or�round renfis on the Pr�perty, i�any;
<br /> (c} pr�miums for any and all insurance required �y Lender und�r S�ction 5; and �d} IlJlort�age Insurance
<br /> premiums t� be paid by Lender to�he S�cre�ary ❑r�he rnon�hly charg� by the S�crefiary insi�ead af th�
<br /> manth�y M�rtgage Insurance premiums. Th�se items ar� called "Escrow lfems."At origination or at any
<br /> time during the term of�h�Laan, Lender may requ�re that�ommunity Associatian Dues,F�es,and Asses�-
<br /> men�s, if any, be escrowed by Borrow��,and such dues,fees and assessments shal�be an Escrow It�m.
<br /> BorrQvtirer shall promp�ly furnish to Lender all nofices of amounts�a be�aid under this Sectivn. BorrovUer
<br /> shall pay Lender th�Funds fv�Escrow Items un[ess Lender waives Borrower's ob[iga�ian���ay the Funds
<br /> far any Qr all Escrow I�em�. Lender may waive Barro�ver's obligation�a pay to Lend�r Funds far any or all
<br /> Escrow items at any time.Any such waiuer may anly be in v►rriting. ln the�vent of such waiWer, �orrower
<br /> shall pay directly,�vhen and wher�payable,�he amounts due far any Escrow ltems for which payment of
<br /> Funds has been waived by L�nder and, if Lender requires,shail furnish to Lender r�ceipts e��dencing such
<br /> payrnent within such �ime perr�d as Lender may requ�re. B�rrower's vbliga�ion to make such payments
<br /> and ta praWide r�ceipts shal!far al�purposes be deemed to be a cavenant and agreement Gon�ained in this
<br /> Seeurity Instrument,as�he pl�rase"covenant and agreemen�"i�used in Sec�ion 9.lf B�rrower is obligated
<br /> t�pay Escrow ltem�directly, pursuan�fio a waiver,and Borrower fails ta pay th�amaunt due fo�-an Escrow
<br /> ltem, Lender may e�cercise its rights under Section 9 and p�� such amount an� Borra►nrer shal[ fihen be
<br /> obliga�ed und�r Section 9 tv r�pay to Lender any such amount.Lender may r�vvke�he waiver as to any or
<br /> �1� Escraw l�ems at any fiime by a notice gi�en in acc�rdance wi#h Sect�on 14 and, upan suCh r��ocativn,
<br /> Barrower sha�l pay to Lender all Funds, and in such am�unts,that a���hen r�quired under�his S�ection 3.
<br /> Lender may, a�an�r fiime, collec�and hold Funds in an amaun��a�suffi�ient ta permit Lender�o apply
<br /> the Funds at the t�me speci�i�d under RESPA, and �b} n�t�o�xce�d�he maximum amount�lender can
<br /> �equire under RESPA. Lender shall estimate th�amaunt of Funds due Qn�he basis of current data and rea-
<br /> sanabl�estimates vf expenditur�s�f future Escrovlr lfiems vr atherwise in accflrdanc�with Applicab[e Law.
<br /> Th�Funds sha�l be held in an insti�u�ivn�vhose deposits ar�insured by a fed�ral agenc}r,instrum�ntal-
<br /> fty, ar entity�including Lender, �f Lender is an insti�u�ion whose dep�si�s are so insured��r in any Federa�
<br /> Hvme Laan Bank. Lender shall a�p�y the Funds to pay the Esc�av�r Items no lat�r than the time specified
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha[I nat�ha�ge Borro�nrer f�r hvlding and app�ying the Funds, annuafly analyzing
<br /> the escrvw accaunt, ❑r�erifying�he EsCrvvv Items, unless Lender pays Barrower inter�sf on the Funds
<br /> and Applicable Law permits Lender t❑ make such a charge. Unles�an agreement is made in wri�ing ❑r
<br /> Applicable Law requires in�er�st�o b� paid vn�he Funds, Lender sha�l not b�required to pay Borrower
<br /> any interest o�earnings on the Funds. Borrov�er and L�nder can agree in writing, howev�r, th�t in�eres�
<br /> sha�l b� paid an the Funds. L�n�er shall gi�e ta �arrower, without�harge, an annua� accnunting of�he
<br /> Funds as requir�d by RESPA.
<br /> If ther�is a surplus of Funds heid in�scrvWv, as defined under RESPA, Lender shal[account t� Bar-
<br /> rawer for�he excess funds�n accordance with RESPA. If�h�re is a shortag�of Funds held in escrov�r, as
<br /> defned under RESPA, Lender sha�� natify Borrow�r as requir�d by RESPA, and Borrower shal� pay�a
<br /> L�nderthe amaunt ne�essary to make up the shvrt��e in accardance�rvith RESRA, bu�in na more than
<br /> 1�manthly�aayment�. lfthere is a defici�ncy vf Funds held in escrow, as defned under RESPA, Lender
<br /> shall natify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay ta Lender the amount necessary'�o
<br /> make up the d�fictency in acc�rdance uvith RESPA, but in no more than '[� monthly paym�nts.
<br /> Upan payment in full ��al! sums seGured by�his Security Instrurnent, Lende�shall promptly refund
<br /> �o Borrvwer any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower sha�l pay all ta��s, assessments, charges, fines, and imposition�
<br /> a�t�ibutable to the Properfiy which can atta�n priorifiy av�r this Securi�y�nstrum�n�, leasehold payrnenfis or
<br /> ground rents on th�Prap�rty, �#any.and Community Assacia�ion Dues, Fees,and Assessmen�s, i�any.To
<br /> the ex�ent that these items are Escr�w I�ems; Bnrrowe�shall pay thern in the manner pr�v�ded in Sect�on 3.
<br /> Barrawer shall pramptly diseharge any lien vuhich has priarity �ver�his S�curity instrument un{ess
<br /> Borrawer:�a}agrees in wrifiir�g ta the payment of th�obligati�n secured by th�l�en in a manner acc�ptable
<br /> NEBRASKA—Single Family—Fannie MaelFreddie lVlac UNIF�RIIII INSTRUMENT Form 3a28'1IU �
<br /> Nladified far FHA 912��[4�HUD Handf�vok 400�.1} ln�tials.
<br /> Ellie Mae,I n�. Page 4 vf�1 N EEFHA'�5 DE 09'[5
<br /> �510812D15�9:16 AM PST
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