2� 1 ��379�
<br /> �aE�� oF -rRusT
<br /> ��onfinued} Page 3
<br /> �he maximum poIi�y l�mits set under the Na�ional Flood insurance Program, or as o�herwis�requir�d by Lender,and
<br /> to maintain�uch insuranc�for the�erm of the Ioan.
<br /> App[ication vf Proceeds. Trustor shaj� promp�ly notify Lender �� any lass ❑r damage �o the Property i-� the
<br /> es�imated cost❑f repair o�r rep[ac�men�exceeds $1{���.��, Lender may make proof❑�Iass i�F Trus�ar-�aiis�❑ d❑
<br /> sa wi�hin fif�een �'��} days o�F the casualty. Vllhether or no�Lender`s securi�y is impaired, Lender may, af Lender's
<br /> elec�ion, receirre and re�ain th� praceeds of any �nsurance and apply fhe proceeds to the reduction ❑f �h�
<br /> Indeb�edness, paymen� af any lien afFecting the Property� ❑r the res�oratian and repair ❑f�he Properry. lf Lender
<br /> eiects �o apply �he proc�eds �o res�oratian and repair, Trustor shall repair a�- replace �he damag�d or desfroyed
<br /> lmpra�emen�s in a ma�n�r sa�isfac�ory�v Lender, Lend�r shajI, upon sa�isfa�tory praof o�such expenditurer pay
<br /> ar reimburse Trus�ar from the proceeds �or�he reasonabI� cost ❑f repair or �es�ora�ion i�Trusfar is no� in de�auit
<br /> und�r this Deed af Trust. Any proceeds which ha�e not been disbursed wlthin 180 �ays after-their receip� and
<br /> whzch Lende�has no� commit�ed to�he repair ar restara�ian of�he Property shall b� used �First�❑ pay any amaun�
<br /> owing�❑ Lender-under this Deed of Trust,then�❑ pay a�c�-ued in�eres�, and the remainder� if any� shall be applied
<br /> to �he principal balance of �he Indeb�edness. �f Lender hvlds any praceeds after paymen� in full o� the
<br /> Indeb�edness,such pr�ceeds shail be paid�o Trustor as Trusfior's in�eres�s may appear,
<br /> Camptiance with Exisfiing Indebtedness. During the periad �n w�ich any E�is�ing Indebfiedness descri�ed be�ow is
<br /> in effec�, �ompliance wi�h �he insuran�e pra�isions cnn�ained in the ins�rumen� e�idencing such Exisfing
<br /> �ndeb�edness shall cons�i�u�� co�-c-�pliance wi�h �he insurance pro�isians under this Deed of Trust, ta �he exten�
<br /> compl'ran�e with �he �erms of�his Deed a�Trust wou�d cons-�i�ut� a duplica-�ion ❑�insuranc� requirement. Ifi any
<br /> proce�ds from �he insurance become payab�e on Iass� �he pro�isions in�his Deed af Trus�far division o�pr��eeds
<br />� sha�C appIy only f��ha�portion ❑f�he proceeds not payable�❑�he holder o�F the Existing lndeb-�edness.
<br /> LENDER'S EXPENDtTURES. l� Trus�or `Faljs {a} �v keep �he Prap�rty �Free of aII taxes, liens� securi�y in�erests�
<br /> encum�ran�es, and o�her claims, {B} to pro�ide any requi�ed insuranc� on �he Pr�perty, {�) to make repai�s to the
<br /> Properky or t� aomply wit� any obliga�ion to maintain Exis�ing Indeb�edness in gaad s�anding as required beIow, then
<br /> Lender may do so, jf any ac�ion or proceeding is commenced �hat wauld mat�ria�ly affect Lender�s �n�eres�s in the
<br /> Property, then Lende�r on Trustor's behalf may� bu� is nat t�equired to, fake any action that Lende� believes ta be
<br /> appropriate �o pr�v�ect Lender's in�eresfs. AEE expens�� in�urred or paid by Lend�r for- su�h pu�poses will �h�n bear
<br /> in�erest a� the rafie charged under �he Credit Agreement �ram the dat� incurred ❑r paid k�y Lend�r �o �he da�e of
<br /> repayment by Trus�or. AII su�h expenses will become a part of the lndeb��dness and, at Lender's option, wiII �A� he
<br /> payable on demand� �B� be added to th� balanc� of�he C�redi�Agreemen� and be appor���ned among and be payable
<br /> wi�h any ins�aIIment payments�a be�vme due during e��her �'i} the term of any applicable insurance policy; or t2� the
<br /> remaining term of�he C�-edit Agreemen�f ar {C} be treafied as a bajloon payment which wiil be due and payabie at the
<br /> Credit Ag�eement's maturity. The Deed ❑f Trus�also wiII secur� paym�n�of these amoun�s. The rights prov'rded for in
<br /> �his paragr�aph sha�� be in addition to any o�her rights o� any remedies to which Lender may be en�i��ed on account of
<br /> any de�Faul�. Any such action �y Lender shall not be �an��rued as curing �he default so as �o bar Lender- fram any
<br /> remedy�ha�if o�herwise wouId ha�e had.
<br /> VIlARRANTYr ❑EFENSE❑F T[TLE. The�oliowing pra�isions rela�ing�o owne�ship of�he P�operty are a par-r of�his l�eed
<br /> ❑�Trust;
<br /> TitIe. Trus�or warranfs �l�a�; �a� Trusto�- hvIds govd and ma�ketable titIe ❑f recard to the Property in fee simple,
<br /> ��ee and ciear of aII Iiens and encumb�ances ❑ther than thase set forth in the ReaI Praperry desc�-ip��on o�- zn the
<br /> Existing lndebtedness sec�ian below or in any fi�fe insurance policy�titE� repo�r or fina�ti�Ee apinion issued in fia�ar
<br /> o�F, and acc�p�ed by, Lender in conne�tian wi�h �his Deed ❑f Trust, and �b} Trustor has the fuII rightr power, and
<br /> au�hori�y�❑ execu�e and deli�er�his Deed o�Trust to Lender.
<br /> De-�ense of Title. Subjecfi to �he exaeption in the paragraph abav�� Trustor wa�rants and wiII forever de�end th�
<br /> �i�Ie fo �he Properry against�he IawfuI claims ❑f all persons. ln fhe e�en�any ac�ian ❑r- proceeding is commenced
<br /> �hat ques�ions Trus�ar's�i�Ie or the interest o�r Trusfiee or Lender under�h�s �eed ❑�Trust,Trus�or shalI de�end the
<br /> action a�T�us�or's e�tpense, Trustar may �e�he nominaI par�y in such praceedingr bu� Lender�haij be entitled�o
<br /> par�icipafe in �he praceeding and �n be rep�esen�ed in �he proceeding by counsel of Lender�s own C�1QiCB, and
<br /> Trus�or will deli��r, or-cause to be delivered, �o Lender such instrumen�s as Lender may request from t'rme�o time
<br /> t❑ permi�such partic�pa�ion.
<br /> �ompIiance With Laws. Trus�or warranfs �ha�the Praperty and Trus�orf s use af the Prope�y compIies with aII
<br /> exis�ing applicabje Iaws, ardinances, and r�gulations o�go�ernmen-�aI authori�ies.
<br /> Survivai ❑f Promises. A�I promises, a��eemen�s, and sta�ements Trus�or has made in this Deed of Trust sha�!
<br /> suivi�e�he execu-�ian and deli�ery of this Deed ❑f Trus�, shaII be cantinuing in na�ure and shaII remain in fiull �orce
<br /> and effe��unti!such time as Trus�o�'s �ndeb�edness is paid in full.
<br /> EX15T1NG 1NDEBTEDNESS. The following pr��'rsions concerning Existing lndeb�Cedness are a part vfi this Deed ❑f Trus-C:
<br /> Existing Lien. The lien o�F this Deed of Trus� se�uring the Indebt�dness may be secondary and inferior to an
<br /> exisfing I"ren. Trus�or expressly Govenants and agree�to payr or��e t❑�he paymen�of, �he Existing [ndebtedness
<br /> and�❑ pre�en�any defauI�an such indebtedne�s, any de�auit under the instruments e�idencing such indehtedne�s,
<br /> or any defaulf under any secu�-ity documenfs for such indebtedness.
<br /> IIIo IIJ�odifcation. Trustor �hall no� �nter into any agreement with fhe haIder a� any mortgage, deed o�F trust, or
<br /> ❑the� security ag�-eement whi�h has priority o�er �his ❑eed D�F Ti'L15t by which tha� agreement is modi�'red,
<br /> am�nded, ext�nded, ❑r renewed wifhout �he prior written consent of Lender. Trus�or sha�l nei�her r�quest nor
<br /> accep�any future ad�ances under any such se�urr�y agraement wxthou��he prior writ�en consen�❑f Lender.
<br /> �QNDEMIVATIaN. The�ollovving pr�vi$ions r��a�ing to condemna�ion proceedings are a par�t v`F fhis Deec� of Trust; ,
<br /> Proceedings. I�F any proceeding in condemna�ian is �iled, Trust�r shal! promptiy notify Lender in wrifing, and I
<br /> Trustor �haii promptIy take such steps as may be necessary to defend the ac�i�n and obtain �he award. Trustor
<br /> may be�he naminal party in such proceeding, but Lender-shaII be en�i�Zed�o par�i�ipafe in�he proceeding and to be
<br /> represen�ed in �he proceeding by counsef of its own choice, and Trustor wilI �lefiver or cause to be deIi�ered to
<br /> Lender su�h ins�ruments and documentation as may be r-equ�sted by Lend�r ��om �im� -�o �ime �o permxt such
<br /> participation.
<br /> Appli�ation of Net Proceeds. I�F a[[ nr any part of the Property is cand�mned by eminen�c�omain proceedings or by
<br /> any proce�ding or purchase�n Iieu of candemna�ion, Lender may a�its election require�hat aII or any partivn❑f the
<br /> net proceeds of the award be applied to the Indeb�edness or the repair or restaratian of the Property, The ne�
<br /> proceeds of�he award shaII mean�he award after paymen�of aI� reasonable costsr expenses, and at-�vrneys' fees
<br /> incurt'ed by Trustee❑r Lender in Gonnectian w[th�he condemna�ion.
<br /> 1MP�SITI�N �F TAXES. FEES AND GHARGFS BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The following pro�isivns reIating
<br /> t❑ go�ernmen�al�axes,fee�and cf�arges ar-e a part of�his ❑eed of Trust;
<br /> Curren#Taxes, Fee� and Charyes. Upon reques� by Lender-, Trus�ar shall execute such docum�n�s in addi�ion �❑
<br /> �his Deed of Trusf and�ake wna�e��r o�her action is �requested by Lender to perFect and confinue Lender;s �ien on
<br /> �h� Real Properry, Trus�vr shall reimburse Lender �or all �axes, as described beiow, toge�her with aI1 expenses
<br /> incurred �n recording, per-�ec�ing or ��ntinuing this Deed o� Trus�, including without Iimi�ation aII �axes, feesr
<br /> documen�ary$�amps, and other charges for recording or regisfering�his ❑eed v�Trust.
<br />