2� 1 ��3744
<br /> l�aymen�❑f 1'rir�c�pa�and Int�rest; Cl��e��h��-ges. Barravv�r sha�i pr�mp��y pa}�when due��e pr�nci�al of.and
<br /> �p�erest on the deb�fl�red under the�o���rac�and�ate charges�r any other fees and charges due under the�ontrac�.
<br /> Appli��b�� Lar�. As used in i:his Security �nst�-ument, �:h� term "A�p��cable Lar�'' sha�l me�.n a11 Cantrolling
<br /> app�icabl� federa�, state and loca� sta�utes, �egul�.�i�ns, �rd�nances a��d ad��ninistra�i�e rules and �rders ��ha� ha�e
<br /> �:��e effect of lavv}as v�ell as aII applicable fina�,r�on�appea����e judicia��pinior�s.
<br /> ���arges; I�iens. Bo�r�wer sha�l pay a�1 ta�es, assessr��ents, cha�gPs, f�nes and �mpos���ons at�r�butai��e to �he
<br /> Prape�ty which may atta�n priori���e�this Sec�ri�y �nstrume�n�, an�� leaseh�ld pa�rmen�s �r ground ren�s, �f any.
<br /> A�t the requ�s�of Lender,Bo�-rower�ha��promp����fur�ish t�Lender receipts e�idencing the payr��nts.
<br /> Bo�-rov�er shal�pro��np��y dis�harge any lie�.v���ch has pr��ri�y�ver�h�s Securi� �nstrurr�ent unless B�rr��er: �a�
<br /> agrees �n writing to the payme�t of t��e �b�iga.t��n secu�ed by th� lien in a manner accep�at�le to L�nder; �b}
<br /> con�ests i� good fai�� the ��en by, �r defends ag.ainst e��Force�r�e��t af the lien ��, �ega� pr�ceed�ngs ���ch in �he
<br /> Le�der's �pinion opera�e �� pre�er�t �he enforc��en� �f�l�e �ien; a� ��} secures fr�m the ho�der of the lien an
<br /> agree���en�sa�isfa�t��y�� Lender subordina�ing�l�e �ien �o th�s Secur�ty �nst�ument. �f I�ender d��ermines tha� a�y
<br /> part of�.he Propert� is subjeG��a a l�e�� whi�IY may a�tain priori� �ver this Security Ynstrument, Lender may gi�e
<br /> Borr�wer a no�ice identifying�he iie�. B�rrawer shal� sat�sfy�:he �ie��r�ake one �r more of�he actions set f�r�h
<br /> abo�e wi�h�n 1D days of�he g��ing af no��ce.
<br /> Ha�ard ar� Prnperty Insurance. ��rrower shal�keep�he im�rov��ents now e�is�ing or herea��r erected�n the
<br /> �roperty i�sured a�a�nst lass by t�re�, �xa�ards inel�xded within�:he term"extended�ov�rage" and any oth�r ha�a�•ds,
<br /> in�ludin� f�oods or flood�ng, f�r �rh�ch Le��der rec�uires insurance. This insurance s�aall be main�ained in the
<br /> amounts and f�r�he peria�s that Lender reyuires. T��e insurance car�ier praviding the �nsurance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Borr�rver subj ect �o I�ender's approval vv�ic� sha�I not �e unreasonabl� w��hh��d. �f�arrawer fails �o maintain
<br /> c�ve�age d�scribed ab��e, Lender may, a� Lender's op��on, �b�a�� caverage to �r��ec� Len�er's r�ghts in the
<br /> Proper�y ir�accor�ance�nr�t�se�tian��tied��-Qtect�or�of Le��d��-'�R��h�s i���he Pr�pe�ty.
<br /> All �nsuran�e pol�cies and renewa�s sl�a�l be accep�able to Le:�der and shal� �nclude a si.andard mor�gage clause.
<br /> Len�er shail ha�e�he righ��o��flld�he ��licies and rene�va�s. If Lender requires, Barrower sha�l promp�.ly gi�e�o
<br /> Len�er a�l receip�s of pa�d premiums and renewal noti�es. �n the event�f l�ss, �orro�er sha�� gi�e promp�no�ice
<br /> �o the�nsurance carrier and L�nd�r.Lender may��ake proof af l�ss if no�made promp��y by Bor�rower.
<br /> [Jn�ess Lender and B�rrov�rer otherWvis� agr�e in wr��ing, ins��rance pr�ceeds shall be appl�ed ta rest�oratian or
<br /> repa�r �f the Proper�y damaged, �f, in L,ender's ��Ie discre�ion, the restorati�n ar repa��- is ec��omically feas�ble
<br /> a�d Lender's se�u��ity is not lessened. �f, i� Lender's so�e dis��-e��an, �h� restoratian �r repair is n�t eca�n�xn��all�
<br /> feasible or Lender's securi�y�vou�d be lesse���d,�l�e i�surance�r�ceeds shall�e applied�a the su�ns se�ured by this
<br /> Securi�y �nstrume��t, v�rhe�her or nflt t��en due, wi�h any e�cess p�.id to ��rrower. �f Bo�-o�ver aba�dans �he
<br /> Property, ar does na�ans�er vvithin the��ur�ber of days prescr�bed b�r.�pp�icable Law as se�for�h in a n�tice from
<br /> Lender�n B�rrovv�r�ha�the �nsurance carrier has �ffered�o s��:t�e a c1ai��n, �l�en Lender lnay ca�lect the �nsurance
<br /> pro�eec�s. Lender may use ���e proceeds to repair or restore �he Praperty or t� pa� sums secur�d by�his Security
<br /> �ns�run�en�,v�he�her or n���hen due.The period af�i�ne for Bo�rovver��ans�ver as se�f�rth�n th�na�tice�r��1 begin
<br /> w��en�:he no�ice is given.
<br /> U���ss Lender and�3�r�ower ather�vise agr�e in w�-i�ing, any appiica�io�� of proceeds�o pri�cip�� shal�1�flt extend
<br /> �r pos�pone�he due da�e �f�he pay�meri�s due un�er the �����t�ct or c�ange 1;he am�un��f the �ayments. �f under
<br /> �he se��ian t��led Acce�er���v��; ���e�lies, the Pr�pert� �s aC�uired Uy�er�der, B�rro�ver's r�gh�t� any insurance
<br /> palicies and proceeds iesult�ng fro�n damage t� �he P�-t�perry pr�ar �:o �he acquisitio�� shali pas� to Lender�o th�
<br /> ex�e���f�h�sums secured by this Security Ins�:ru��nen�im�nedia�ely prior�o tl7e aGquisit�on.
<br /> P�-eser�a�i�n, :l�a�nte�anc� �nd Pra�ec��or� of the P`�o���ty; �a�rower'� I��an .�.pplica�ion; Leas�ha�ds.
<br /> Borr�wer sha�1 no�des�ray, damage or impa�r�:��e Propert�, a�lov�th�Praper�y to de�eriarate, or cammit v�aste on
<br /> �he Proper�y. Borrower sha1�be in defau��if a��forfeitur�ac��an�r�roceeding,vvhe�her ci�x�ar�rim�na�,is begun
<br /> that ir� Lend�r's g�Qd fa�th judgment could resui� in forfe��ure of�he �'roperty or o�hervvise mater�a�ly impa�r�h�
<br /> lien created by th�s Se�urity Xnstrumen� �r Ler�der's secur��y �nter�s�. Borr�v�er may cure such a d�faul� and
<br /> re�ns�ate, as provided in sec���n titled ��rra�ver'� Right �o l�.�insta�e, by causing�he acfiior� or pro�eed�ng to be
<br /> dism�ssed wi�h a ru�u-�g tha�, �n Lender`s go�d fai�:h de�erm�na���n,p�-ec�udes farfe�ture flf���e BorrQwer's in�eres��n
<br /> �l�e Proper�y �r other mater�al impairrne�� of t�ze l�en crea�ed hy this Secur�ty �ns�.ru�nent ar L�nder's s�curity
<br /> i���eres�. Bo�-rower shall also be in default if�orrawe�,duri�.g�he loa��appl�cati��process,gave ma�erial�y false�r
<br /> inaccura�te �nforrnation or s�a�e�nen�s �� Lender �or faile� �o pr��ide Lender v�i�h any rna�eri�,l �nf�rmat�an} in
<br /> connectian wi�h�he ��an evide��ced by t��e ��n�rac�. �f�his Se�uri�}r Ir�s�rume�t is on a�easeha�d, Barra�er shall
<br /> c��nply wi�h ai��he�ro�xsians af�:l�e lease. �f Borro�er acquir�s fee����e to t�ae Pr�pe��.y,�he lea.�ehold and the fee
<br /> title sha�l n�t m�rge un�ess L�nder agrees ta the�ner�er�n wri�ing. �
<br /> 1'�ot��#ion af Iae�der's Righ�s �� the Prop�r�y. �f �or�•��er fa��s to perform the co�enan�s and agre�men�s
<br /> con�ained�n�h�s Se�urity Ins�r�ment, ❑r ther� �s a legal��-oceeding�ha�may signif�can�ly affec�L�nder's righ�s in
<br /> �he Pr�pe�-t� �such as a pr�ceed�ng �n bankrup���r, proha�e, far concle�nnation or f.orfei�ure or�� er�f�rce �a�s or
<br /> regu�a�ions}, then Lender �ay da anc� pay for vrr��ate�er �s r�e�essary t� prote�t 1�e �alue af the Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s�n the P�-ope�y. L��der's ac�ions r�ay inc�ud�p�.yinb any st�ms se�ured by a��en wh�ch has priority
<br /> aver i��is Secur�ty�ns�rumen�, appearing in��ur�,�aying�-eas���ab�e attorne�s'fees and enterin�on the Proper�y to
<br /> make r�p�ir5.A��h�ugh Lender m�.y take ac�ion under�his sec��on, Lender does nat ha�e�o d�sa.
<br /> A�y amoun�s d�s�ursed by �ender under th�s se��ia� shall bec�me additionai debt af Barrow�r secured by �his
<br /> � Securi�.y �ns�ru�nen�. Unless Bonrovver and Lender agree �� o��er �erms of�aymen�, �hese amaun�s sha�� hear
<br /> �2L�Q�-2a 15 Compliance Systems,In�.8C54-188C-2415.11.3.1498
<br /> C�ns��ner Rea�Estate-Sectirity�nstr�irnen#I]L?a3G Pa��2 of 5 www,cvmpliancesys�ems.eoFn
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