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<br /> Home Federal Sa��ngs c� Loar� Assoc�a��an of HQme �`e�eral S��in�s& Laa� A�sacia��an fl�'
<br /> �rand Is�and �ranc� �s�and
<br /> 2�1 South Lacus�Stree� �2� 5����h Lv����t Stre��
<br /> GRAND ISLAND, NE�88�� GRA��TD ��LAND, NE SS���.
<br /> {Space 1�,ba�e This Line Fflr�e�ording Data}
<br /> L�AN 4R�GINAT�R��M�',�.NY I�I.�.ME: Home Federal Sa��ngs& Lo�n Assacia��o� of�ra��d Is�and
<br /> �MLS�C�MPANY ID]ENT�FIER: 44�443
<br /> L�AN�R.�G INAT�R NAME: L�sa NlayQr
<br /> NMLS C�RIGZNAT���DENT�F�ER: 494�69
<br /> DEEI] ��` T�.�J��I'
<br /> ��'REA�.IJTH�RI.��I) ���'EN �ND} ���I3I'�' - FU'�`U�� ADVA���� AR� �E�U�E�
<br /> I3� THI� D��I] �]F T�tIJ�T)
<br /> TH�S DEED�F TRUST�"Securi�y�nstrument"� �s made on June�,2���. T��e brantor�s ��J�I�[E R ST�AI'�1�,
<br /> A. S�N�LE PERS�N, ���ose ad�ress is �S�� ST.AG���ACH F'LA��, �RA�T� �SLA�D, Nehraska GS�4�
<br /> �"Borrovver"}. B�rrower xs no�necessar��y t��e same as���e Person or Per�ons w��a s��n the Ho�me Equ�fy L�n� Qf
<br /> �redi�Agreemen�,dated June�,2��5�"Con�rac�"). 7`he�bligat�ons af Borrov�ers vv��o did no�sig���h�Con�ract
<br /> are exp�a�n�d further �n �he secti�n ���1ed Su�c��svrs and Assi�ns Bounc�; Jo���� and Se�era� L��b��i�y;
<br /> Acc��am�dat�on S�gn�rs. The �rus�ee �s A►.rend �. �a�ck, A�tto�-ney �l�ose address is �'.U. ��x 794, Gra��d
<br /> �s�andy NebrasI�a 688U� �"Trust�e"�. The benef�iary is �iome Fed�r�i Sav�ngs � Loan Assacia�ion of Gr�nd
<br /> �s�and, v�hich �s ��-ganized a��d existing under�he �a�vs of�:he Uni�ed States af Amer�ca az�d v�hase address is Z�I
<br /> Sou�h �ncus� S�r�e�, Grand �s�and, Ne�raska ��5�1 �"Lend�r"�. C(]�N�E R STR.�.I'dD ��as ex�tered in�o a
<br /> �an�rac� v���h Lend�r as of Ju ne 6, 2�16, und�r the �er�ns �f v���ic�� Borr�wer �r�ay, fram �ime t� t�me, ob�ain
<br /> ad�ances no� �o e�ceed, a� any ���ne, a YxYMA�i�#L�M PRI���PAL AMaUN'�" �E�.CL,UDiI��
<br /> PR[]TECT:��� ADVANCES}YY� af Twenty Thous�nd �nd �DII�U �fll�ar5 �U.S. $�O,��U.4�) ("�red��.
<br /> L�m��"}.Any party in�erested��n���e deta�is rela�ed ta Lender's can��nu�ng ob�igation�o�na�e advances�n Barrower
<br /> is adv�sed �� c�nsu�t direc�Iy wi�h Lender. �f no� paid ea��ier, �h� sums ov�ing und�r S�rrower's C�n�rac� �vith
<br /> Lender wi�l be due on June �5y �Oz�. �`h is Se�urity �nstr��men� secures to Lender: �a� ���e repayrner�t of�he debt
<br /> under�he �on�ract, with in�eres�, including fu�ure ad�ances, and ail �-eflevvais, ex�ensions �.nd modifca��ons of t���
<br /> Con�rac�; �b� t��e payment of all ather sums, vvith in�erest, �.dva��ced tfl p�-��ec� �he security af tl�is Se�uri�y
<br /> �nstrumen�und�r�he pro��si�ns of the sec�ion ti��.ed �rotect�on of Lender'� R.�ghts:in the Pr�perty; and (c} �he
<br /> performance af Barr��er's co�enan�s a��d agreemen�s u��der this Secur��y �ns�ru�nen� and �he ��nt�-act. Far �his
<br /> purpase, Borrower, in c��sid�ra��on af tl�� deb� and �he trust herei�� crea��d, irre�ocab�y �ran�s and �on�eys ra
<br /> Trus�ee, in�rus�,w��h po�er t�f sa�e,�he fal�owang described property Ioca�ed in�he�QU�TY of HALL, S�a�e�f
<br /> Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 28I6 STA�E��A�H PL�A�E,�R�,N� ��LE1�.ND,Nebraska�SSUI
<br /> Legal .Descrip��an: I�o� S�xte��� t1.5� �3�ock F`�ur �4� ��de Mxl� Su�bdiW�s�an, in �he Ci�y �f Grand �sia��d
<br /> �-3a��C�untyy�ebras�{a.
<br /> T�GETHER WIT� a�� the i�nprove�nents no�v ar ���reaf�er erec�ed an �he proper�y, and a1� e�semen��,
<br /> appur#enances, and fixtures ��ow or hereafter a par� �f�)�e praper�y. All rep�acemen�s apd add��ians shal� a�so he
<br /> covered �y �hxs Security �ns�rumen�. A1� �f �he foregoing �s ref�rr�d �o �n �h�s Securify I�s�rufl�en� as the
<br /> "Proper�,"
<br /> B�RR4�VER C��EN.�.1�TS that Bfl�rr�wer is 1a�fulIy seised of�l�e �s�a�e hereby c�n�eyed a��d has t��e ri�ht t�
<br /> grant and c�n�ey �he Proper�y and tha� the Proper�� i s �.�.nencu�nbered, excep� fo�r en�u�nbran�es �f rec��-d.
<br /> Barro�vrrer �varran�s and will defend generai�� �he t���e �o �l�e Property aga�ns� a�� ��aims a��d demands, sub�ec� �o
<br /> any er�cumbrances af recard.
<br /> S�rr�wer and Lender�flvena��t and agree as fo��ov�s:
<br /> Q 2aD4-2(�I S Cgmpfiance Syst�rr�s,�n�.SCS4-188C-20 i 5.I�.3.1�98
<br /> Consurner ReaI Estate-SEcurity Ins�rumer�t D�.�D3G Pa�e i of 5 I�v��[N,GOf7i�]I1clT3C�S�'51�T7TS.Ci7tt1
<br />