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2� 1 ��3733 <br /> market vafue af th� Prop�rty imm�diately befor�the partial fiakin�, d�st�u�tivn, vr l�ss �n valu� is �qua� �� <br /> or��eat�r than�he am�unf of�h�sums s��ur�d by this Se�urity 1ns�rumen�imm�diat�ly he�or��he �artia! <br /> t�king, d��tr�c�i�n, or loss in v�lu�, unl�ss B�rrQw�r �nd L�nd�r vtherwi�e ��r�� ir� wr��ing, �he �ums <br /> s��ur�d by �his S��uri�y Ins�rumen� �halt �e r�du��d hy �he amounf of th� Misc�iianevu� F�roG��ds <br /> mult�p�«d �y �he f��l�wing frac��on: ��} �h� ��taf amaun� of the sums s�cur�d immedia�el}� b�f�r� �h� <br /> pa�ial �ak�ng, destru��i�n, �r lass in v��u�divided by �b}fih�fair market vaiue ❑f the Pr��er�y imm�di�f�ly <br /> bef�re fih� part4�i�ak�ng, de��ru��ian, ar ia�s in valu�.Any b���nc�sh�ll �� paid to Bflrr�ow�r. <br /> !n �he ���nt �f � par�ial �aking, des�ru�ti�n, or ��ss �n va�ue of the Prop�rty in wh�ch the fair <br /> rnark�� value o�th� Pr�per�y imrnedia�eiy ��for� �he pa�tia� �ak�ng, de��rucfiion, vr ��ss in vaiu� �s I��s <br /> th�n th� amount a��he sums se�ur�d immedi�te[y �efvre �h� p�rtial fiaking, destru��i�r�, ar ioss sn valu�, <br /> un��s� Barr�w�r �rtd �.end��ofherwi�e agree �n wrjt�ng, th� Mts��f�an��us Pr�c���s shall be ��p�i�d �a <br /> �he sums s�cur�d by thi�Se�u���y in�trum�n�wne�her or no��h� sums are�h�n due. <br /> if �h� Prvp�rty is abandon�d �y Barra�er, or if, aft�r nvti�� by Lend�r �a ��rr�v�er �ha� �he <br /> �3�p�s�n� F�arty �as d��ined �n th� ne�sent�nce} affers to mak� an �ward tv �e��l� a c�aim for dam��es, <br /> Borrow�r��ils fio re�p�nd to�Lend�r w��hin 3� days afte��th� da��the nofii�� �s �iv�n, L�r���r�s �ufih�ri��d <br /> t4 �o�l�c� and apply th� Miscelfan�a�s �Prv��eds eith�r to restarafi�n �r r�pair vf�he Pr�p�rty �r fa �he <br /> sums secur�� ��y �his S�cu��ty �r�sfrumen�, wh��her �r n�� ��h�n due. "��posing Party" �me�ns #he th�rd <br /> p�r�y �hat �wes Borrow�r i��sG�1lan��us P�r�c�eds �r fii�e party agair�s� v�rhom �v�r�w�� has � righ� of <br /> a���on in r��ard �� Miscellan�ous Pr�ce�ds. <br /> B�r�ovver shall be in de�ault if any ac�i�n ar praceed�ng, �h�fhe�civil or�rimin�l, is be�un tha�, in <br /> Lend�r's �udgm�nt, coul� �e�u�t �n f4r�eifiur� of t�e Prop�rt� �r a�her mat�rial �mpairm�nt ofi Lende�'s <br /> in��r�s� �n �he Pro���ty �r rights und�r this Security insfrurnent. Bor�ow�r��r� �u�e su�h a de��u�t and, if <br /> ac��i�ra�i�n has �c�urr�d, r�ins�ate �s �r�vid�d in S���ian �9, by c�usin� �h� ac�ivn or prv�e�ding �o �Oe <br /> dismi�sed with a rul�ng tha#, in Lend�r's�udgm�n�, precludes f�rfeifure o�f the Rrop�er�y or ��h�r material <br /> impairment of Lend�r's in��resf in th� Pr�per�y or righ#� und�r�his S�curi�� [n�t�um�n�. Th� proceeds �� <br /> any awa�d or�la�m for d�m�ges t�a��r��ttri�utable to�he impairm�nt v�Lende�'s int���s�in �h� P��p�rty <br /> are h�r�by assign�� and sh�ll b� paid t� L.end�r. <br /> AI! Misc�llan�aus Pro��eds that ar�e n�t app���d ta� r�s�or�ti�n �r ��pair vf the Praperty �f�aji �e <br /> a�pli�d '[n the�r�er pr�v�ded for ir� 5���ion�. <br /> �i�. E�orr�w�r NQt Rel�ased; For��aran�� By Len�er Not a 1�Ilaiver. ��c�en�ivr� �f fh���rn�f�r <br /> paymet�f or mQdifica�i�n �f amarti�ati�n of th� s�ms secured �y �his �ecuri� ln��rum�n� grant�d by <br /> Lender to B�rr�w�r v� any 5ucc�ss�r in �n���es� �f E�or��w�r �h�i� na� �perate t� relea�e �he ii��i�i� of <br /> Bnrrower or any Suc��ssars �n I n��res� of Bvrr��er. L�nder shal� �Q� b� re�uir�d �a ��mm�n�� <br /> �pr�ce�dings again�� any Su����s�r in ln��re���ofi Rarrow�r �r �� refus� �� extend t�m� far ��ym�n� �r <br /> o��erv�is� mQdify amarti��ti�n �f�he �ums ��cure�I by �h�s ��curi�ty �nstrumen� hy �e��Qn �f any demand <br /> made��y �h� ori�ina� Bvrrov�er or any Successvrs in ln��r�s�af'�or�ow�r, Any forbearan�� by Lend�r in <br /> e�c�rci�ing �ny right ar r�m�dy including, �v��haut limita�i�n, L�nd�r's a�c�p�an�� �f paym�nts �rom fhird <br /> p�rs�ns, en�iti�s ar �u�c�ss�rs in ��nteres�of Bo�rr�v~rer�r �n �m�un�s�les� t�an �he amaunt��er� due, <br /> �ha1i n��b�a�vaiv�r of vr pre�lud�th�ex�rcE�e��any right or r�medy. <br /> �3. Joir�t an�! 5erreral �.i��ilit�� ���signer�; �uc�essors and As���n� B�und. 'Barr�wer <br /> caven�n�s �nd �gr��s �hat B�rr��ver'� �bliga�'rons �nd ��iabiiity sha�� be j��n� �nd severaf. H���ve�, an� <br /> �v�r�w�r v�rh� ��-�i�ns �his Securi�y Ins#rum�n� �u� d�e� n�� ex�cu#e �h� Na�� �a "co�s�g��r"}: ��} i� <br /> c��si�ning �h�� Se�uri�y lnstrument �niy �� mort��g�, grant and �anvey tih� c��sign�r'� �n�erest in th� <br /> Pr�per�y und�r the terms af �hts 5�curi�y �nstrument; ��� is nof personally �b�iga�ed �o pay th� sums <br /> seGured by this S��u�i�y instrum�nt; and ��} �gre�s �l�at L�nd�r and any ofher Bvrr�v�er can agr�e t� <br /> ext�nd, modify, for��ar�r m�ke any�cc�mm�da�i�ns wi�h ��g�rd �a �he�erm�of�h�s �ecurity lns�rument <br /> or�h� Na�e wi�h�u��he co-sign�r's�an�en�, <br /> 5u��eG� fio the �rov�si�ns of S��fii�n �8, any Successor in �n�eres� �f �arr�v�r�r wh� assum�s <br /> �orrawer's vbl��ations under�his Securi� �nsfirum�n� �n wr��ing, and is ap�roVed �y L�nd�r�, shaE� �b�ain <br /> * �a 9 f� 4 � � M C M � R T D � T � <br /> NEBRAS�4A�-Sing�e�amily-Fanni�Mae�Freddie Nlac UNIFaR�1�i�NSTRU�'1riENT Fvrm 3��8 �lD�i {page 9 vf��pages] <br /> Acc�ncuro Mortga�e�aden�a�ocument C�r�ter C�3�27�'�1'i� <br />