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f ` <br /> 2� 1 ��37�� <br /> �fI1HEN FtEC�RDED M�lI� T�: <br /> Exch�nge Bank <br /> �ibban Branch <br /> 7 4 LsBarr�Street <br /> P��ox 76U <br /> Gibbon NE G884Q FOR F�E��RDER'�USE�NLY <br /> �EEL� �F �'RUST <br /> TH�S DEED �F TRI��T is dat�d June 15. 2�1�, am�ng M�cha�! A Panowi�z and Patricia l�I! <br /> Pan�wic�. Husband and 1rVife �"Trustor"}; �x�hang� Bank, whase adciress is �ibh�n Branch, 14 <br /> LaBarr� Str�et, P� Bax 7��, Gihban. NE �88�U �ref�rred to belaw �vmetimes as "lender" and <br /> sometimes �s "�sneficiary"�� and Exchange Bank, whose �ddress is R�B ?��, Gi�ban. NE <br /> �884� �r�ferred t� below as "Truste�"'�. <br /> CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For �a�uable consid�rativn, Trustar con�eys t�Trustee in trust, WITH P�VIIER OF SALE, <br /> fvr the benefit of L�nder as B�ne�ciafy, all a�Trustor's right, title, and interest in and to the fallawing d��crib�d real <br /> proQert�, tagether with all existin� or su�sequ�ntly erect�d or affixed buildings, imprv�ements and fixtures; �rll <br /> ea�em�nts, rights af way, �nd appurtenan��s; all water, water rrgh#s and ditch rights {including stack in util�ties with <br /> ditch �r irrigation ri�hts�; and all oth�r rights. f'�}18ICIE5. and pra�its re�atin� ta the rea! prvperty, including wirh�ut <br /> limitation all minerals, oil, �as, g�athermai and similar matter�. {th� "Re�l Proper#y"} lo��t�� ir► H�II Cou�ty, <br /> �tate �f N�br�ska: <br /> The South Ha�� �f the So�thwest �uarter ��112SW"I 14i af Saction Eleusn t'�1�, Township <br /> Tw�lve �1�y Narth, R�ngs Elev�n {17�, West af the fith P.IVI., Hall ��unty, Nebraska. <br /> exGepting a trac# o# 18nd more particular�y �I�scribed in ,loint Tenancy Warranty Deed <br /> re��r�led as Document No. 77-���?5�. <br /> The Real Property vr it� addr�ss is commonly knawn as Rur�� H�II County, NE. The Rea� <br /> Pr�per�ty tax ident�ficatian number is 4��'19�478. <br /> CA�SS-G�LLATERALI�ATI�M. In a��dition ta the Note, this ❑eed �f Trust se�ures all obligations, debts and li�bilities, <br /> plus interest ther�on� �f Trustar to Lender' vr any ane or more vf them� as well as all claims by Lender against TrustQr <br /> or any one ar mare af themt whether n�w existin� �r h�reafter arising, whether related ar unrelated to the purpase af <br /> the Note, whether �oluntary ar otherwise, wh�th�r due or not due, direct �r indire�t, determin�d or undetermined, <br /> absalute ar contingent' fiquidat�d or unliquidated, wheth�r Trustor ma}� be liab�e individu�liy ar j�intly with others, <br /> whether obligated �s guarantar, surety, accomm�dation party or vtherwise, and whether reca�ery upon such amounts <br /> may be or hereafter may becam�barred b�any statute of limitati�ns, and whether th�obiigatian to repay such amounts <br /> r�nay be vr hereaft�r may bec�me otherwis�unenfarceable. <br /> FUTURE ADYANCES. I n addition ta the Note� this �eed of Trust secures all iuture advances made by Lender ta Trust�r <br /> wheth�r or nat the advances are made pur�uant to a c�mmitm�nt. Spe�ifically, without limitation, this Deed af Trust <br /> secur�s, in additi�n to thg am�unts specified in the Nate, all fiu#ure amaunts Lender in its discretion may I�an to <br /> Trustor, together with all inter��t ther�on. <br /> Trustar presently a�signs to Lender ��Is� knawn a� Beneficiary in this D�ed of Trustf a�l af Trustar's right, title, an� <br /> interest in and to all present and future leases of the Property and al! Rents from the Property. In additi�n, Trustar <br /> �r�nts to Lender a Un�form Cvmnrercial�ode security interest in the Pers�na! Praperty and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED flF TRUS�, �N�LUDING THE�tSSIGNMENT�F RENTS ANQ THE SECURITY INTEF�EST IIV THE RENTS AhlD <br /> PERa��HAL PR�PERTY. iS GlVEN TQ SE�URE �A� PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNES�AND {Bf �ERF�RiIAANCE�F <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGAT��NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED DOGUMENTS, AND TH1S Q��D �F TRUST. TH1S <br /> DEED OF TRUST lS GI1�EN AND AGCEPTED�N THE F�LL�WIIVG TERiVI�: <br /> PAYMENT ANfl PERF�RMANCE. Except as atherw+se provided in this Deed af Trust, Trustor shall pay t� Lender alt <br /> amvunts s�cured by this Qeed Qf Trust as they hecome due, and shall strictly and in a tim�ly mann�r perform all of <br /> Trustor's obligati�ns und�r the Nate, this Qeed of Trust, and t�� Related Dacuments. <br /> P�SSESSi�N AND MAiNTENANCE �F THE PR�RERTY. Trustar agr�es xhat Trustor's poss�ssion and use of the <br /> Pr�perty�hall be�a�erned ay the following pr�vistvns: <br /> Poss�ssi�n and Use. Until the oceurren�� vt an E�ent ot �efau�t, Trustor maV I�� remain in passession and <br /> control ofi the Property; (�y use, opera�e or manage the Property; and {3� �allsct the Rents fram th� Praperty. <br /> DutY ta Maintain. Trustor sha!! maintain the Praper�y in �enantable ��ndition and promptfy perfo�m all r�pairs, <br /> replacements, and m�intenanG�necessary tv preser�e its �alue. <br /> C�mpliance With En�iranmen#al L�ws. Trustar r�presen�s and warrants ta Lender that: (1 j Quring the period of <br /> Tru$�or's ownership Qf the PraRerty, ther�has be�n no use, g�neration, manufactur�, storage, treatment, dispvsal, <br /> release �r thre�t�ned r�lease of any Ha�ar�aus Substance by any person an, und�r, ��aout or fr�m xhe PrQpert�r; <br /> =2y Trustor nas no kn�w�edge of, ar reasan to belt��e that th�re has been, �xcept as previously disclased to and <br /> �Gknowledged tay Lend�r in writing, �af any br�ach ar uiolation af any EnWiranmenta� Laws, {b� any use, <br /> g�neratian, manufacture, storage, treatment, disposa�� refease �r thr�atened rel�ase of ar�y H��ardaus Substance <br /> on, ur�d�r, abvut or fr�rn th� Property by any priar owners or �ccupants �f the Property, or tcf any actual or <br />