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' 2� 1 ��3�74 <br /> NC]N�U N1 F�RN[ �C3VENANTS, Borrawer ax�d Lende�- further co�enant and a�re�as follows: <br /> �1. Acceleratzon; Remedies. Lendc�• sh��l� gi�c na�ice to �or�•awer p��ior �o �cceler�#;ion fflZlowing <br /> Borrower's b�-each of any co�en�n�o�-ag�•�:ement in tix�s Secu�-ity rns��-ument�bu#:not prior ta�ccelera�:ian under <br /> Section 17 unless Etpplicable Law p��o�idcs o#:hc�-wise). `r��c n�ticc shall s��cify: ��}thc d�:fau�t; �b} the actrc�n <br /> r�quired to cu�-e�he def�ult; �c�} � da�e, riot less t�Y�n 3� d�ys f'�-om tl7e d�tc f��e zioticc is�i�ven tc� �3tarrowcx-, by <br /> which the d�f�ult musf be cu�-ed; and �d} t�aa#: f'ailur•� to cu�-c f��e def�ult on a�- bcfor�e f:hc datc spccxfzcd in t��c <br /> noCice may result in acceleration af the sums secu�•ed by#:his Security Ynsf�-umen#:�nd sale of tixc�'�-operty. rr��c <br /> natice shall fu�-ther inform Borrowe�-of�he Y-igh#:to r�instate �fter�cceiera#;ion �nd #he ri���t to brin�a cour-t <br /> action�o asser•t the non-exis�ence of a default or any o#:her•defense af�3or-rower f:o�cccle�-�#:ion and salc. If the <br /> defaul# is nof:cuz-�d on oY- beforc the d�f:e spcci�ed in f��c notice, Lend�r af:i#;s option may r•equire xmmedi�tc <br /> payment in fu�� ❑f�Ii sum�sc�u�-ed by this Security �nst�-umcnf:wif:houf;fur�her dem�nd �nd m�y in�ol�e tlac <br /> power of s�le and any ot��e�- rcmedies pe�-mitted by A���licable Lcnder 5h�1� be cntitled to coilc�t ��� <br /> expenses incurr�d in pursuing t��e�•emedi�s pY•o�Ydcd ixa t�axs Section 2I, includin�, but not limited tc�, �-eason�ble <br /> attorncys' fees �nd costs of'�;itic e�zdencc�. <br /> rf the powe�'�f 5��� IS 1nVU��L'C�, r��-us#:ee sh�ll rcca�-d � notice of dcfault in e�ch county in wl�xch �ny p��-t <br /> of the P�•ope�•ty is lacated and s��ail mail copies of such nofice in t��c m�nne�-presc�-ibed by Appl�c�ble L�w t[� <br /> Bo�-rower and�o the othe�•persons prescribcd by Appli�able Law, Aftcr tl�e time required by A�p�fc�ble L��r�v, <br /> T�•ustee s��all gi�ve�ublic no�ice of�ale ta thc�ersons and in the mann�r�resc�ribed by Applicab�e Law, rx���ustec, <br /> without demand on Bor�•ower~, s�i�ii sell #;he Prope�•ty at public auction to the highes� b�clder-�t the time �nd <br /> place �nd under the terms design�tied in tl�e notice of sale in on� oi• mo�•e parccls and in any orde�- T�-ustc�e <br /> determines. T�•ustee may�ostpone sale of all or any���•cel of���e P�-op�rty by public�nnouncemen�a#the tim� <br /> and piace of any previous�y scheduled saie. Lend��-c��-its design�e m�iy pu�-chase the �'roPerty at any s��e. <br /> Upon x-eceipti of paymcnt of th�price bxd, 7`rus�ce�htill dc�i►vc�•ta the�urc����e�-T�•u5#ce's�c�d con�veying <br /> �he Prop�rty. The recit�il5 in the rI~rus�:ec's decd sh���� be prima f�cxc ��viciencc� of the tx~uth of thc st�tcmen�s <br /> made�herein. T�-ustce shalZ a�pZy fhe p�-ocecds of th�s��e zn f:he foiiowing ord��-: �a}to all costs and expenses <br /> of exercising���e powc�•of salc, �nd fhc sale, �n�ludrng tlae payment of#:��c r�'�-ustee's fccs�ttua�ly incurrt�d�nd <br /> reasanable at�;o�-neys' fees�s pe�•mi�ted by App��cab�e L�w; �b)to��I sums secux-ed by thYs Secur�ty �ns�rument; <br /> and �c} any excess to the pe�-son or persons 1Lg�lly cnfitled fo it. <br /> 22. Recon�eyanCe. Upon payr�lent of a�l su�-�-�s secui-ed by this S�curi�y I��st�•uinent, Letldc;r sh���rec�uest Tr��stee <br /> tio recon�ey�he Proper�y atld shall sL�rret�der�his SecL�rity Instrumen�and all �7otes e�idencing debt sccur•ed by tl�is <br /> Se�urity It�s�rument to Trustee. Trustee shal�recon�ey tl�e P�•opc�rty wit�zaut warranty�o th�pe��son ar persoi�s legally <br /> en�itled to it. Such pers�n or�ez•sons s��all p�y any r�cardation costs. Lender����y charge such person or p�rsans a <br /> fee far z•econ�eyix�g the Prope�-ty, but only if�he f�e is paid�a a third par�y�su�h as�he rrr�istee} fo��serWices rende��ed <br /> and the charginb of�he fee is per�z�i�ted u��der A�pl i��ble Law. <br /> 23. Su�s�if:ute Trustee. Le��der, at its op�ialz, inay fi-om titz�e t�tirne reil�o�e Trustee and appoi�7t a successor <br /> tx•ustee to any Trustee appointed ��ereut�der by ar1 ins�rument recorded in tl�e county in which this Secu�-ity Instt-urnent <br /> is recorded. VL�ithout can�eyai�ce nf the Pr�pea�ty, the successor trus�ee shall succeed ta aIi the titl�, pawe:-and duties <br /> conferred upan Trustee herein �nd by Applicable Law. <br /> 24. Request for Notices. Bort�ower rec�uests that copies of the i�otice of default ax�d sale be sent to Boz•rowe�-'s <br /> address which is the Pt�opez•�y Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingie Family-UNIF�RM �NSTR�MENT DocA�►agic�o,YP'►� <br /> MQDiFIED FOR DEPARTMENT �F VEi-ERANS AFFAfRS - MERS vvww_do� <br /> (Rev. 11��} Page �2 of 14 <br />