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+ <br /> v L� 1 ��3�74 <br /> sec��red l�ereby shail rem�in ful�y effecti�e�s iF�70 �cce��:��ation h�d❑�;�:urred. Howe�er, this ribht�a t-ei;�stat�sha�� <br /> not apply in the case af acceleration u��d�x- Se�tion 17. <br /> 19. S�le of Nate; �hangc of Loar� Se�•�xccx•; Notice of C�-i���ncc. The Nate oi-a parti�tl ip�t;�-�st�n the Not� <br /> �together with this Security Instrur��et�t}can be sold ane or ma��e tiimes without prior no�ice ta Borrow�r. A sa�e might <br /> result in a change in the entity �known as the "Loan Ser�icer"}thaf callec�s Periodic Payments due ut7der th�Note <br /> atzd this Security Instrutnent and pe��forms at��er mortgage loar� ser�icing obligatiox�s under the Not�, this Secu��i�y <br /> I��struz��er�t, and Applicable Law. Th�re a�so might be one or zl�ore changes of t��e Loan Ser�icer unrelated�o a sale <br /> of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Ser�ic�r, Bor�-owe�•will be gi�en vvritten no�ice of the change which will <br /> state the name and address of the new Loar1 SerWicer, ti�e address to which payrnents shouid be i�-�ade ar�d any o��7er <br /> info��matiot� RESPA re�uires it� cont�ection with a notice of transfer of ser�icit��. If the Nate is sold and thereafter <br /> the Loan is ser�iced by a Loan Servicer othei�than t��e purchaser of il7e Note, th�mortga�e loan ser�i�in�ab��gations <br /> to Bor�•ower wiIl reina�n w�tl7 the Loan Sei•Wicet• or• b��r•�nsfe�•i•ed to a successar Loan 5e�•vicer aild are t�ot assumed <br /> by the No�e pu�•chaser unless ath��•wise pra�ided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Barrawer nor Lender may co�nmence,join, or be joined to any judicial actian (as�i�her an it�diWidual <br /> li�igan�ar�he mernber af a class}�ha�arises fra�11�he o�her party's actions�u�-�uan�to this S�curi�y Instrume��t or tl�a� <br /> alleges that tl�e other party has breached any pra�is�an of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security �nstrumet�t, <br /> ui�til such Bari-ower nr Lender has notified tl�e atlier part��with such notice gi�et�in cotnp�iance r,vith the rec���ireinents <br /> ❑f Section 14}of such alleged bt�each ai�d affo�•ded t��e otller party he�•eto a rea�ot-�able pex-iod after fh�giving flf 5UC�7 <br /> no�ice to take correc�ive ac�io��. If Applicable Law pro�ides a time period w��icl� must ela�se before certai�l actiot� <br /> can be taken, that tii1�� p��-iod will be deemed to be reaso«able for p��rposes of this parabra�h. rr�he notice af <br /> acceleratio��and oppor�uni�y ta cure gi�en ta Bot•�•ow��• �U�-suant�o Sec�i�n 21 and the natice af�ccc����atian �i�en <br /> �a Bot•rovver pursuat�t to 5ection 17 shall be dee���ed �o s�tisfy th� notice and oppo�•tun�ty ta �alce co��recti�e actiat� <br /> pz•o�isions�f tlzis 5ecti�t� 1�. <br /> Z4. Haz�rdous Subst�nces. As used it� th�s 5ection 2�: �a} "Hazardous Subs�ances" are thas� substances <br /> defined as tnxic or hazardous substat�ces, pollutar�ts, or wastes by Environrnental Law and the fnl�owing subs�ances: <br /> basoline, kerasene, o�her flammable or toxic pe�roleum praducts, toxic pes��c�des and herbicides, �o�ati�e solvents, <br /> materia�s co��tlining asbestos or fo�•ma�dehyde, and radi�active materials; �b} "En�iraninental Law" ���ea�s federal <br /> �aws and lavvs of the jurisd�ctian whe��e the Praperfy is located tl�a�r�late to heal�h, safety or et��ironx-n�ntal protec�ion; <br /> �c} "En��ronmental Cieanup" includes any response actio��, �-emedial action, or rez��o�al actior�, as defined i�� <br /> Enviran�nental Law; at�d �d} an "El7viront��ental Condition" i-��eaps a condition �hat can cause, contrihute to, or <br /> ot��erwi se ti•ig�er an En�i ranmental C lean�.�p. <br /> Bor�-ower shall not cause or�aer�-nit tl�e presei�ce, use, disposal, storab�, or i-e�ease af any Hazardaus Substiances, <br /> or�:hreaten to release aily Hazardous Subs��nces, on ar in t�»Prop�rty. �3orrow�r shall r�ot do, ��ar allow at�yone else <br /> to da, anythinb affec#:in� �he Proper�y �a} �hat is it7 violation af axiy Ln�ironmental L�w, �b} w��ich creates �.�1 <br /> En�ironi��enta� Conditiot�, or �c} vvhich, due �o ���e presence, use, or release of a ��azar•dous Substance, ci�eates a <br /> condi�ion t��at adverseIy affects the �alue of t��e Property. The preceding two senten�es s��all ��ot ap�ly �a t47e <br /> presenc�, use, ar st�rage on the P��operty of sinall quarz�ities of Hazardous Subs�ances that are gener�lly recogniLed <br /> �o be appropria�e to nor��nal residentia� uses and �o rllair�tenarlce af���e Pr•ape��ty (including, but not limf�ed t�, <br /> hazardous substances in cor�sumer produc�s}. <br /> Borrower shaIi prot��ptly giWe Le��det• wri�ten i7otic�of�a} any in���tigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any g��ernrne�-��al or�-egulatoi-y ab�n�y�r•�rivate paY•ty in�ol�ing the�'r-aperty and any Hazardous Subs�anc� <br /> �r En�iranmental Law of whi�h Borrawet•has actual lcnovvledge, �b�any E1��iroiliz�exz�a� Condi�ion, including but not <br /> Ii��-�ited to, any spillinb, leaking, disc�7arg�, release o�- t1�i-eat of release of any Hazardous Substa��ce, and �c} at�y <br /> canditian caused by the pres�t�c�, use or release af� ��az�rdaus S��bstance whicl7 ad�ersely affccts th��alue of�he <br /> Property. If Borrower learns, or is t�atified by any go�ern���ental or• re�ulato�-y autharity, o��any p1-i�ate party, that <br /> any re�no�al ar o�her rei�nedia�ion ❑f any Hazardous Substance affectin�; t��e Propet•ty is necessary, Borrower shall <br /> promptly talce all necessary remedial ac�ions in accordance vvi�h En�ironmental Law. Nothinb herein shall create any <br /> ab�igatian on Lendez• for an En�iront-���ntial Cleanup. <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle Family--�JNIFURM iNSTRUMENT Daci�la�ic��� <br /> IVIDD�FIED FnR DEPARTMENT �F VETERANS AFFR�RS - MERS <br /> {Rev. �1�1} Page �� af 14 <br />