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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> a� �o rn � �C p � <br /> o �z � C Z� � � <br /> � �� � Z �Z �7 U] <br /> z� � � � — <br /> � G�� � � �� � z <br /> �� rn � �� � � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o � � � � <br /> �� � r� <br /> �o � .�.� Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> INHEN REC�RDED MAIL T�; <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> Gi -Aiien Dri�e Branch <br /> '�2U4 Allen Dr <br /> PC3 Bvx 5793 <br /> Grand Island, NE 68802 F�R REG��iDER'S U5E aNLY <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> THIS DEED DF TRUST is dated June '13, ��'l6, amvng Sandra K. Huff and Trvy L Huff, not <br /> persvnally but as Truste�s an behalf of June M. Frank Re�vcable Trust t"Trustor"�; Ex�hange <br /> Bank, whose address is �I - Allen Dri�e Bran�h, ���4 Al�en Dr, P� Bvx 5793, �rand �sland, NE <br /> �88a� �referred ta belov►r sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"�; and <br /> Exchange Bank, whose address is PDB 76�. Gibhon, NE �884� �referred tv bel�w as <br /> "Trustee"�. <br /> �DNVEYANCE AND GRANT. For �afuable cvnsiderativn. Trus#or cvnveys tv Trus�ee in trust, WITH P�VIIER �F SALE, <br /> �or the bene��t vf Lender as Bene�i�iary, all �f Trus�ar`s right, title, and interes� in and ta �he f�l�owing descrit�ed real <br /> property, �ogether with all existing ar subsequently erected or affixed buildings, impro�em�n�s and �ixtures; all <br /> easemen�s, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights and di�ch rights {in�luding stock in utilities with <br /> ditch or irriga�ion rights3; and a�l o�her rights, royalties, and pr�fits relating to the real property, including wi�hout <br /> limitation aE( minera[s, oil, gas, geotherma! and similar matters, �the "Reaf Praperty"'� �o�ated in Ha11 Cvunty, <br /> State of Nebraska: <br /> The Vllest Half af the Northwest Quarter of the Narthw�st �.ua�ter tV11't 1� NV11��4 NVII'I 14� vf <br /> 5ection Fifteen �'I 5;, Township Twel�e t'I�� Nvrth, Range Ten 4'I�� V11est af the �tn P.M., <br /> Ha�� ��unty, Nebraska <br /> The Real Prvperty vr its address is cnmmonly knawn as 48�'I W Chapman Rd, Grand Island. <br /> NE �88�3. The Rea� Property tax identification number is 4��'188��0. <br /> CRflSS-C�LLATERALIZAT��N. In addition to the Note, �his Deed of Trust secures alt obliga�ions, dehts and liabilities, <br /> plus interest therevn, of Trustor ta Lender, or any one or rnore of them, as well as all claims by L�nder against Trustvr <br /> or any one or more �f them, whether nvw existing or h�rea�ter arising, whether relat�d or unrelated to �he purpose of <br /> the Nate, whether �oluntary �r otherwise, whether due or not due, direct vr ind�rect, de�ermined or undete�mined, <br /> absolute or con�ingent, liquidated or unli�uidated, wh�ther Trustor may he iiable indi�idually or join�ly with others, <br /> whether obl�gated as guarantar, sure�y, ac�ommodation party or otherwise, and whefiher re�o�ery upon such amounts <br /> may be or hereaf�er may become barred by any s�atute a�iimi�ati�ns, and whether the abligation tv repay such amounts <br /> may �e or hereafter may became otherwise unenforceab�e. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES, I n additian to�he Note, �his Deed o�F Trust secures all future ad�ances made by Lender to Trusta� <br /> whether vr not the ad�ances are mad� pursuan'� ta a commi�ment. 5pecifiically, withou� �imitation, this Deed af Trust <br /> secures, in addi�ion tv �he amoun�s spec�fied in the Nflte, all future amounts L�nder in its discre�ion may loan to <br /> Trustor, together w�th all interest thereon. <br /> Trus�or presently assigns to Lender �also knawn as Beneficiary in this Deed ❑� Trusty alf af Trus�or's right, �i�le, and <br /> interest �n and ta all present and future �eases of the Prvperty and all Ren�s �rom th� Property. In add�tivn, Trustor <br /> gran�s ta Lender a lJniform Commer�ia� Code security intsrest in the Personal Prap�rty and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED�F TRUST, �NCLUD[NG THE ASSt�NMENT�F RENTS AND THE SECUR[TY 1NTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�]NAL PR�PERTY, 1S G1VEN T� SECURE �A� PAYN[ENT C�F THE iNDEBTEI]NESS AN❑ �B� PERFDRNlANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL UBL1GATf�NS UNDER THE NDTE. THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AND THIS DEED �F TRUST. TH�S <br /> DEED QF TRUST IS GtVEN AND A�CEPTED�N THE F�LL�VIIING TERNIS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF�RMANCE. Except as atherwise pro�ided in �his ❑eed o� Trust, Trustor shall pay ta Lender a�i <br /> amoun�s s�cured by this ❑eed �f Trust as they becom� due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perform all of <br /> Trus�or's ob�iga�ions under the Note, this Deed of Trust, and the Re�ated DoCuments. <br /> P�SSESSIaN AND MA[NTENANGE DF THE PR�PERTY. Trustor agrees �hat Trustor's p�ssession and use of the <br /> Property shal! be gov�rned by the fvllowing pro�isions: <br /> Possessian and Use. Until the occurrence of an Event of Default, Trustor may �1 y remain in possession and <br /> control of the Pr�perty; ��� use, operate vr manage the P�aperty; and �3} colle�t the Rents from the Pr�perty. <br /> Duty to Maintain. Trustor sha�� main�ain th� Property in tenan�able condi�ion and promptly pe��orm alf r�pairs, <br /> rep�acem�nts, and maintenanc� necessary ta preser�e its�alue. <br /> Compliance With Enrrironmenta� Laws. Trustar represents and warrants to Lender that: ��y Du�ing �he p�riod of <br /> Trustor`s ownership o��he Property, there has been no use, generation, manufac�tur�, storage, treatment, disposal, <br /> re[ease or threatened release o� any Ha�ardous Substance by any person vn, under, about or �rvm the Prape�ty; <br /> ��} Trus�or has na knawledge o�, or reas�n to belie�e tha� there has b�en, except as pre�ious�y disclased to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writ�ng, 4a� any breach ar �iolation o� any En�ironmental Laws, {b� any use, <br /> generatian, manufactur�, storag�, treatment, d'€spvsal, release or �hreatened release of any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, under, about or from the Prope�ty k�y any prior owners �r o�cupants o� the Prop�rty, or �c� any a��tual o� <br /> . <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> � <br />