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' 2� 1 ��3�38 <br /> � ; <br /> � <br /> , <br /> 5. �aWerning .Law; �e�erab�lit�. T���s �ecurity �ns�rumel�t s�Yall be gover��ed by �ed�ral �aw an�! �he <br /> law af#he jurisdict�an in vir��.�ch the Pra�erty is i�cated. In the e�ent tha� any prauisi�n or c�ause of <br /> this Sec��r�ty In�trument�r the I'�Tate �onflicts with appliGable 1aw, such co�.flict shall nat affect�ther <br /> pr��isions af this �e�ur�ty �nstrument�r��ae Note wh�ch cari be given effect vrr�thout the con�icting <br /> �roW�sr�n. Tp thts en� the pr�v�s2Qns of this S��ur�ty �nstrurne�t and the Nate ar� d��lared to �e <br /> severab�e. , <br /> �. Bflrrower's �o�ay. �orrawer shal� be �iv�n one confarmed capy �f the No�e and �f this Security <br /> Instrum e�t. <br /> N��1-C�I�IFaRM��VENANTS.Borrower and L�nder further c��enan�and agre�as f��lows: <br /> 7. Accelera#ion; Remedies. Lender s�all gi�e natice to B�rr�w�r prior to accel�ration fallavr�ing <br /> Barrower's lareach af any covenant or agreernent in thts Security Ir�strument. Th� r�otice sha�l <br /> specif�: �a� the �lefault; ��� th� actian requrr�d to cure the default; �c} a da�e, n�� les� than 3� <br /> days from the date th� natice is given ta Borrower,by wh�ch the�efault must be�ured; and (d} <br /> that failur� ta cure the defau�t on or before the date sp���fied in the not�ee m�y re�ult in <br /> acceleratian of the sums se�ured by this Se�urity Instrument and 5a1� af the Fr�pert�. The <br /> notice shall further infvrm Borrower of the r�ght ta reinstate after accel�ration and the right to <br /> bring a �ourt actian ta assert the non-exis�enCe af a default or any other def�nse of Borrawer to <br /> acce�erati�n and sale, if the default is no� �ur�d on or b�fore the date specif ed in the nati�ey <br /> Lend�r at its vpt��n may requ�r�imrnediate payment in full flf all sums secured by�his Se�urity <br /> Ins�rument without fuarth�r demand and may in�oke the power of sale an� any other r�med�es <br /> p�rmitt�d hy App�ica�le Law. Lender sha�� �e ent�tled ta c�l�ect a�� e�p�nses incurr�c� �n <br /> �ursuing the rernedies pro�ided in this Sect��n 7, includings but nat limited to, reasona�te <br /> a�tarneys' fees and c�s�s of tit�e e��denGe. <br /> If th� p�wer of sal� is �n�al�ed,Trust�e sha�� r�card a notice of default in each caunty in which <br /> an��art�f the Pr�per-ty i�)�cated and�hal� mail copies of such notice in the mann�r pr�scrihed <br /> by App�ica��e Law ta �arr�wer and �o th� oth�r pers�ns prescribed �y Appli��ble Law. After <br /> the�im� required by Appl�cab�e.Law,Trust�e sha��gi�e pu�lic notice of sa��to thQ p�rsons and <br /> in the manner prescrib�d by Appl�cable Law, Trustee, without demand on �orravver, shall sell <br /> the �'raperty at pulalic auction t4 the highest �idder at th��ime and pla�e and under the terms <br /> d�si�nated in �he nati�e Qf sale in one or more par�els and in any order Truste� determines, <br /> Trustee may pos�pone sale of a!t or any parc�l of the Pro�erty by pub�iG ann�uncer�ent at the <br /> time and place �f any previous�y scheduled sa�e. Lender or its designee may gurchase the <br /> Property at any s�le. <br /> [.�pan reeexpt of paymen� of�h� price hid,Trus�tee shall de��ver ta the pur�haser pi'rus�ee's deet� <br /> c�n�eying the Pr��erty. The re��tals in the 'Trus�ee's deed sha�� be prima faci� evid�nce af the <br /> truth �f the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the pra�eeds of the sale in the <br /> fallawing ��-c�er: �a� t� all costs �n�i exp�enses of exercising the p�wer �f sale, �nd the Sal�, <br /> ir�ciuding ��e pa�men� af the Trustee's fees actua��y incurred and reasonahte �t��rn��s' f�es as <br /> permitted �y Applicab�� Law; {b} to all sums secured by th�s Security Instrument; and {c} any <br /> excess ta the person ar pers�ns legally ent���ed to it. <br /> If the Lender's interest in th�s Se�ur�ty Ins�rument is held by the 5ecr�tary and the Secr�tary <br /> requrres �mme��ate payment in fu�� under�'aragra�h � of the Sub�rd�nate�o�e, th�Secretar� <br /> may invol�e the r�on-judicial power af sa�� pr�vided in the Singl�Fam�ly M�rt�ag��orec�a��ur� <br /> Act af 19�4�'►Ac�"}�1� [].5,�.3751 et,��eq.}by requesting a fareclasure�ammiss�ian�r�esignated <br /> under the Act to�a�mmence foreclosure and t4 sell the Property as pra�ided hy the Act.Not�ing <br /> in the precedxng sentence shall depri��t�►e Secretary af any rights o#herwis�available to Lender <br /> und�r this paragr��h�r�ppli�able�aw. <br /> V4lells F�rg� Custom F�3A �IAMP I�an Modification Agreement �3�I�I��I�� i�������� �I���� <br /> �5Z0�(?�� 3�2 <br /> ~ Page� <br />