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` 2� 1 ��3�38 <br /> , <br /> , � , <br /> � <br /> , <br /> Taxi� 4�OI�9302 <br /> T�GETHER�VITH all the iranpr��e�n�nts now or hereafter erected nn the property, �.nd all e�sements, rights, <br /> appurtenances an� rents (su�ject ���e�er ta t�e r�gt�ts a�d auth�rit�es given here�n #o L�nder to c�llect and <br /> a�p�y such�rents},al�of t�vhich shall be deemed t�be and�emain a part of the property ca�ered b�th�s Security <br /> �nstrutnent; and aI1 of the foregoing, togeth�r with said property �or the leas�ho�d e�tate if this Security <br /> Instrument is vn a Iea�eho[d� �r� hereinafte�referr�d �o as the"Prop�rt�r". To Secure to Lender the repayment <br /> of the indebt�dn�ss e�idence� by B�rrpw�r's r��te dated I�IAY�5,��1� , and�xtensivns and renewa�s thereof <br /> �herein s`l�at�"�, i� th� prtncipa� sum of THIRTY-TI��EE TH(�USAND �NE HUNDRE� T�ENTY <br /> D�:LLARS AND 5� CENTS��J.S. $33,I�4.5�}, w�th the balance af the ind�btedne�s, if n4t saoner paxd, due <br /> and payabl� on JUL'Y l, 2U�6; the payment of all other sum.s ad�ance� in accardance herewith to protect the <br /> se�urity�f th�s S�curi�y Inst�-ument�nd�he p�rformanc�of the c��enants and agre�ments of Barr�wer herein <br /> BDRR���ER C�VENANTS that Borrawer is lawfully s�ized of the estate hereby�onveyed and has the right <br /> ta gra�t and con�ey the Pra�pert�, and tha�the Pro�erty i� ur�encumb�r�d, �xcept for en�umbrances of rec�rd. <br /> Barrawer ca��nants that �orr�wer ��a�rants a.nd w�l� defend generally the tif�e ta the Propert}r against all <br /> �[aims ai�d demandsa subje�t to enc�mbxanc�s�f recard. <br /> THI� SE�UR.ITY INST�UMENT combines uniform eo�enants f�r nationa� �ise and nan-uniform eov�n�ants <br /> �vith limited varia�ions by jurxsdi�tion to c�nstitute a unifarm secu�ity�nstrument cn�ering r�a[�roperty. <br /> UN��F�I�M�Q�ENANTS.Barrower and Lender�avenant and agr��as fa���ws; <br /> l. Payment of Principa�.Borrovtirer sh��i pay when due the principal of the debt ev�-denced by�he Nate. <br /> 2. Borro��r Not Released; Forh�arance By Lender NQt a�'Vai�er. Extens��n af the txme of payment <br /> of�he surns sec��red by this �ecurity �nstrumen� grant�d by Lender ta any su�cessor in interest af <br /> Barr�wer�hall not operat�ta releas�the liability of�he�rig�nal Borra��rer�r Borra�rer's su�cess�r in <br /> interest. Lender shall not be requir�d �o cflmmence proceediMgs aga�nst any successor in interest or <br /> r�fuse to extend time for payment or othervvise modify a�x�ortiza�ian �f th� sum� seGured by this <br /> Security�nstrument by reas�n�f�n�demand made by the original B�rrawer�r�arr�vver's sucG�ssars <br /> in interest. Any far�ear�nce by Lender�n exerc�sing any right ar remedy shali nat be a wa�v�r of or <br /> preclude the��cercise af any right ar remedy. <br /> 3. �uccess�rs and A�si�ns Bound; aoint and Se�era� Lial��l�ty; Co-si��Qr5. The ca�renants and <br /> a�reement�of this Security Instrum�nt shal�b�n�and ben�f t th�suc�ess�rs and assigY�s af Lender and <br /> Borro�v�r. �3o�-rower's co�enants and agreements shall be joint and severaI. Any �orro�ver who co- <br /> signs this S�curity i��strument b���daes not e�ce�ute the Not�: �a}is cn-sigr�ing this Seciirity Instrurnent <br /> on�y �o mo�tgage, gra.nt and conv�y that B4rrower's tnt�res� in the Properry und�r th� terms of this <br /> Security Instrument; �h� is nat persanally ab�igated �o pa�r the sums secur�d by t�is Sec�rit�r <br /> �.nstrument; and �c} agr�es t�aat Lender and any �ther Borraw�r may agr�e ta extend, modif�, f�rb�ar <br /> or xnake any accommadat�ons with r�gard to the term of this Security Instrum�nt ar the Note wi#h�u� <br /> that Barr�w�r's cons�nt. <br /> 4. Notices. Any notice ta B�rrav�ver provided for in this Securiiy�nst�ument shall�e given by deli�ering <br /> �.t ar by mail�n���by �rst c�ass m�.i.��n�ess a���icab�e �aw�-equ�res �se Qf.anather meth�d.The notx�e <br /> shall be directe� to th� Proper� Address ar any ather address Borr�wer designates �y natice to � <br /> Lender.An��at���ta Lender shall be given by firs��la�s mail to: Departrnent of Ha�stn� and Urban <br /> Developm�nt, Attention: Singl� Fa.mi l}� Notes Bran�h, 451 Seventh �fireet SW, �ashingt�n, D� <br /> ��4�� or any address Lender des�g�at�� by natice ta Borr�wer. Any n�tice prv�ided for in this <br /> Securit� �nstrument shall b� d�eme� t� ha�e been gi�en ta Borrower Qr Lender when ��ven as <br /> provided in t.his para�raph.� � <br /> We�ls Far�o �ustam FI�A �IAMP Luan Moditicatian Agr�ement g��� ���I�II�I���ll�lllllp ���� <br /> �52�2{��� 3�� <br /> Page� <br />
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