2� 1 ��3� 1 �
<br /> .A.ny applicatian of paym�n�s, �nsurance proce�ds, or Misce��ane�us Proceeds �o princ�pal due under�he Note
<br /> sha��no�e�.tend or p�s�pane the due da�e, or change�h�amount, of�he Per�ad�c Payments.
<br /> 3. �'unds for Escrow I�ems. B�rrower sha11 pay ta Lender an�he day Periodic Payments are due under the
<br /> Note, unti�the Note is paxd �n fu�I, a sum��he "Funds"��o pro��de for payment of amounts due far: ta} ta�.es
<br /> and assessm�nts and�ther i�erns v�h�ch�an a��ain pr��ri�y ov�er�h�s Securi�� �ns�rum.ent as a��en or
<br /> encumbranc�an the Praper��; �b� �easehold paymen�s or ground ren�s on�he Proper�y, if an�r; tc}prerniurns
<br /> for an�r and all insurance required by L�nder under Sect��n S; and �d} Mortgage�ns�ra�ce premium�, �f any,
<br /> or any sums pa�able b�Barrow�r to Lender�n��eu af�he payment of Mart�age Insuran�e premium� �n
<br /> a�cordan�e with�he prnvisions af Sect��n �0. Thes�items are called "Escraw �tems." At origination or at
<br /> any�ime during�h�tern�.�f the L�an, Lender may requ�re�hat�ammuni�y Assoc�a��on Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessmen�s, if an�, be es�rowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s shall�e an Escrow
<br /> Item. Borrawer sha��proxnpt�y furn�sh�a Lender a�� no�ices of amoun�s�a be paid under this Sec�ion.
<br /> Borrovver shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow �tems un�ess Lender wai�es Borrower's obl�gat�on to pay
<br /> the Funds for aray�r a�� �scrow �tems. Lender may v�ai�ve Barro�er's ob�igatzan�o pay to I�nder Funds for
<br /> an�flr all Escrow �tems at any�ime. An�r such waiv�r may o�zly be�n wr�ting. ��.�he even�af such�va��er,
<br /> Barrow�r sha��pa�r d�re�t�y, urhen and v�r�xere pa�ab�e, �he amoun��due for any Escrov� I�ems for whi�ch
<br /> payment af Funds�as been wai�ed��Lender and, �f Lend�r requ�res, shal�furnish ta Ilender receipts
<br /> �vxdencing such pa�rm�nt�ith�n such t�me period a� Lender may requ�re. Barrower's ab�igat�on�a make
<br /> �uch paymen�s and�o pro�ide r�ceip�s sha��for a��purposes be d�em�d to be a co�renan�and agreem.en�
<br /> con�ained�n th�s Se�urity �nstrument, as th�phrase "��venan�and agre�ment" is used in�ec��a�9. �f
<br /> Borrower is abligated��pa��scr�w Items d�rectl�, pursuant to a vva��er, and Borrawer fails�o pay the
<br /> arnount due f�r an�scrow Item, Lender may exercise�ts r�gh�s under Se��i�n� and pay such amaunt and
<br /> Borrovver sha�� then be�b�iga�ed under Section 9 t�repay to Lender any such amoun�. Lender n�ay revoke
<br /> �he wa�v�r as to an�ar al� �scrow ���ms at any�ime by a no�i�e given�n a��Qrdance wi�h Sec��on l.5 and,
<br /> upon such re�r�ca�ion, B�rrower sha11 pa�r to Lender aIl Fur�ds, and in such am�unts, �ha�are�h�n requ�red
<br /> u�d��°��i�s �ec��o�.3.
<br /> Lender may, at any tim.e, c��iect and hold Funds in an am�unt�a} suff�c�ent to permit L�nder�o apply th�
<br /> Funds a��he�im�specified und�r RE�PA, and�b}n��to��ceed the max�m.um amoun�a�ender can requ�re
<br /> under RESPA. Len�er shall est�mate�he amaunt of Funds due on�he basis of�urrent data and reas�nable
<br /> estxmates af expendxtures of future�scrov� ���ms ar�therw�se in accardance wi�h App��cable Law.
<br /> Th� Funds sha1l be he�d�n an inst��u�ion whose depos�ts are insured b�r a federa� agency, instrumentaii��, or
<br /> ent��y �inc�udin� Lender, �f Lender is an ins�itution v�rh�se depos�ts are so �nsured} or�n any Fe��ra� Home
<br /> �.�an Bank. L�nder sha�� app�y�he Funds to pa�the �scrow Items na �a�er�han�he��me specif�ed under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall not charge Borrow�r for holding and apply�ng the Funds, annual.�y anal�z�ng�he
<br /> escrow accaunt, fl�r ver�fying the Escrow Items, unl�ss Lender pa�s�orrower�n�er�s�on�he Funds and
<br /> App�icab�e La�r pernuts L.�nder to make�uch a c�arg�. Unless an agreement is made in wr�t�ng ar
<br /> App�icab�e Law requires �n�erest ta be paid an�he Funds, Lender sha11 no�be requ�r�d to pay�vrrow�r an�
<br /> interest or earnings on�he Funds. Borrower and Lender car�agree in v�ri��ng, howe�er, tha� �nter�st shall be
<br /> pa�d on the Funds. Lender shai�gi�ve t�Borrower, w��hau�charge, an annual accoun�ing of the�unds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If�here �s a surpius of Funds held �n escrow, as de�ned under RESPA, L.�nder sha�� account to Borrov�er far
<br /> �he excess funds in acc�rdance w�th RESPA. �f�here is a shartage af Funds held in escrow, as d�f�ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lend�r�ha11 natify�orrower as requ�red�� RE�PA, and Borrow�r shall pa� �a Lender the amount
<br /> n�cessar�to make up the shar�age�n accordance wi�h RESPA, bu��n n�more than 1 Z monthly payments. �f
<br /> there is a de�c�ency of Funds he�d�n escrow, as de�ned under R��PA, Lender sha11 nat�f� Borraw�r as
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amity-�artrtie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRLfMENT �o�m�oz8��o�
<br /> VMP�
<br /> VMPfitNE3 t�342}
<br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inancia€Ser�ices Page 5 v�17
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