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<br /> I�ome F�dera�Sa�i��gs&Laaz�Assa�iatia��af H�m�FederaZ Savings&�aax�,�.sso�iatxo��of
<br /> Grand Is�and Grand Is�a��d
<br /> Z�1 �ou�h�,►o�ust St�•eet 2�1 Snt����I�o�ust S��•ee�
<br /> G�AN�ISL�.ND,�E 688U 1 GT�.ND I��..rA�TD,I��65841
<br /> tSpace�bvve This Lii��For ReGordi��g�]ata)
<br /> C[�NI�E��I.�L R�A.L�E�TAT�1]�E�3 UF T1�U�'�'
<br /> This��MMERCIAL�tEAL ESTATE DEED�]F TRUST�"Securi�y Instx ument"}is�rnade on Ju��e 7,2�I6 Uy�he
<br /> grantor�s) �EDR� P. RU��RCl�]I�.I�UT+�Z, a s�ngle p�rsox�, whose address �s �4�� �. ANNA��T., G1�A.N�]
<br /> IS�A.ND,l�ebraska 68$D�t„Gran�o�."}. The trus�ee zs Arend R.Baac��,���o�-�xey vvhose add�-ess xs�'.a.Bax 79�,
<br /> �rai�d Islan�d,I�i�braska�SSD� �"T�yus��e"}. �he be�a�fi�zary is I�ame F�der�I S��iz�gs � Laan ,Assacia��on of
<br /> Grand Island v�hose add.t-ess is 22� Svu�h �ocus��tr���, Grand Is�and, �ebx�aska 68SU1 �"Lende�•"�, �v�i�h is
<br /> or�an�ze�.and e�i��iu�g ux�der���e lav��af.�tae TJnz��d S�ates o�Atane�•xGa.�ran��ar�x�co�asidera�xa���f��ans extended
<br /> by Lender up �� a rnax�n.um prixac�pa� am�ur�� af T�n T��ausa nd and 4Ull DU� Do��a�•s �U.S. $10,U0�.40�
<br /> �"Maximum�'rincipal�ndeU��dn�ss"), �nd�ar o�her wa�uaU�e considera�ion,t���rece�p�of v�h��h is acknowledged,
<br /> �rrev�Ca�b�y grants, conveys and as��gns �o Trus�ee, �n frust, w�th�awez•af sa�e, the fo��o�in� des�r�bed proper•ty
<br /> �aca��d u.��he�ounty�f�aZ�,St�.�e�fNeb�•aska:
<br /> Add.r�ss: �4�[1 V4�.A�nz�a 5�.,���.A.N�.7 ISL.A►N�,Nebraska�88U1
<br /> LegaI I]escr�ptic�n: Frac�ion�a� Lot Se�en �7�, ��� B�flCk Far•�y ��U�, in Char�es V4rasmer�s A.d€��t��n, a��d �t's
<br /> ���n��emei�t, t4�-v��t; Fracti,o�nal �o� Se�ve�� �7�, X�� �Zo�l{k"o�-�y �4�), �a� ��aar�es 'V'��sm�r'� S�cond Ad�i�xc�xi,
<br /> both Additians to�he C�ty pf�rand Is�a��d,Hall Cau����,N�b�-as��a.
<br /> Tvge�her �i�h al� ease�r�en�s, �ppur�ena�lces abu�ti��g st�ee�s and a��eys, u�n�ro�ve�nen�s, �]�.11��.1I7�5, fixtures,
<br /> tenements, he�-ed�ta�ents,�equip�n�n�, re�x��, ���came,pro��s and r��rai��es,�a�rs�nal gonds of�v1�a��Wer d�scr�p�r�n
<br /> and all othe�- rxgh�s and pri�i�eges i�.cluding ai� min�rals, o��, �as, w��er �w��et�xer �rau�ad�a�er, subterran�an or
<br /> a��aer�ise), wa�er r�gh�s�whether ripar�an, ap�a�-op�-�ate ar-o���er��s�, and whetla�er or��o�appur�ena���ta tih�abov�-
<br /> desct•ib�d rea� proper�y�, v�e�ls, we1� permits, ditchEsa di�c�a rights, reservoirs, reser�air �•igh��, resex•�rou sites,
<br /> s�orage r�g��s, dams and �ra�er �to�k �laat zriay now, vr at any ��� ��� the fia�u�-e, �e l��axed on andlor us�d �n.
<br /> �onne�tian �ith the abav�-descri�ed real pr�per�y, pay�nen� awa�-ds, amoun�s re�eived fr�m e�nYnen� domain,
<br /> anr�vu�fs x�c�i�ed fro�n any an�al�xnsur��ce p�.yt�.e��ts, a�d�imber w�a��h xz�a�no�a�r la�e�•be loca�ed,s���ra�ed, �r
<br /> afftxed an and used in coru�ec��on�herewi�h�Il�reu�aft�r Ga�ted the"Prape��y"}. � �
<br /> R�LAT�D DC�CUME�TTSR The words "Related Dacurneu�s" in�an a�I pra�nissory n�tes, securzt� ag�eel�nents,
<br /> privr m�r�g,ages, prior deeds� ���rus�, pria�- deeds to secur� deb�, busir�ess �aan a�re�lr�enti�, const�uc�ivza loan
<br /> agreemer�fs, resoiutiax�s, guaran�ies, en�zronmen�al agree�ne��ts, subordina��o�� agreeme��ts, as��gn�nents af�eases
<br /> and ren�s and a�7� ather d�Guzn��a�s oz• �.gx•eeinen�s execu�ed in co�.a��ec��an vvit��. th�s I�adet��edt�ess and S�Gw-ity
<br /> I�astrument,whether n�vv ar hereafter ex�s�ing,inc�uding at�.y mad�f ca�xons,ex�ens���1s,substi�.i�i���s or renevvals of
<br /> any of the foregaing. The Re�a�e�. �a�um�nts are hereb� ��ade a par� af�h�s Se�urity Z1�s��-uxzlez�� by refe�-ence
<br /> �hereto,�ith fih�sazne farce and�ffect as�f ful�y se�fo�-�h Ilere�n. �
<br /> I1�TI]EBTEDN�SS.T�ais Securit�Ins�ru�nen�secures t��e princxpa�a�noun�shovvn a�ci�e as�nay Ue evideneed�ay a
<br /> �rom�ssoxy na�e oz no�es ❑f���r�, prior o�• subseque�� da�e l�exetc�, in�ludir�� �utui-e adva��c�s ax�d ewe�y atla��-
<br /> indebtedness gf any an���er,�kind nfl�r or he��af�er ow�ng fi��n 1tUI�'�'�.�.NSP��.7`, LL�to �Ivme Federal
<br /> Savi��gs & Laan A►ssa�cxatio�� of �rar�� �I��and, howso��e�• �rea�ed �r a�-i�i�g, vu���tI�cr �riunaxy, seco�a��at� �r
<br /> cvn�ixagen�, toge�her ��th any i.n�eres� �r charges pravided in ar arisivag auti of such�indebted�aess, as vve�i as �he
<br /> agr�emen�s and covena��s of���is Se�cu•�ty I�as�rumen�and a�i Rela#ed��c�azne��ts�he�•eix���er a�l r����-�•cd��as�he
<br /> ��I1l�e�]#�C��7.e55t��. � �
<br /> FUTUR�ADVAN��S.To�he ex�en�permrt�ed hy Iaw�this Se�urit�Ins�umen��ri1�s�cure future ad�ances as if
<br /> su�h ad�anc�s were rnade.on���e da�e of�hi�Secu�-it�Inst�uYne�a��-e�ard�ess of�he fact 1:h�t fro�n�ime�a time���ere
<br /> may b�no ba�ance due under��he�ote at�d regard�ess af whether Lend�r�s ob�zgatea��o m�.l�e sueh fi��ure a�ivat�ces.
<br /> CR�SS ��LLATERALI�.ATI�N. �� zs ���e exp�essed 'u��ex�.t �f Gr�.ntvr i:o cross co��atera�ize alI �f 1�5
<br /> �nde�tedness and ob�i�ation� to Lender, h.ov�soever aris�� and �hensaev�r uacu�-�-ed, ex�ep� any �bl��a�i���
<br /> existu�g or aris�ng agait�s��he�pru��ip�.�dv�elXing vf a�ay Gran�or. ;
<br /> ���44-2a15 C�mpliance Systems,Inc.68F9-GF37-2a�5.I i.3.I4�� ,. �
<br /> Cammercial Real Estate Se��xrity Instn:r�zent�DU4�07 P�ge i af S ��t�tiv.carn�lianeesyslems.com
<br />