2� 1 ��3593
<br /> Prop�rty Condxtion, Alteratxvns and Inspectian. Trustor will keep the Property xn gaod Gondit�on and
<br /> make a1� repaurs �hat are reasonably necessary. Trustor shal� nat commit or allow any waste� II71�3a1I��.P,I1�, or
<br /> deterioration ❑f the Property. Trustor agrees that the nature af the occupancy and use will not substantial�y
<br /> change v�ithout Seneficiary's prior wri�ten consent. Trustar will not permit any �hange in any Ii�ense,
<br /> r�strictxve co�enant ar easemen� without Beneficiary's prior writt�n consent. Trustor wi11 notify Beneficiary
<br /> of a11 demands, praceed�n�s, �laims, and act�ons against Trustar, and of any�oss or damage�o the Prop�rty.
<br /> Beneficiary or Seneficiary's agents may, at Beneficiary's opt�on, enter the Property at any reasonable t�me for
<br /> the purpose of inspecting the Prvperty. Seneficiary shall gi�e Trustar no�ice a� th� time of ar before an
<br /> inspe�tion specifying a reasana�le purpose for the inspection. Any�nspection of the Proper�y sha.Il be ent�re�y
<br /> for Benefi�xary's benefit and Trustar will in nv way rely an B�neficiary's inspectian.
<br /> Authorxty tfl Perform, If Trust�r fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants��nta�n�d in this Securxty
<br /> Ins�rument, Benefi�iary may, without nntice, perform or cause them to be perfarmed. Trustnr appo�nts
<br /> Benefxc�ary as attarn�y zn fact �a s�gn Trustor's name or pay any am�unt necessary far performance.
<br /> �3ene���ary's right to perform for Trustor sha11 not �reate an flblxga���n t�perform, and Beneficiary's failure
<br /> to perform wi�I not preclude Bene�cYary from exerc�sing any flf Benefxciary's other rights under the law or
<br /> this S�curity Instrument.
<br /> Le.aseholds; �ondominiums; Planned Un�t I]e�e�opments. Trustor agrees ta camp�y with the provis�ons of
<br /> any lease if thzs Security Instrument is on a leasehoid. If the Property incxudes a unit in a condominxum ar a
<br /> planned unit d��elopment, Trustor wz11 perfarm a�l of Trustor's duties under the covenan�s, by-1aws, or
<br /> r�gulations of the condam�nium or planned unzt development.
<br /> Con.demnation. Trus�or will give Benef�ciary pramp� no�i�e af any pending ar�hreatened action, hy pr�va�e
<br /> or pu�lic enti�ies to purchase or take any or all af�he Prop�rty thr�ugh condemnation, �m�nent dQmain, or
<br /> any o�her means. Trustor authorizes Bene�ciary to xn�ervene rn Trust�r's name in any of�he ab�ve d�scribed
<br /> act�ons or ciaims. Trus�or assigns �o Beneficiary �he pr�c�eds af any award ar c�aim for damages connec�ed
<br /> with a condemnatifln or o�her taking of a.11 or any part �f th� Propearty. Such proceeds sha11 b� considered
<br /> payments and wi.l� be appl�ed as provid�d �n this Security �nstrumen�. This assignment of pro�eeds is subj ect
<br /> to�he terms of any priar martgage, d�ed of trust, s�cur�ty agreement ar other Iien documen�.
<br /> Insurance, Trust�r shall keep Prop�rty insured against loss by f�re, flafld, theft and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably assaciated with th� Property due to its type and location. Thzs �nsuranc�shall be maintain�d in�he
<br /> amounts and for �he periods that Benefic�ary requires. '�Vhat B�nef�ciary requires pursuant to the preceding
<br /> two sentences �an change dur�ng th�term af the Secured Debt. The insurance carrier pro�iding the xnsurance
<br /> shal.l be chosen by Trustor subj�ct to Benef�cxary's appro�al, which shal� not be unreasonably withheld. If
<br /> Trustar fa.i�s to maintai.n the co��rage describ�d abave, B�n�fxc�ary may, at Beneficiary's optian, abtain
<br /> coverage to pratect Beneficiary's righ�s �n th�Pr�p�rry ac��rding t�the terms af this Security�nstrum�nt.
<br /> A�l �nsurance polxcies and renewals sha11 b� accep�a�le to Beneficiary and sha11 include a standard "martga�e
<br /> �lause" and, wh�re applicable, "lass payee c�ause." Trus�or shall immediately notify Benefi�zary af
<br /> canc�llation or t�rminat�on af th� �nsurance. �enefxc�ary shall ha�e the right to hald the palicies and
<br /> renewals. If Benefi�iary requires, Trustor shal� �mmedza�ely gi�e ta Beneficiary aII rece�p�s af paid premiums
<br /> and renewai notx�es. Upon loss, Trustor shall g�ve immediate notice to the insurance carrier and Ben�fxc�ary.
<br /> Beneficiary may make proof of loss �f not made immediately�y Trustor.
<br /> Unl�ss otherwise agr�ed in writing, al� �nsurance pro�eeds sha11 b� app��ed to th� restoration or repair of the
<br /> Pr�perty ar to th� 5ecured Debt, wh�ther or not �i�n due, at Ben�f�ciary's option. Any applxcation of
<br /> proceeds to princxpal sha7l not ext�nd or postp�ne the due date af th� s�heduled payment n�r change the
<br /> amount of any payment. Any excess wi.�� be paid ta the Trustor. If the Pr�perty zs acqu�red by Beneficiary,
<br /> Trustor's r�ght to any insuranc� pfllYcxes an�1 pro��eds resulting from damage to the Praperty before th�
<br /> acquisition shall pass�o Benefic�ary to the extent�f the Secured Debt imm�diately before the acquisition.
<br /> F�nanciaX Reports and Add�txflna� Dn�ument�. Trustor w�11 pro�id� ta Beneficiary upon request, any
<br /> financial s�atement or information B�nefxc�ary may d��m reasanably n�ce�sary. Trustor agrees to sign,
<br /> de���er, and fil�any additional dc��uments or cer�ifYca�zons that Beneficiary may consider necessary ta perfect,
<br /> �ont�nue, and pr�s�r�e Trustor's abligatrons under this Secur�ty Znstrum�nt and 8eneficiary's lzen sta�u.s on
<br /> the Property.
<br /> �. �W' �IT'Y �F TITLE. Trus��r warrants tha�Trustar rs or w�ll be Xawfully seized of the estat�conveyed
<br /> by this Secur�ty Instrument and has the rzght t� irr�vocably grant, �on�ey, and se�� the Prop�rty ta Trustee, in
<br /> trust, wx�h power of sale. Trustor also warrants �hat the Prflperty is unencumb�red, except for�ncumbrances
<br /> of record.
<br /> 7. DUE QN SAL�. Beneficiar� may, at its optzan, declar� th� entzre balanc� of �he Secured Debt to be
<br /> immediately due and payable upon the creation of, or contract for�he creation of, a transfer or sale of a1� or
<br /> any part �f the Property. This right xs subj ect tn th� restrxctians impflsed by federai Iaw (I Z �.F.R. 591}, as
<br /> applzcable.
<br /> Securi�y insirt�ment-�perr-End-ConsUmer-NE �CP-R�DT-NE 71212fl�1
<br /> VMP�Bankers 5yst�msT'" VMP-C46�tNE) t�1 Q7y.DQ
<br /> Wofters Kluwer Financiaf Ser�ices C��994,2Q1 1 I'age 3❑f 5
<br />