2� 1 ��3593
<br /> The property is �acated in Hall................ . ..................... ........... ...................
<br /> ... .. . ... .... ..... at .,. ....
<br /> [County}
<br /> ..2�.�hant.i 1 lY..5 t......................... ..Grand.I s 1 and.................., Nebraska ..6.8 8�3..........
<br /> -�
<br /> �Address} (City} {Z�P Code}
<br /> Tog�ther v�ith a11 rights, easements, appurtenances, royalti�s, minerai rights, oi1 and gas rYghts, a11 water and
<br /> riparian righ�s, ditches, and water stock and alI existing and future impra�ements, s�ructures, fixtures, and
<br /> replacements that may naw, flr at any tixne in the future, �e part of�he real estate descr�bed abflve ta11 referred
<br /> �o as "Praperty"}.
<br /> 3. MA�IMUM []�LIGATI�N LIMIT. The total principa� amaunt secured by this Securz�y �nstrument at any
<br /> one tim� shall not exceed $ 5 0�.o 0 0:.o,o................................... . Thrs lim�tat�on of amount daes not
<br /> includ� �nterest and �ther fe�s and charges valYdly made pursuant to this Security �nstrument. Also, this
<br /> Iimitat�an does not apply t� advances mad� under �he t�rms nf this 5ecurity Zns�rum�n� to protect
<br /> Benef�ciary's securi�y and to perfonm any�f th��o�enan�s cantain�d xn this Se�urity Instrument.
<br /> 4, SECUREI�I]E�T A.ND FUTiTRE ADVANCES. Th�term "Secured D�bt" �s defined as fa�lows:
<br /> A.De�t incurr�d under�h� terms af all promissor� n�tets}, c�ntract(s�, guaranty�ies� or other evidence of
<br /> debt descr�bed b��ow and a11 their �xtens�ans, renewals, madificati�ns or su�stitutions. �You must
<br /> speci�cally identify the de�t�{s} secured and you should include the finar mact�crzty date af su�h delat�s�.�
<br /> Note Da�ed May 16, ��16 In The Amount �f $5� Oa�.�fl
<br /> Accruing At A Varia�l� Rate With A Maturity Dat� of June �6� �D�l
<br /> Said Loan In The Name{s} �f Marilyn Leth
<br /> B.Al� future ad�anc�s from Beneficiary to Trustor ar o�her future obligatx�ns ❑f Trustor �o Beneficiary
<br /> under any promissory no�e, contract, guaranty, or a�ier evxden�e of d�bt ��ecu�ed by Trustor in favor
<br /> of Beneficiary after this 5ecur�ty Instrument whether or not thxs S�curi�y Instrum�nt is specifi�aliy
<br /> referenced. Zf m�re than one p�rsan signs this Security Instrument, �ach Trustor agrees tha� this
<br /> Security �nstrument wiii secure al.l future ad�ances and future o�lxgat�ons that are g��en to or incurred
<br /> by any one or more Trustor, or any an� or more Trustor and oth�rs. A�� future advances and other
<br /> future obl�gat�ons are secured hy th�s Security Instrumen� even though a1X or part may not yet be
<br /> ad�anced. A11 future advances an� other future a�ligatxons are secured as if made on the da�e of this
<br /> S�curity rnstrument. Nothing in th�s Security �nstrument sha11 canstxtute a commitment to make
<br /> addi�i�na1 or future �oans or advances in any amount. Any such cammitment must b� a�reed to in a
<br /> sepaxate writing.
<br /> C.A11 oth�r ob�iga�ians Trustar owes ta Seneficiary, which may later arise, to the ex�ent not proh�bxted by
<br /> law, includ�ng, but not limited ta, I�abili�ies for averdrafts relating to any deposit account agre�ment
<br /> between Trustor and Beneficiary.
<br /> D.All additional sums advanced and expenses incurred by B�neficiary for Ynsur�ng, pr�s�rvxng or
<br /> oth�rwise protectxng the Property and its �aiue and any ather sums advanced and expenses incurred by
<br /> Ben�fi��ary under the terms of this Security �ns�rument.
<br /> �n the event tha�Beneficiary fails to pro�ide any required not�ce of the right of rescissi�n, Ben�ficiary wai�es
<br /> any subsequent secur�ty interest in the Trustor's principa� dwe��ing that is creat�d by th�s Security�nstrument.
<br /> S. DEED �F TRUST C�VENANTS. Trustar agrees that the cavenants in thYs s�ctxon are material obl�gat�ons
<br /> under �he Secured I]ebt and this S�curity Ins�rument. If Trust�r breaches any ca�enant in this section,
<br /> B�neficiary may refuse ta mak� additx�nal extens�t�ns of Credit and r�du�e the credit limi�. By nflt ex�rcising
<br /> either remedy on Trustar's breach, B�nefzc�ary does not waive Benefi�iary's right ta �ater consider the event a
<br /> br�ach�f it happens again.
<br /> Payments. Trustor agrees that all payments under the Secur�d Debt wi�I �e paid when due and in a�cordance
<br /> with the terms of the Secur�d De�t and this S�curxty�ns�rumen�.
<br /> Pr�or Secu�-i�ty Interests. W�th regard to any other mortgage, deed af�rus�, security agreemen� or ather l�en
<br /> dacument �hat created a prior security interest or en�um�rance on the Propert�y, Trus�or agrees to make a11
<br /> payments when due and �o perfarm or comply with aII ca�enan�s. Trustor also agrees not �o allow any
<br /> modifi�a��fln or ex�ensian of, nor ta reques� any fu�ure advan�es under any note❑r agreement secured by the
<br /> �i�n dncument without B�nef�ciary's prior written approva.�.
<br /> �Ia�ms Against T�t��. Trustor will pay all �axes �xnc�uding any tax �55�55�� ta this Deed of Trust},
<br /> assessments, �iens, �ncumbrances, l�ase paym�nts, ground rents, utiliti�s, and ather charges rela�ing tv the
<br /> Property when tiue. Benefic�ary may require Trustor to pro�id� to Benefic�ary copies of all notYGes �hat such
<br /> amounts are due and the receipts �vxd�ncxng Trustor's payment. Trust�r w�11 d�fend title tfl the Proper�y
<br /> against any �laims �hat would impair th� l�en of thxs Security Ynstrum�nt, Trustor agrees tc� assign to
<br /> Beneficiary, as requested by Bene�c�ary, any rights, claims or defenses Trustor may have against pazrties wh�
<br /> supply�abor�r materials to maintain or�mpro�e the Property.
<br /> 5ecurity lnstrument-�p�n-En�-Cons�amer-N� ❑CP-R�DT-N� 71�l201�
<br /> VMPa Bankers SystemsT"i VMP-C465�NEy {1�D7}A�
<br /> Walters l�luw�r Financiaf Ser�ices Q�994,�Q1 1 Page 2 af 6
<br />