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2� 1 ��358� <br /> 'i 2. Bvrrower Not �eleased; Fvrbearance By Lend�r Not a WV'airrer. Extensian af the��m.e far payrn�n�or <br /> madifica�ion of amortiza�iQn af�he sums s�cured��th�s Secur�ty �nstrument granted by Lender to Borr�wer <br /> or any Suc�essor�n �nterest flf Borrov�er sha11 nat�p�rate�o re�ease the liabii��y of Borr�wer or any <br /> Su�cess�rs in�nteres�of Borrower. Lender shal� n��be required�o comm�nce proceedings a�ainst any <br /> Success�r�n In�erest of Borrawer�r to refuse to extend time far pa�men�or otherwise modify amor�iza�i�n <br /> of the sums secured by�h�s Securz�y �nstrument b�reason of an� demand made b��he�riginal Borrow�r or <br /> any Successars in In�eres��f Barrower. Any forbearance by Lender in e�erc�sing any right�r remedy <br /> �nc�uding, v�ith�u�lim�ta�ian, Lender's acceptance�f paymen�s fram.�h�r�.p�r�ons, en��t�es�r Successors in <br /> �nter�st nf Borrawer or�n amounts�ess than�he am�unt then due, shal�no�b�a v�aiver af or pre�Xu�i��he <br /> exercise of any right or remed�. <br /> �3. J�int and Severa� Liability; C�ws�gners; Successvrs and Assigns Baund. Borr�wer cov�nan�s and <br /> agrees�hat Barrower's obiigatians and liabil��y sha�1 be j o�n�and se�rerai. However, an�Borrower�vha <br /> co-s�gns�h�s S�curi�y �nstrument�u�does na�execute�he Note�a "co-s�gner"�: �a} �s c�-s�gning this <br /> Secu�r��� �nstrumen�on�y t�mor��age, gran�and c�n�ey�he co-s�g�.er's in�eres�in the Praper�y under the <br /> �erms of�his Secur���Ins�ru�ment; �b} is not persona��y obliga�ed��pa�r�he sums secured by�h�s Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen�; and �c} agrees�hat Lender and any other BorrQwer can agree�o e��end, modify, fvrbear or make <br /> any acc�mmodati�ns wi�h regard ta the�erms of th�s Securi��r�ns�rument or�he Note wi��.ou�the co-signer's <br /> cansen�. <br /> Subjec��o��e pra��sions af S��ti�n �.8, any Successor�n Inter�s�of Borro�v�r v�ho assum�s Borrovver's <br /> obl�ga���ns under this Securit�Instrument in writing, and�s apprvve�b�L�nder, sha�� o��ain a�l of <br /> Barrower's r��h�s and benefits under this Se�ur�ty Ins�rument. BQrrow�r sha�l not b�release� fr�m <br /> Borrawer'�obl�ga��ans and��ab��ity under this Securit� �nstrum�n�un�ess Lender a�r��s to such re��ase in <br /> writ�ng. The c�venants and agreements flf this Securi�y �nstrumen�sha�1 b�nd ��xcep�as provided in Sectian <br /> �D} and�ene�t the successors and assigns of L�nder. <br /> 7�4. �.��� �h��g��. ��zde��na�r c�.ar��B�r�Q��r f�es �ar s������s�e�fa�.e����Q��.�c��Q�����Bo�ra���'� <br /> d�fault, for�he purpose of pratectin.g Lender's interes��n�he Property and r�gh�s under�h�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument, inc�uding, but not limited to, at�orne}�s' fees, proper�y �nspection and valua��on fe�s. In regard�a <br /> an� �ther f�es, the a�sen��of express authari�y �n�h�s Se�urity �nstrument��charge a specific fee�� <br /> Borrav�er shal� nn�be�onstrued as a prohibitian on the charg�ng of such fee. Lender ma�not charge fees <br /> �hat are e�pr�ssly prahibited��th�s 5ecuri�y Instrumen�or by App�icab�e La�v. <br /> �f the Loan�s subjec�t� a 1aw whi�h sets m.aximum I�an charges, and that law �s f�na����n�erpre�ed so�ha� <br /> the interes�or o�her��an charges coi�ected or to be co�lec�ed�n connec�ion w��h the Loan exceed the <br /> �erm���ed��m��s, �h�n: �a} any such laan charge sha��b�r�du�ed by the amount n�cessary to reduce the <br /> charge to�he p�rm�.�ted�im��; an.d(b} any sums alr�ady co���c�ed frorn Borrawer wh��h exceeded permi�ted <br /> limits wi1l be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose�a make this refund by reducin��he principai flwed <br /> under th�N��e�r by making a direc�pa�men��o Borrawer. �f a refund reduc�s principal, �he reduct�an wi�� <br /> �e�reated as a par�ia�prepayment v���h�u�any prepaymen�charge �vsrhe�her or not a prepaymen�.charge�s <br /> provid�d for under�he Na�e}. Borrower's accep�ance of any such refun�.made by d�rec�pa�ment t� <br /> Borrov�er wi�� cons�i�u�e a wai�er of any r�gh��f a���on B�rrower m��ht have arising out of such a�er�harge. <br /> �5. N�tices. A�1 n��i�es g��en by Borrow�r or Lender�n cannection wi�h this Security Ins�rument must be�n <br /> wri��ng. Any nat�c��v Bvrrower in conne��ion�v�th �his Securi�.�r Xnstrumen�shall be deemed�o have be�n <br /> gx�en to Borrower v�rhen mai��d by first c�ass ma�l or when ac�ua�Iy delivered to Borrow�r's not�c�ad�ires� if <br /> sent by��her means. Nflt�ce�� any one Borrawer shall constitu�e notice to a11 Borr�vvers un�ess App�ica��e <br /> Law expressly requires otheru��se. The not�ce address sha11 be th�Property Address un�ess Borrower has <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte Family-�ar�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNiF[JRM lNSTRUMENT Forrri 302$11D� <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE)��3�2i <br /> Wo(tErs Kluwer�inanciat Ser�ices Pa��'[i of 17 <br />