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2� 1 ��358� <br /> sa�isfac��on, provid�d that such �nspection sha�� be under�ak�n promp�ly. L�nder may pay for the repairs <br /> an�r�stflration �n a sing�e d�sbursement�r in a s�ries of progress payments as the work�s c�mp�et�d. <br /> L)�z�ess an agreement is� �n vvr�ting or App���a��e La� requires znterest to b�paid�n such <br /> M�scel�an�ous Proceeds, Lender shai� not be requ�red�o pay Barrovver any interest or earn�ngs on such <br /> M�sce��aneous Proceeds. �f the res�oration or repa�r is not ec�nom�cally feasib�e�r Lender's secur�ty vvou�d <br /> be lessened, �h�Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds shal�b�appiied ta the sums secured by this Security�nstrument, <br /> whether�r no�then due, w�th�he�xces�, if any, pa�d tfl Borrower. SuGh Misce�Ianeous Pra�eeds sha�� be <br /> appl��d in the order pro�ided far�n Sect�an 2. <br /> �n�he�vent�f a to�a� ta�ing, des�ruc�ian, or Iass in�alue nf th�Prflperty, the Misc��laneous Proceeds sha�� <br /> be applied ta th��ums secured hy �hzs Secur�ty In��rument, wheth�r�r nn��hen�iue, with the��cess, if any, <br /> paid to Barrawer. <br /> �n th�ev�n��f a par�ial taking, destru�t�on, �r l�ss in�alue of the Praper�y zn which the fair marke�value o� <br /> the Proper�y immed�a�ely b�fare the par�ia� tak�ng, destructian, or�oss �n va�ue�s �qual to or grea�er than�he <br /> amount of th�sumrs secured by this�ecuri�� Xnstrument immediateiy before the par��al taking, destruc��on, or <br /> �oss in va�u�, unless Borrower and Lender�ther�v�se agree in writing, the sums secured b�r th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument sha��be reduced by th�amount of the M�sc��la.r�eou� Pr�ceeds multzp�ied b�r�he fo��o�v�ng <br /> fraG�ion: �a}the t��a� amoun�of�he sums secured immedia�ely bef�re the par�ial tak�ng, des�ruct�on, �r loss <br /> in value div��ed by �b} the fa�r marke�va�ue of the Prop�r�y �mm�diat�ly before th�par��a� tak�ng s <br /> des�ruction, or�oss in�a�ue. Any balance shall be paid to Barrow�r. <br /> In the�ven�af a partial taking, destructz�n, �r l�ss in�alue of�he Property in which the fair market�alu�of <br /> the Proper�y immedza�e�y�efore the par�ial�ak�ng, d�struct�on, ar�oss �n�alu��s less than the amnunt of the <br /> sums se�ur��.immed�a�eiy�efore the par�ial tak�ng, destructian, or�oss in value, un�ess Barrower and <br /> Lender atherwise agre��n writing, the Miscellan��us ProG���s shall be app�ied t��he sums secured b�r th�s <br /> Securi��Instrum�n�wh��h�r or not�he sums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Prop�rty �s aband�ned by B�rrower, Qr if, after no��ce by Lender�o Borrovver that�he�pp�sing Par�y <br /> ��s d�f�ned�r�t�e ne�.�ser��e�c�}of�ers���ak�an�.v�ar�.�o s�t���a c�a��m.for da�nag�s, �orro����ai���n <br /> respand�a Lender wzth�n 3�days af�er�he da��th�not�c�is gi��n, Lender is authar�zed to ca��ect and apply <br /> �he Misce��a.r�.�ous Pro�eeds either to restoration ar r�pair of th�Prap�r��or�a the sum�s se�ur�d by thzs <br /> Security Ins�rument, wheth�r ar not�hen due. "�ppas�ng Party" means the third par�y that ow�s Borr�w�r <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against�vhom Borr�w�r has a rxght Qf a���on in regard to Mis�e�ianeous <br /> Proce�ds. <br /> B�rro�ver shall be in defau��if any actian or pra�e�ding, wh�th�r c�vil�r crim�na�, �s begun�ha�, �n Lezader's <br /> judgment, c�uld resu�t in forfei�ur�of the Proper�y �r other materia� impairment of Lender's �n��rest�n�he <br /> Pr�per��or r�ghts und�r th�s Securzt��nstrumen�. B�rrawer ca.r�cur�su�h a defau��and, �f accelerat��n has <br /> oc�urr�d, reinstat�as prov���d�n Sect��n I9, by causing�h�ac�ion ar prnc��ding t�be disn�issed w�th a <br /> ru�ing�hat, in Lender's judgm�nt, precludes f�rfeiture of��ae Property or�ther mate�ial impairment af <br /> Lender's interes�in the Property or r�ghts under�his Security�nstrunzent. The pr�c�eds of any award ar <br /> C�a�m for damages that are at�ribu�abie to the impairment of Lender'� in�erest in th�Property are hereby <br /> assxgned and shall b�paid�o Lend�r. <br /> All Misce��ane�us Pr�ceeds that are not app�ied�o restoration or r�pair�f th� Proper�y shai�be app��ed�n�h� <br /> ord�r prflv�ded far in S�c�zon�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFredd��Mac UNI��RM INSTRUMENT �orm 30�8�1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{N��413�2� <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 1 D vf 17 <br />