2� 1 ��352�
<br /> �E�L� �7�' �F�u��T
<br /> 4��n���u�d� P�g� �
<br /> casts and�xpen�es of Qperation and ca�l�ctic�n a�torneys'�ees,tQ any indehtedness secured by this L7�ed
<br /> ❑f T�us�, all in SUCh p�`d�1" �5 Lender may d�termine. The entering ;upon and �aking possess�on af the
<br /> P�aperiy, �he collectivn of su�h ren�s, issu�s and pro�i��, and #he applicat�an thereof shall not cure �r
<br /> waive any default or natic� �f defau�t un�er this ❑�ed o�Trust or in�alida�e any act dane in response�a
<br /> such defaul�or pursuan#�o such n�tice of defau[t; and, na�vvithstanding the continuance�n passession o�
<br /> the Property or�he �o[l�c�ion, receipt and applica�ivn �f rents, �ssues❑r profits, Trustee �r Lender shall
<br /> be en#it�ed tv exercise e�ery right pro��d�d�vr in�he Cr�dit Agreement or th� Related ❑neuments ❑r by
<br /> law u��n the flccurrence af any event a�def�uit, inG�uding�he right#a=exercise the pvwer o�F sa�e;
<br /> �b} Cvmmen�e an action�❑foreclase�his Qee�of Trus#as a mar�gage, appoin�a recei�er or sp�cifi�ally
<br /> enforce any af�he�a�enants her�of; and
<br /> {c} ❑eli�e�#a Trus�ee a wri��en declaratifln o�default and demand far sale and a wr�tten not�ce of default
<br /> and e�e�ti�n�a Gause Trustar's inter�st in the F'r�per�y�o be sold,whi�h notice T�ustee shall cause�a be
<br /> duly filed fo�re�ard in�he appropriate offices o�th�County in which the Prape�ty�s ia�a�ed;and
<br /> �d} 1Nith respec#�a a!�or any par�af the Personal Pr�perty, Lender sha�� ha�e all the righ#s and remedies
<br /> Qf a se�ured par�y under�he Nehraska unifvrm Commercia!Code.
<br /> Fareclosur�by Power of SaIe, ff L�nder e�e�t�to foreclos�by exerc�se of.the Power vf Sa��herein�on�ained,
<br /> Lsnder sha[� not��y Tru�tee and shall depas�t with Trustee fhis Deed of Trus�and the Cr�d�#A�reement and
<br /> such rec�ipts and e�idenc�o�expendi�ures made and secured by�his l�eed o�Trust as Tru�tee may require.
<br /> �a} Upon receipt of such nvtic�fram Lender,Trusfi�e shall cause ta be recorded, pub�ished and deli�ered
<br /> �o Trus�or such Notice of[7efault and N�tic�of 5��e as then requ�red by law and by this Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Trustee shal�, w�thout demand on Trus�or, ,after such time as may'th�n be re�uired by law and after
<br /> �ecordativn o�su�h Na�ice of C�efaul�and a�ter Nc��ice of 5ale having been gi��n�s required �y law, sell
<br /> the Proper�y a� �he �ime and �alace af�ale fixed by it in such Nafice af Sa�e, either_as a whale, ar in
<br /> separa�s io�s or parcels or i�ems as Trus�e�$hall deem exped�ent, and�n sueh arder as it may d�te�m�ne,
<br /> at publfc auctivn ta�he hi�hes�bidder for cash in lawfu! mvney�f�he United 5ta�es payab[e at the time
<br /> of sal�. Trus�ee sha�� cleliver fo such pu�chaser or purchasers �hereaf t�s goad and suf�€ci�nt deed ar
<br /> deeds con�eying the property so �a�d, bu�withou� any �oWenant�r warran�ty, expres� or �mplied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed o�any ma�kers �r�facts shall be oonclusi�re proo�of the truthfulness ther�v�F. Any
<br /> person, includ�ng wi�haut limit�t�on Trustor,Truste�,ar L�nder, may pu€��ha�e at such sal�.
<br /> �b} As may be permitted b� �aw, after d�ducting a�l cos�s, �ees and �xpenses of Trustee and a��his
<br /> Trust, in�luding�asts of e�idence o�#itle in�onnec�ion with sale,Trus�ee sha�l apply�he p�oceeds af sa�e
<br /> to payment of �i} af� sums �xpended under the ��rms of this De�c� of Trust ar under the terms af#he
<br /> Credit Agt-eemen� no�then �-epai d, i nc�udi ng b ut no��i mi�ed to accrued i nferes��n� I ate charges, �i i} af 1
<br /> other sums then secured herehy, and �ii���he remainder, if any, �a the person or persans lega�ly entitled
<br /> �hereto.
<br /> �c� Trust�e may�n the manner pro�id�d by!�w postpone sale of all�r;any portifln a�the Praperty.
<br /> Remedi�s Nat Exc�usive. Trustee and L�nder, and each of them, shalE be entit�ed �� enforc� payment and
<br /> pe�fio�man�e of any indeb�edness ar�bl�g�ati�ns secured by�his Deed of Trust and�o exer�ise a�l rights and powers
<br /> under this De�d o� Trust, under the Credit Ag�-eement, unde�-any af�h� Re[ated Documents, or under any o�h�r
<br /> agreement ar any laws naw vr her�after in for�e; notwithstanding, some or al� of su�h indeb�edness and
<br /> obl�gativns se�ured by�this Deed of Trust may now or;h�rea��er be otherwise s�Gured,wheth�r hy mo�gage, deed
<br /> af t�ust, p�edge, lien, assignment or�th�rwise. �either the acceptance af�his�Deed�f Trus� no�i�s enforGement,
<br /> whe�her by �our� actian or pursuant�a the pov�rer of sale ar ather powers cantained in �his Deed �f Trus�, shail
<br /> prejudice or in an�mann�r affect Trus�ee's v�-Lender`s right to reafize up�n or enforce any ❑ther secur�#y naw or
<br /> hereaffer held by Trus�ee❑r Lend�r, i� being agreed that Truste�and Lender, and eaGh of them, shall �e entitled to
<br /> en#orce �his Deed of Trust and any ather security now or h�reafter held by Lender vr Trus�ee in such Qrder and
<br /> manne�r as they ar ei�h�r �� them may in #heir absolute discretion determine. N� remedy c�nferred upan or
<br /> res�rved to Trustee ar Lender, is intended to be exc�usi�e af any ather remedy in this Deed of Trust �r by favv
<br /> pr��ided or permitted, bu� ea�h sha�� be cumula�i�e and shaii he in addition #o eu�ry other remedy gi�en in th�s
<br /> D�ed of Trus�or naw ar her�after ex�sting at�aw or in equ��y or by statu�e. E�ery pawer❑r�emedy given by th�
<br /> �redi� Agreern�n� �r any of #h� Re�ated �o�uments tv Trustee �r Lender or ta v�rhiGh either o# th�m ma� be
<br /> otherwise entitled, may be exercised, c�ncurrentky or independentiy, from time to time and as ��ten as may be
<br /> de�med expedient by Trust�e vr Lender, and �i�her vf�hem may pursue inconsistent �-emedi�s, Nathing in this
<br /> Qeed v�Trust shall be Gonstrued as proh�biting Lender fram seek�ng a deficiency judgment aga�ns��he Trus�o�r t�
<br /> �he ex�ent su�h actian is permitted by�aw.
<br /> E�ectian af R�medi�s. A�l of �ender's righ�s and rem�dies will h� cumu�at��e and may be exercised aione or
<br /> ��gether. lf Lender decides�o spend mvney or to per�Farm any of T�ustor's vbligatians under this Deed o�Trust,
<br /> afte�Trustar's fai[ure to d❑so, tha� decision by Lender w��l not affect Lender's right to de�lare Trus�ar[n def�ult
<br /> and ta exercise Lender's remedies.
<br /> R�quest#vr Noti�e, Trustor, vn heha��af Trus�or and Lender, hereby requests that a capy❑f any Nv�ice of C�efault
<br /> and a capy of any Natice v�Sale under�his Deed af Trust he mai[ed t��hem at the addresses se��or�h in�he�First
<br /> para�raph o�th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> ►�ttvrneys' Fees; Expenses. �� Lender ins�itutes any suit ar ac�ion ta �nforce any af the terms o�#his �d o�
<br /> T�ust, Lender shal[ be entitled ta recaver such sum as the courf may ad�udge re�sonab�e as attorneys'fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. �lilheth�r or nat any cvur� act�on is in�ol�ed, and tv �he extent no� proh�hited by Iaw, all
<br /> reasQnab[e e�p�nses Lend�r incurs tha� in Lender's apinian are necessary at any t�me �or the profiection of �ts
<br /> �nterest�r the enfnrcement af its rights shall becvme a part af the [ndebtedness payahle vn demand and shall bear
<br /> in�erest a� the Gredi� Agreement rate from the da�e :vf�he expenditure unti� repaid. Expenses Go�er�d by this
<br /> paragraph include, without limitation, hQwe�er subje�t ta any limits under appli�ab�e�aw, Lender's attprneys'fees
<br /> and Lender's legal expenses, whether ar not there:�s a 1aw�uifi, including attorneys' fees and e�penses far
<br /> hankrupt�y proceedings�inc�ud�ng effarts ta madify vr vaGa�e any automatic s�ay�r in�unc�ion}, appeals, and any
<br /> anti�ipat�d pos�judgmen� cv�iect�on servi�es, the cast Qf searching records, obtain�ng t�tle reports (includin�
<br /> fareclosure reports}, surveyvrs' r�por�s, and appra�sal fees, title insu�-ance, and fees�ar the Tru�te�,to the sxtent
<br /> permi�ked by applicable la�rv. Tru�tor als�will pay any cvurt cos�s, in addi��an�o al�vther sums pro��d�d by law.
<br /> Rights of Trus�ee. Trus�e�shall ha�e al[�f�he righ�s and dutie��f Lend�r as set�or�h in this section.
<br /> I�DVL�ERS AND ��3LfGAT[C3N� �F TRUS�'EE. The follvwing prav�sions relating ta the paw�rs and obliga��ons of Trustee
<br /> are part of this Deed❑f Trust;
<br /> pov�rers af Trustee. In addi�ian#a a!�powers of Trustee arising as a matter❑f law, Trusfee shall ha�e�he power to
<br /> take the����owing activns wi�h respect to �he Property upon the writ�en request o�Lender and Trus�or: �a}jo�n in
<br /> prepa�-ing and filfng a map or p�at o�the Rea! Property, inc�uding the dedi�ation of stree�s or othe�- rights to the
<br /> pubiic; �h} join in granting any easement ar creating any restric�ion an the Real P�operty; and �c} jain in any
<br /> subordina�ion or vther agreement affecting this ❑eed of Trus�or th�interest of Lender under this aeed of Trus�.
<br /> T�-us#ee. Trus�ee shall mee� all qua�ifica��ans requi�-ed fior Trustee under appficable law, �n addi�ian t� �he �-ights
<br /> k
<br />