2� 1 ��352�
<br /> �EED C3F T�U��T
<br /> ���I�$��1U����: Page 4
<br /> any praceedi�g�r purchase in li�u a�condemnatian,L�nder may at its elec�ion require that all ar any parfiion ofi�he
<br /> net �raceeds af fhe award,�e app[ied`�o the Indebtedness or the repair ar restaratian af the Property. The net
<br /> proceeds of the�ward sY�ali mean th� aw�rd af�er paymen�vf a�l reasanable cos�s; expenses, and at�arneys'fees
<br /> incur��d by Trus�ee or Lender in cvnne�ti�n with t����ndemnation.
<br /> IMPDSITl�N �F'TaXES, FEES AND CHAR�IES BY G�VEF�N�IENTAL AUTH�RI1"lE�. The �'ollowing prov�sivns re�at�ng
<br /> to governmental taxes,f��s and charges are a par�of this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upan requ�st-by Lender, Trustar shal� execute such dacurnents in add�tian �a
<br /> this Deed o�Trust and�ake whafi�ver v#her action �s reque�ted by Lsnder t� perfe�t and can�inue Lender's �ien an
<br /> the Rea1 Property. Trust�r shal[ reimburse.Lender�vr al[ taxes, as described b�l�w, t�gether w�th all expenses
<br /> incurred in recarding, per�ec#ing �r cantinuing #his I�eed �f Trust, including wt�hvut �im�tafiion al� taxes; fees,
<br /> documenta�y s�amps,�nd other charges fo�record�ng ar registering this Deed o�f Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The follo�nring shall constEtute taxes �� whtch this section applies: ��} a specific �ax upan �his type o�
<br /> Deed of Trust or upan al� vr any part o�f the lnd�b�edness s�cur�d by this ❑�ed of Trust; ��} a speci�ic tax on
<br /> Trustor which Trustor is auth�rized ❑r required�o deduct�rom paymen#s on the lnde��edness secured by�his�ype
<br /> o�Deed of Trust; �3} a tax on this#ype vf Deed of Trust chargeable against�he Lender vr the hvld�r of the Gred�#
<br /> Agreement; and {4} a �pecific �ax an al� v� a�y po�tion af �he Indeb�edness or an payr�ents af pr�ncipa� and
<br /> in�erest made by Trus�vr.
<br /> �ubsequent Taxes. If any ta�c �a which this s�ction appl�es is enacted subsequent �o the date of this D�ed of
<br /> Trust, this ��ent shall have the sarne effect as an E�en� o� De�ault, and Lender may exer�ise any or all af its
<br /> ava�lab�e r�medies �or an Event �� Default as.pro�ided �elvw unl�ss Trustar eifher ��I} pays '�he �ax ba�are it
<br /> bec�rx�s definquent, or ��} can�ests:�ne tax as.provided aho�e in the Taxes and Liens sec#ian and d�pasits with
<br /> Lender cash or a su�ficient car`porate sure�y bond vr ather securi�y satisfactory�o Lender.
<br /> SECURITY A�REEMENT"; F�NANCING STAtElI�iENT�. The following p�avisians re�ating �❑ th�s ��ed of Trust as a
<br /> security agraement are a part o�F�his ❑eed vf Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity ��r�ement, T�is ins�rument shall Gons�itute a Se�urity Agreemen� �o the extent any flf the Pr��perky
<br /> c�ns���ut�s fixtures, and Lender shall ha�e al� afi�he righ�s o f a se�u�ed �arty under'the Unifarm Cammer�ia�Cade
<br /> as ameride�fr�vm��me�o time.
<br /> Security Irrfi�rest. Up�n request by Lender, Trustar shall take whate�er act�on i� requested b}� Lender fio perfect
<br /> and �an�inue Lender's security interest in the Persor�al Praper�y. �n add�tian to r�cnr�ing�his Deed of Trust in th�
<br /> rea� praperky records, Ler�der may, at any time and wi�haut further �€utharization fram Trus�ar, file exe�u��d
<br /> counterpar�s, c�p;es ar reprvductians a'� this Deed af Trust as a �inancing s�a�ement. Trus�or shall reimburse
<br /> Lender fo� a�l expenses incurred.�n per�ec#ing or �ontinuing this securi�y interes�. Upan default, Trustv�r shal[ not
<br /> remove, sever ❑r detach the Pers�anal P�raperty fr�rr� tihe Pr�pe�y. U�on d�fault, Trus#or shaii assemble any
<br /> Personal �'rope�ty not affixed tv the Properky in a manner and at a place reasanably �an�enien� �o Trustvr and
<br /> Lende� and make it a�a�lable to L�nder�rvithin �hr�e �3} days after receipfi of w�3t�en demand fr�m Lender tv the
<br /> �xtent perm��ted by a�p[i�able lavv.
<br /> Addr�sses. The ma�ling addresses of Trust�r �debtor} and Lender �secured par�y} from wh�ch infvrma�ian
<br /> conc�rning the secur��y €n�erest granted by this Deed o�Trust may be obtained ��ach as requ�red by the �ni�orm
<br /> Commercial�ode}are as stated on the fsrst page of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURAM�ES; ATTQRNEY-fN�FACT, The folivwing provisi�ns �-elating to �Further assurances an�
<br /> at�orney-in�fact ar��part af this Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Fur�her Assu�rances. A# any time, and�rom tim�to tir�e, upQn reques�af Lender,Trustor w��l make, ex�ute and
<br /> def i�er, c�r w�1 I cause�v be mad�,exeGute�!or del iver�d,:to Lender or�o Lender's designe�,and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause#v be f�ed, �e�orded, r�filed, vr r�recQrded, as�he�s�may be, a�such times and�r� such o�fic�s
<br /> and plac�as Lender may de�m appropna�s, any and al1 such mortgages, d�eds a��rust, secur��ty deeds, securi�y
<br /> agreements, financing statements, can#inua'�ion staterr�nfs, instruments of fur�her assurance; �er�ifcates, and
<br /> other documents as may, in the so�e vpinian c��Lender, be neGessary or des�rabie in order�v effectuate, oomplete,
<br /> perfect, con��nue, or preserve �'I.} Trustar's vbligations under�he Credi�Agresment,this D�d of Trust, and the
<br /> Related Docum�nts,and ��� �he li�ns�nd securi�y Ent�rests created by this D�ed of TruS�as first and priar liens
<br /> on th� Proper-�y,whether naw vw�'�ed or_hereafter acquired�y Trustvr. Unless prvhibi�ec�hy 1aw ar Lender agrees
<br /> �ca the�ant�a�y in wri�ing,-Trus��r shall reimburse Lender for all�osts and�xpenses incurred in cvnnec�Eon with th�
<br /> rr�atters refierred to in th�s parag�aph.
<br /> Attarney-in-Fact. lf Trustor fails�o do any af th��khings referred�a in the prec�ding paragraph,.Lender may da s�
<br /> �or and in the name_a�Trustar and at T�us�or's expense. For_such purposes, Trus�or h�reby irre�vG�b�y appoints
<br /> L�nder as Trustor's attorney-�n-�ac�t�or�he purpase o�making,exe�u��ng, deli�ering,f1in�, recarding, and dving ali
<br /> o�her.thin�$ as may h� necessary ar desirab�e, in Lend�r's s��e opinivn, �o ac�omplish the matte�s re��r�ed�o in
<br /> the�receding parag�-aph.
<br /> FULL PIERFDR�IAN�E. lf Trustor pays a�l the lnd�btedness when due,�erminat�s the��-edit line ac�ount, and otherwise
<br /> per�arms ail the ob�igatians impvsed upan Trus�or under th�s Deed af Trust, Lender shall execute and deli�er tn Trustee
<br /> a r�quest.�or.full recon�ey�n�e.and sha11 �xe�u�e and deii�er ta Trust�r sui�abi� sta�emen�s of terminatian o�' any
<br /> financing statement on file eviden�ing Lender�s se�urity in#er�st �n the Rents and the Personal Prnp�rty. Any
<br /> rer�n�eyanc�fee required by law shail be paid by Trus�ar, if permitted k�y appli�able faw.
<br /> EVENT� �]F DEFAULT.. Trustor wil�.�e in de�aul�under this �eed❑�Trus�if any o�F�he fo[Iv�rving happen: ��} Trustor
<br /> cvmm�ts �raud ❑r makes a material rt�isreprese�tatian at-any time �n cvnneGtian with �he Gredit Agre�m�nt. This can
<br /> include, for example, a �a�se s�atemen� about Tru�tor's incvme, assets, l�abifitie�, vr any other aspects of Trustvr's
<br /> financia� �vndit�an. ��} Trustor d�es n�t meet the repaymen��erms a�the �r�dit Agreement. �G} Trustor's actian o�-
<br /> inac�ian ad�ersely a�fec�s:the c�llatera� or Lender's r�ghts in the co�ia�erai. This can;in�lud�, for example,.failur� to
<br /> main�ain�-�quired insuran�e;waste:or d�struGfi�e use of#he dwe�linc�,fa�lure tv pay taxes,death v�aEl pers�ns�'rable on
<br /> the acc�unt, transfer v� title or sa�e of the dwei[ing, crea#i�n a� a �er�iar �ien:�n �he dwelling withau# Lender's
<br /> �7L-'!"1�1551C]�'3r�oreclvsure by the holder of anather[ien,ar the use of funds ar#he dwe[�ing�ar prahibited purposes:
<br /> RiGHTS �ND I�E�CE�I�S Di� I�EFA�LT. lf an E�en�o�De�ault occurs under�his Deed a�Trus'�, at any time thereaf�er,
<br /> Trustee ar Ler�der may exer�ise any one vr more of the foliawing r�gr�ts and remediese
<br /> Ac�el�ra��vn Llpan Default; Additional R�med�es'. [#'any EWent a�Qefault o�curs as per�he t�rms a�#h�Credit
<br /> Agreerr�en�se�ured here#�y;Lender may d�ciar�all Inde��ednes�se��red by this Deed�f Trus�to he due and
<br /> payable and.�h�same shall ther�upvn be�orr}e.due and payab[e v�rithou�any presentmen�,dem�nd, pra�e��o�
<br /> notice of any kind. Thereaft�r, �ender may:
<br /> �a� Either En persar� or hy ag�nt; vvith vr:vvEthout bring�ng any a�tion or proceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appa�nt�d by a cou�t,and v+�ithau't regard�ti the�dequacy,a�its`�ecur�i�y�.en�fier upon�nd�ak�pc�ss�ssion
<br /> o�the Pt�ape�y;,��'any pa��heCeQf, iCl I��,D1NC1 nal"�le�C':tn��lL C1�f�'1�L7f Tl"LlSt�'�,_:�n�C�(]�Cl]I;aG'�S Wh1Ch I�
<br /> de�ms ne�e�sary or desirable�a preserve th�Walue, marke'�abifity c�r rentabili'�y���he Property,or part o�
<br /> �he C'roperty�r inter�es�in the Praper�y; increas��he inc�m�fr�am the Prape�ty or pratect#he security vf
<br /> the Property; and, wit� or wifihau� taking passession of the �rop�rty, sue fo� or atherw�se cvlle�t the
<br /> rents; issu�s and pra�'its af�h� Property; inc�uding�hose past due and unpaid,and apply th�same, less
<br /> � .
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