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2� 1 ��3485 <br /> �E�� �F T�u�-r <br /> Loan No: 'i�'I�9a73�} ��on#I�1u�d} ��ge � <br /> THlS DEE�3 �F TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSI�NMENT �F RENTS AND THE SEGURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PER5�7NAL PR�PERTY. IS GIVEN TC� SECURE (A� PAYNlENT UF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND �B� PERFURMANCE �F <br /> ANY ANb ALL UBLIGATlONS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AIVD TH15 DEED OF TRUST. THIS <br /> 17EE[�UF TRUST IS �IVEN AN�]AC�EPTED (7N THE FOLL�VIIING TERNIS: <br /> PAYMEIVI' �41VD PER��RIV�AN�E. Except as ❑ther�rvise pravidsd in this Deed af Trus�, Trustor shall pay to Lender a�l <br /> amounts secured by this C3eed of Trust as they becvme due, and shall strictly and in a t�meiy manner p�rfarm a!i af <br /> Trustar's❑b�igatians under the Note, this Deed af Trust, and the Related Documents, <br /> Pa5SE5S[�N AND M►41NTENANCE �� T'HE �R�PERTY. Trust�r agrees �hat Trustflr's possessian and use df �he <br /> Property shal� be gv�erned by the foliowing pro�isions: <br /> Passessi�n and Use. Unti! the ❑ccurrence af an Event af Default, Trustor may �1 y remain in passessian and <br /> �ontral of th� Prap�r�y; ��� use, operate or manage the prap�rty; and {3} �ol[ect the f��nts frvm fihe Praperty. <br /> duty to Nlaintain. Trustar shall maintain the Property in tenantable condi�ion and prnmp�ly �erfarm al� repairs, <br /> replac�men�s, and main�enance ne�essary to�reser�e its�alu�. <br /> Compliance tilVith En�ironmental Laws. Trus�or represents and warrants to Lender tha�: [1� During the period ❑f <br /> Trustar's �vvnership ❑f�he Prap�rty, there has been na use, generatian, manu�acture, starage, trea�men�, disposai, <br /> release ❑r thr�atened releas� of any Hazardous Substan�e by any person ❑n, under, about ar �rom th� Praperty; <br /> t�7 Trustor has na knowledge af, or reason to belie�e tha� th�re has been, exc�pt as pre�i�usfy disclas�d �a and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, (a� any breach or viala�ti�n af any En�irnnmentai Laws, {b� any us�, <br /> generativn, manufacture, storage, �rea�ment, disp�sal, re�ease vr �hreatened r�lease o� any Ha�ardvus Subs�ance <br /> an, under, about or fr�m the Property by any prior �wners or a�cupants af th� Property, vr {�} any ac�ual or <br /> threatened litigati�n or claims af any kind �y any person relating �o such ma#t�rs; and �3� Excep� as previvusiy <br /> disclosed ta and acknowledged �y Lend�r in writing, �a� nei�kher Trustor nor any tenan�, cnn�ractor, agent�r ather <br /> au�horized user af the Property 5ha[I use, genera�e, manufactur�, stare, tr�a�, dispose of or releas� any Hazardaus <br /> Substance �n, under, abou�or from �he Praperty; and �h� any su�h ac�i�ity shall be conduct�d in �amplian�e wEth <br /> all ap�li�abl� federali 5�21�Er and I�cal laws, regula�ions and ordinances, inc�uding withau� limi�ation all <br /> En�+ranmental Laws. Trust�r authori�es I�ender and its agents to enter upon the I'roperty to maice su�h <br /> inspectians and t�sts, at Trustor's expense, as L�nder may de�m appropria�e �a determine compliance of the <br /> Praperty with this sec�i�n a�F �he Deed �fi Trust. Any inspec�ions ❑r tests made by Lender shall be fo� Lender's <br /> purp�s�s only and shall n�t be c�nstrued to cr�ate any respansi�ili�y ar liability �n the pa�t of Lender ta Trustar or <br /> to any vther pers�n. The repr�sentations and wa�ranties con�aFned herein are based on Trustar's due diiigen�e in <br /> inWestigating �he Prnp�r�y for Hazardous Subs�ances. Trustar hereby ��� releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> ag�inst L�nder for �nd�mnity or con�ributi�n in �he ev�n� Trus�nr be�omes liable �Fflr cleanu� or o�h�r cos�s und�r <br /> any suc� laws; and �Zy agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lend�r against any and all claims, losses, <br /> liabilities, damages, p�nal�Ees, and exp�nses which Lender may directly or indirec�ly sus�ain or su�fer r�sulting f�om <br /> a breach of this section a� the Deed a� Trus� or as a c�nsequence of any use, g�neration, manuf�cture, s#�ra�e, <br /> dispasal, release ar�hr�atened rel�ase ❑ccurring priar to Trustar's ownership ar interest in the Prc�p�rty, vvhether or <br /> nat �he �ame was ❑r shoufd haWe b�en Icnown �o Trus�or. The pro�isions ❑f this sec�ion of th� Deed o� Trust, <br /> including th��bl�gati�n t❑ indemnify and defend, shall sur�i�e the payment of the Indebtedness and the satisfaction <br /> and ���anWeyance o�F�the I��n �fi this Deed af Trust and shall n�t be af��ct�d by Lend�r's acquisition �f any interes� <br /> in the Property, whether by fareclosure �r otherwise. <br /> Nuis��►ce. Vllaste. Trus�or shall nat cause, �onduct o� permit any nuisence nar �ommit, permit, or suffer any <br /> �tripping ❑f or waste an ar to the Prt�perty ❑r any partian of the Property. Vllithaut �imiting the gen�rality o� the <br /> �Foregaing, Trus�or will n�t remo�e, ar �rant fia any ath�r party the right�o remoWe, any timber, minerals �including <br /> vii and gas}, caai, �lay, scoria, soil, gra�el or rock praducts without Lender's prior wri�ten consent. <br /> Remaval n�F fmpro�ements. Trustor shall no�t demvl�sh ar remo�e any improv�ments fram the Real Praperty withaut <br /> L�nder's priar written �ansent. As a conditivn to the remaWal ❑f any Impro�ements, Lend�r may require Trust�r ta <br /> malce arrang�men�s sa�isfac�ory #� Lender to repiace such Impra�ements with Impravements �f a� ��as� equal <br /> Wa�ue k <br /> Lender's Right tv Enter. Lender and L�nder"s agents and repres�nfia�rives may enter upon the I�ea� Property at all <br /> reasonable times to at�kend ta Lender's in�erests and to inspe�� the Rea! Prop�rty for purpose$ of Trustor's <br /> compliance wi�rh the terms and c�ndi�ions of thi� De�d ❑f Trust. <br /> �orr�pliance with Governmen�al Re�uirements. Trustor shall promptly camp�y with a!I I�1W5� ordinances, and <br /> regula�tions, now or hereafter in e�Ffs�t, of ail g�vernmental authorities applicable �❑ the use vr occupancy of the <br /> Property, in�luding wi�hou� limitati�n, the Ameri�ans With Disabi�ities Act. Trustor may �ontest in goad faith any <br /> such faw, ord�nance, or regu�ation and wifihhald c�mpliance during any proceeding, in�luding appropriat� appeals, <br /> so long as Trus�vr has natified Lender En writing priar t❑doing so and so f�ng as, in Lender's sol�opiniQn, Lender's <br /> interests in the Pro�erty are nat jeapardized. Lender may re�uire Trus�or to post adequa�e security ar a surety <br /> bond, reasanably satisfactory ta Lender,to protect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to prntect. Trustor agrees neither t� abandon ar lea�e unattended the Pr�p�rty. Trustor shal! da all �th�r <br /> acts, in addition ta th�se acts set farth abnve in this sectivn, whE�h �rom �he �haracter and use of the Prop�rty are <br /> reasonably necessary to protect and pres�rve th� Pr�perty. <br />