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<br /> F�R R���RDER'S USE DN�.Y
<br /> *�����Q�3��1�1�95730�34��519��1 G'�
<br /> �]�ED �F T�UST
<br /> T'H15 DE�[] �]F TRU�T is dated !`llay 'I 3, �U'f�, amang JERRY HC3STLER and MARLA S
<br /> HDSTLER; Husband and Vllife {"Trustar"�; Fir►e Paints Bank, whas� address is North Branch,
<br /> 2�'1� Nor�h Braadwell. �rand Island, NE ��8�3 �ref�rred t� �ela►nr sornetimeS as "Lender" and
<br /> �vmetim�s as "��neficiaryry�: and FiWe Points �ank, v►rhvse address is P.� Box '15�7, �rand
<br /> �sland, NE ��8���1��7 �referred to b�low a� "Tru�tee"}.
<br /> CC�NVEYANC� I�IVD GRANT. Far ualuabl� consideration, Trustor conveys to Trustee in frust. W�TH P�WER UF SALE.
<br /> �or �h� benefit of Lender as Beneficiary, a�l Qf Trustor"s right, �it�e, and interest in and ta the fallowing described real
<br /> praperty, �oge�her wi�h all existing �r subsequently �rected ❑r a��fix�d buifdings, impravements and fixtur�s; all
<br /> easem�nts, rights nf vuay, and appur�enan�es; all water, water rights and di�ch rights �including stacl� in u�ili�i�s with
<br /> ditch or irrigati�n rights�; and a11 v�her �igh�s, rayalties, and prvfifs relating to the real prvper�ky, including withvut
<br /> li�ni�atian ali minerals, oif, gas, gev�herrrial and similar matters, �#h� "���I R�'�p��'��r'� 6�����d ii� �I��,L
<br /> �ounty, State flf Nebra�ka:
<br /> RA�VG� TEIV ��Q} WEST DF THE �TH �'.Clll., F�ALL ��UNTI�, NEBRASKw4.
<br /> The Real Praperty �r its addre�s is cornrnonly known as 5457 1!V S�HEIVI M ER C�R, GRA�D
<br /> ISLAND, l�� �88�3.
<br /> CRDSS-CC3LLATE�ALIZATlON. fn addition tv the Note, this Deed of Trust secures a�l ob[igations, debts and liabilities,
<br /> plus int�res�thereon, of Trus��r to Lender, ar any ❑ne vr mvr� ❑f them, as well as a!I claims by Lender aga�nst Trus�or
<br /> or any ane ❑r more of�hem, whether now existing ❑r her�a�t�r aris�ng, whe�her related �r unr�la��d ta �he purpose ��F
<br /> the No�e, whether �aluntary ar o�herwise, whe�hsr �ue vr nat due, direc� ar indire�t, de�ermined or un�etermined,
<br /> absolu�e or conting�nt, liquidated �r unliquida�ed, whether Trustor may b� �iahle indiWidually ❑r j�intly with others,
<br /> whether obligated as guarantar, surety, a�commoda�ivn par�y or oth�rwise, and whether reco�rery upon such amounts
<br /> may be or hereafter may be�ome barred by any��atute af lirnitations, and�nrhether the obligation�a repay such am�un�s
<br /> may b�ar he�e�fter may became ❑�herwise unen�arceable,
<br /> FUTURE ADVANCES, fn additiQn�o the N��e, �his Deed a�Trust secures all future ad�ances made by Lend�r tv T�ustor
<br /> whe�her or no� �he adWancss ar� made pursuan� to a �ommi�ment, S��cifically, wi�hflut limitatian, this Deed ❑f Trust
<br /> s�cures, in addi�tian t❑ the amaunts speclfied in the No�e� a!I future amaunts Lender in its discretion may laan to
<br /> Trustor, together with all interest thereon.
<br /> Trusfior pres�n�ly assigns to Lender �als� known as Bene�i��ary in this Deed of Trus�} ali af TrustQr's right, ti�le, and
<br /> int�rest in and to all presen�c and fu�ure leas�s o� �he Proper�y and a�i Rents frvm the Property. In additian, Trus�or
<br /> gran�s ta Lender a Uniform Comm�rcial Code se�urity�nterest in th� Pers�nal Property and R�nts,
<br />