2� 1 ��339�
<br /> ���� �F �'��us�
<br /> ���n������} �a�� �
<br /> ❑f Trus�, all in such order as Lend�r may dete�mine. The entering up�n and taking possession o��he
<br /> Property, the callection of su�h renfs, �ssu�s and profi�s, and the applicat�on ther�of shall nvt cu�e ar
<br /> wai�e any defauit or no��ce o�de�ault under this De�d of Trus�or invalidate any a�t done�n respanse to
<br /> such de�ault o�pursuant�o such not�ce�f default;and, no�twiths�anding th�ovntinuance in poss�ss�on of
<br /> the Praperty���h� calle���on, receipt and app�ica�ian af rents, �ssues or profits, Trustee or Lend�r shall
<br /> be ent€�ied�o �xercise e�ery right provided�or in�he Credit Agreement ar the Relat�d DQcumen�s o�by
<br /> �aw upon the occurrence of any e�ent of d���ult, �ncluding the right t�'exercise the pawe��f sale;
<br /> �b} �mm�nce an actian to�areclase this Q�eed o�Trus�as a mor�gage, appoint a rece�ver o�specifically
<br /> enfarce any ot th�ca�enant�hereo�;and
<br /> �c} �liver�o Trustee a writ�en dec�aratiQn of d�fault and demand��r sale and a written no�i�e of default
<br /> and election�o cause Trustor's interest in the Proper�y to be sald,which natice Trusfe��hal! �ause to be
<br /> duly�Filed�or record in the apprapriate o�fce�of�he County in which the Praperty is�oc�ated;and
<br /> �d} Vllith respect ta all or any part v�F�he Persona! Property, Lender shall ha�e al!the r�gh��ar�d remedies
<br /> of a secured�ar�y under the Nebraska Unifarm�mmer�ial C�de.
<br /> Forec�osur�by Pow��o'��ale. E�F Lender elects to�areclose by exercise af�he Power of 5ale herein contained,
<br /> Lender�half not��y T�us��e and sha�� deposit w�th Trustee�his De�d af Trust and the Gredit Agreemenf and
<br /> such�eceipt�and e��dence of expenditures made and secu�ed b�th�s Qeed a�Trust as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> �a} Upon receip�of su�h notice from Lender,Trusf�e shall cause�o be�ecarded, published and de�i��red
<br /> ta Trustor su�h No�ice of De�au��and No��c�a��ale as then requir�d by law and by this C]eed of Trus�.
<br /> Tru�tee sha�l, withaut demand vn Trustor,:af�er such time as may then �e required by law and af#er
<br /> rec�rdation vf such Noti�e o�Defau��and after Natice a#5ale ha�ing b�en giuen�s��qu'rred by 1avv, sell
<br /> �h� Praperty at the ��me and place of s�le fixed by it in such Natice af 5ale, either as a whvle, ar in
<br /> separate lots ar p�rcels❑r items as Trustee shall d�em expedient, and in su�h arder as it may determine,
<br /> at public auc�ion to the highest bidder for cash �n lav►r�ul maney o�the Llni��d 5#ates payable a#the time
<br /> af sale. Trust�e shall de�iver to such purchas�r or purchasers thereof its gapd and sufficient deed ❑r
<br /> deeds con�eying the praperty so so�d, but inrithau� any �a�enant ar warranty, express �r implied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed�f any matters ar fac�s shall be conclusive proof of the truthfu�ness thereof. Any
<br /> person,�nciuding without limita�ion T�-ustor,Trus�ee,o�r Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> �b} As may be permitted by faw, a�ter deducting all costs, �ees �nd expenses of Trustee and o� this
<br /> Trust, including costs of e�idence of title in connec�ion wi�h sa�e,T�us�ee shall apply the pro�eeds of saie
<br /> to payment o� �i} all sums expended under th�terms vf#hf� l�eed of Trus# or under�he�erms o�the
<br /> Cred�t Agreement nat then r�paid, in�[uding but naf limited to a�crued interest and lat�charges, ��i} a�l
<br /> other sums then secured hereby, and �iii}the remainder, i�any, t❑the pe�san�r persans legal�y en�itled
<br /> �hereta.
<br /> �c} Trus�er�may in the mann�r pro�ided by law pos�pone sale��a�l or any portivn�f the Prvperky.
<br /> Remedies Nfc�t Exclusi►re. Trus�ee and Lender, and eaGh af �hem, shall be enti�[sd ta enforce payment and
<br /> pertorman�e a�any indebtedness ar abligations�ecured by this Deed vf T�ust and�� exercise all �-ights and pawers
<br /> under this Deed �� Trust, unde�the Credit Agreemen�, under any af th� Reia�ed Documents, or under any ofher
<br /> agreem�nt or any laws n�w ❑r hereafte� in farce; n�tWi�hS��nCling, some �r afl of such indebtedness and
<br /> obligati�ns secured by this Deed of Trust may naw a�hereaf#er be otherwise secured,whe�he�-by martgage, deed
<br /> of�rus�, pledge, fien, assignment❑r o�her-vvise. Ne�ther�he acceptance o�this Deed v�Trus� nor its enfarcement,
<br /> whether by court action or pursuant to the power o�sale or o�h�r ppwers c�ntained in this Deed a� Trust, shall
<br /> prejudice ❑r in any manner affect Trus�ee's vr Lender's right ta �-ea�ize upon or enforce any other secur��y now or
<br /> hereafter held by Trus#ee❑r Lender, i# being agreed tha#Trus#ee and L�nder, and each❑f them,�hall be entitled to
<br /> enforce �h[s �]eed vf Trus� and any ❑�her se�urity nvw vr hereafter held by Lender�r Trustee in such �rder and
<br /> manner as they ❑r eifher of them may in �heir absalute discre#ion determine. IV❑ remedy canferred upan ar
<br /> reserved tv Trustee ❑r Lender, is intended to be exclusive of any vther remedy in this D�ed vf Trust ❑�- by law
<br /> provided or �ermi�ted, but each shall be cumu�a���e and shall be �n add��ion ta e�ery other remedy given in this
<br /> Deed of Trust ar now �r hereafter exis�ing at �aw ar in equity or by statute. E�er��ower ar remedy g�ven by the
<br /> Credit Agreement ar any af the Related Do�uments ta Trustee or Lender ar �❑ which eith�r af them may be
<br /> otherwise entitled, may be ex�rcised, cancurren�[y or independently, fram time ta time and as ❑ft�n as may be
<br /> d�emed �xpedient by Trustee or Lender, and either af them may pursue incvnsistent remedies. Nothing �n �his
<br /> ❑eed vf Trust sha�l be canstrued as prohibiting Lend�r fr�am seeking a�ie�iciency juc�gment against the Trusta�r to
<br /> the extent such ac�ian�s permitfied by�aw.
<br /> Ele��ior� of Remed�es. All v� Lende�'� rights and rem�dies will be cumulative and may be exer�ised alane or
<br /> t�gether. lf L�nder deGides to spend money ar�a pe�Form any r�f Trus#or's obliga�ions under�his Deed of Trus�,
<br /> after Trustor's failure tfl do sv, that�iecisian by Lencier will na�a��ec'� L�nder's righ#ta dec�are Trust�r in defau��
<br /> and ta exercise Lender's remedies.
<br /> Request for N�tice. Trustor, vn b�half❑f Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s�ha�a copy�f any iV��i�e af Defaul�
<br /> and a capy o�any Nat�ce vf Sa�e under this Deed o�Trus�be ma�l�d to �hem at the addresses set forth �n the�i�st
<br /> parag�aph of�h is Deed af Trus�. �
<br /> A�tvrneys' Fees; Expenses. I�' L�nder institutes any suit ar ac�ion tv enfor�e any of�he �er-ms of�his Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be ent��led to rec��er such sum as the cvur�may ad�udge reasvna�ale as aitorneys'fees at trial
<br /> and upvn any appeal. Whether ar not any court ac�ivn [s in�vl�ed, and �v the exten� not prohib�ted by �aw, al�
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender �ncurs tha# in �.�nder's vpinian are necessary at any �ime for the pratect�on v� its
<br /> interest or the enforcement of its rights shall becor�a part of#he Indebtedness payable an demand and shall bear
<br /> �nteres� at the Credit Ag�-�sment rate from the date vf the expenditure un�il repaid. Expenses cavered by this
<br /> paragraph include,without limi�a�ion, howev�r subjec�to any�imi�s under applicable law, Lender's a�fiarneys'fees
<br /> and Lender's �ega� expenses, whe�her or nat there is a lawsuit, including attorneys' �ees and expens�s far
<br /> bankrupt�y prviceedings(inc[uding e�farts tv modify or�a�a�e any automatic stay or injunctian}, �ppeals, and any
<br /> anticipa�ed pos�-judgmenf cal[ec��an s��vices, the cost of searchsng recards, obtaining tit�e r�parts �inc�uding
<br /> for�cio�ure repvrks}, surveyors' repar�s, and appraisal fees, �itle �nsurance, �nd fees�or�he Trustee, ta the extent
<br /> permit#ed by applicab�e�aw. Trustor aiso wil� pay any caurfi costs, �n addition to all ather sums pra�ided by law.
<br /> Rights of Trust�e. Trus�ee shall ha�e ali of#he r�ghts and duties a�Lender as set for�h in this section.
<br /> P�WE�S AND Q�LlCATID�IS �3F TRUSTEE. The fa�iowing pro�isions relating to the pawers and abligations a�Truste�
<br /> are part af this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. �n additian ta all pawers❑f Trustee ar�sing as a ma�ter of�av►r, Trustee shalE ha�e the pawer�o
<br /> take th�fa[lowing a�tions wifih respect to �he Property upon the writ�en request af Lender and Trustor: �a}join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map ar piat of the Rea! Property, including the dedication of streets or other rights ta the
<br /> public; �h} �ain in grant�ng any easement or cr�ating any restri�tian on fhe R�a1 Prvperty; and {c} join in any
<br /> subardination ar other agreement affect�ng this Desd ofi Trust or the in�erest vf Lender under this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trusfee. Trustee shal! meet alI qualifcations required f�r Trustee under applicabfe law. In addition to the rights
<br /> and �emedies set�vr�h abo�e, wtth respect ta a!I ar any part �f the Pr�perty, the Trus#e� shall have the right to
<br />