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4 <br /> 2� 1 ��339� <br /> ��E� �F�:TRIJ�ST <br /> r ., <br /> ����1t��1 ul�d� Page 4 <br /> net prvGeeds ❑f�he award be app�ied to the lnd�btedness or�he repair ar restarat�on o�fhe Property. Th� rret <br /> pr�ceeds af the award sha�� me�n the award aft�r p�yrnen�o���II r�asanable Gosts, expenses, and a#ttirneys'fees <br /> incurred by Tru�tee or�.ender in canr�ection with the condemnat��n. <br /> �MPC?S�T1L7N C�F TA��S, FEES�AhfD �HaRGES �Y G�V�RN111�EMTAL AUTHaRIT�ES. The f��lawing provisions refattng <br /> to goWernment���axes;�ees-a�d�harges are a part of th�s �7e�d��'Trust: <br /> Curren#Ta�ces, ��es a�d Charge�. L1pan request by Lender,.Trustor shall execu#e such documen�s �n addi�i�n �v <br /> #his fleed a�Trust and tak�what��er other action:is reques�e� by Lender�o perfect.and con��nue L�nder's I�en�n <br /> �he Rea! Praperty. T�-ustor shall re�mburse L�nder fvr:al� taxes; as described�be�aw, together wi�h al� expenses <br /> in�urred in reca�ding, p�rtec��ng or cantinuing this Deed o'� T�ust,-including without fimi�at�on all taxes, ��es, <br /> documentary stamps,and❑the�charges far recvrding ur registe�-ing this Deed af Trust. <br /> Taxes. The following sha[� cons�i�ut� ��x�s to which this se�tion applies: ��} a specif�� �ax upon this type o� <br /> Deed of Trust or upan a[1 �r any par#o'F the� �ndebfedness se�ured by #his Deed af Trust; ��} a specific tax on <br /> Trus�or whi�h Trus�vr is au�har€zed or�equired to deduct from payments on the lndeb�edness secured by this type <br /> o�F D�ed of Trust; 43} a tax on this�ype of Deed of Trust chargea�[e against#he.Lender or the holder af the�redit <br /> Agreement; and [4} � specf�ic tax on a�f ar any portian of the [nd�btedness �r� ort paymen�s af principa� and <br /> interest made by Trustor, <br /> Subsequent Taxes. [f �ny tax to which th�s section applies is enacfied subsequen� tv �he da�e c�fi this Deed o�' <br /> Trust, �his e�en� shal[ ha�e the s�me e�fect as an E��nt of Defauit, and Lender may ex�rci�e any or afl o�' its <br /> a�ai��b[e remedies fvr an E�ent af befault as pro�ided be[ow un[ess Trus�vr either ('1} pays the tax before it <br /> beaomes deiinquent,or ��} conte�t�the tax as pra��d�d aba�e�n the Taxes and Liens section and deposits wi�h <br /> Lender�ash or a sufficien�corpora�e surety bond or other se�urity s�tis�actory'�o Lender. <br /> SE��R�TY AG�EEMENT; FINAhl�iNG STATEMENTS. The f�I�owing pravisions relating to :this Deed ❑f Trus� as a <br /> security agreement are a p�rt of this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Securi�y ►4greement. This instrum�nt shal� constitute a Security Ag�-eement ta the extenf any �� the Prapert� <br /> cons�itu�es fix#ures, and Lender shall ha�e a�l of t�e rights af a secured pa�y under the Uniform Cammerc�al Code <br /> as amend�d�ram time�a tim�. <br /> Security Ir�t�res�. Upan �-equest by�Lender, Trustar sha11 take whate�er acYion �s €�equested by Lender to perfect <br /> and cantirtue Lender's security interest in the Persor�al Property. ln add��ifln to recording th�s Deed a�Trust in the <br /> rea! praperty records, Lender may; at.any �im� and withouf further authorization`frvm Trustor, file execu�ed <br /> cauntsrparts, cflp'res or reproduct�vns �� th�s Deed o� Trust �s a fEnancing statem�nt. �'rustar sha[f reirnburse <br /> Lender far a11 expenses incurred �n pert�c�ing ar c�ntinuing this security interest. Upon de�ault,;Trusfior sha�f nat <br /> remove, seW�r ar detach. the Persanal PrQpe�ty frvm th� Prvpe�#y. �pvn defau{t, Trustvr sha[! assemble any <br /> Persanaf Praper�y r�ot afifxed to �he Prap��ty in a manner and a� a piace reas�nably cvnWen�ent �o Trustar and <br /> Lender and make �# available #� Lend�r within thr�e �3� �ays after receipt �f wri�ten demand 'f�-am Lender to the <br /> extent p�rmitted by applicable law. <br /> Address�s. The ma�ling add�esses o# Tr�ustor �d�b�ar} and Len�er �seGured party} from virhich information <br /> concerntng the s�curity �nterest grant�d by this �eed of Trus�may �e obtained �each as required by �he Uniform <br /> Cvmmerc�af Gode}are as statetl on�he first page v��his �eed of Trust. <br /> FURTF�ER ASSURAINCES; ATTDRNEY-[N-FACT. The follawing provisions rela#ing ta further assurances and <br /> attorney-in-fa�t are a part vf this Deed of Trust: <br /> Furfihe�Assurance�: At any time, ar�d from tim�ta tim�, upan reques�k vf Lend�r,Trustor wil� mak�, execute and <br /> defi�er; or wilE caus��o be m�de,e�c��uted�r de�i�ered,#o Lender vr ta Lender`s designee;an�f wl��n requested bY <br /> Lender; ca�rse to be fi I�:d; r�corded, r��led;vr rerecarde�i, as the�ase rriay k�e, at such t�mes and i n such offices <br /> and plac�s as Lender may deem appropriate, any and a(I such mattga�es; deeds af trust, secur�ity de�ds,securiijr <br /> agreerr�ents, finan�ing,statements,- �on��nuatian s�a��ments, ir�s�r-umerrks a�:further assuran�e, certifcates, and <br /> ather dacur�ents as may, in the s�l�opin�on af L�nder, be n�cess�ry or d�sir-�ble in order�v effe�fivate, compi�te, <br /> pe�ect, con�inue;:vr preserve 4'i� Trusto�"s abligativns urtder the Credit Agreerr�nt,�his �o�r Trust, �nd the <br /> Relafed_Do�u r�r�nts, and [�} � th e'l i�ns a�d secu rity i nter�sts crea�ed by.�h i s �7eed'v�Trust on�h e �'rape�.y, <br /> wh�fiher n�w`vvvi-�ed ar h�re�fter aoquired by Trustor. Unfess proF��bited by�ar�r or Lend�r agrees to the con�rary in <br /> wri�ing; Trustar�:�hal� t��imburse Lender f�r�II co�ts and expenses ir�curr�d in canr�ect�on with the m�#��rs refer�ed <br /> to in��his paragraph: <br /> ►4'��vrney-in-Fact. ff Trusfiar�ails�o do any of the things ref�rred�o in th�pr�c��in� �aragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for and in the name of Trustvr and at Trustor's expense: For such purpos�s;�"rus�ar hereby irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lender as Tru�far's atkorney-�n-fact far the�urpvs�of makfng, ex��uting,deli�er�r�g,fling,_r�e�arding;and doir�g afi <br /> a�her things as may b� necessary vr desirab�e, in Lend�r's'sole opini�n; to �cGamplish the matters referre�i to in <br /> th�pre�etl�ng p�ra�raph, <br /> FULL PEI��'�RNii4NCE. If Trus�ar pays aIl the lnd�bt�:dness when due,termina�es�he credit line account; and o'�h�rwise <br /> per�ort�r7s a�l the abl�gatian�imp�s�d upon T�ustor under this �d vf Trust, Lender s�all �xecutr�and.deli��r to Trus�ee <br /> a requ�st for full reoan�eyance and shall execute�iWer#o Trustvr suifiabie sfa�em�nts af,t�rmination af any <br /> finan�ing s�a�em�nf on fle e�idencing Lender's security Enter�st �n the Rents an� th� Personaf Praperty: `Any <br /> reconWey�nce f�e requir�d by law shall be paid by Tr�us�ar,if perm;tted by applicable law. <br /> E1�EN�`�`aF'�EFAULT. Trustor.wil[ be in tl�'Fau��u�der this Deed o�Trust i�any ot the fallowing�happen: �A� Trustvr <br /> �ornr�iits fraud ar m�k�s a materi�� misrepresentatE�� at any time in conne�tion wi�h the Cr�dit Agreemen�. This can <br /> Enc�ude, fvr example, a fa[se s�atemenfi �bau� Trustvr`'s "rncome, assets; liabili�ies; or any ather aspects a� Trustar's <br /> financial �nndifiian.. ��} Trustvr do�s nvt;;mee#the repayment fierms of th� �redit Agreemen�. �C} Trustar's act�on ar <br /> inac�ian adWersely affeG#s #he �n[I�tera� or Lender's righ#s in the cal[ateral. This can inGlude, fvr example, �aiiure to <br /> maintain required insu�ance,waste or des�ructiiie use af#he dwe�lEng;�'ailure to pay tax�s,d�a�h o�al! persvns iiable an <br /> the a�cvunt, �rans'��r vf tit�e ar sale n� the�dwe[1ing; crea�ion o� a seni�r lien vn the dweilin� without Lender's <br /> perr�ission�,fareclosur�by the hr�lder af an��her lien,or th�us�of fund�ar�h�-dw�lling fc�r prohibited purposes. <br /> R�GHI'TS AND RE1VIlE�fES �3N C3EFAf�LT. lf an E�rent��'De�au[t a�curs.under this Deed of Trust, at any time#hereaf�er, <br /> Trus�ee or Lender m�y ex�rcise any one c�r rr�re of th��'ollawtng rights and remedi�s: _ <br /> ►4ccele�a�i�n �pan��f�u��; Add�tional Remedi��. l�any E��nt vf Default a�curs a�per t�te terms af th�:Gredit <br /> Agreemen�secur�d hereby,Lende�may dec�are a�i Indebtedness se�ured by;this �eed.o�Trus�to k�du�and <br /> payak�le and fih��ame sh�ll thereupon b�carr�e due and payab�e vvi�hout any presentrr�enf,demand;prvtest or <br /> no�ice o�any kind. Thereafter,Lende�may: <br /> �a} E��h�r in person vr by agenf, with �r viri�hvut bringing any ac�ion or proceeding; or by a:rec�ive� <br /> appaEnted by a cou�t and wi�hou�regard tv th�`adequacy t�f its s�curity;enfier u�or�and�ake pvssessi�n <br /> o�'�he Pr�perEy,.ar any part therea�, in its o�n n�me or�r��he n�me vf Trusfiee;and cfo an�ac�s which it <br /> deerr�nec�ssary or desirahle tv pr-eserve the�alue, markef�k�ility or ren�abi�ity af fh�Pro�erty;�r pa�fi of <br /> �he Prope�:y o��n#�res#in the Praperly; inc��as��he ir�com��ram t�ie P�oper�ty ar prate��t�he secu�ity af <br /> �he P�operty; and, wi�h or withaut�aking possession �f the Property, sue far ar othen�ise �o11eG� fihe <br /> renfis, issues and profits of the Praperty, inc�uding thQse past du�and unpaid, and app�y the same, less <br /> cvsts and expenses of operation and colfection a�torn�ys'fees,t�any indebtedness secUred b�this Deed <br />