2� 1 ��339�
<br /> �EE� �F 1�R�l�l"
<br /> �G��ti��u�d� Page �
<br /> Trustor's ownersh�p of the P�ope�y,there has been na use,generation, manu�ac�ure,s#vrage,#reatmenfi,dispasal,
<br /> r�lease or threatened re(ease af any Hazardvus Substance by any persan an, under; abvut ar from �he Property;
<br /> ��} T�-ustor has nv knowledge af, or reasan fv beli�rre that there.has been, except as pre�iously d�sclased to and
<br /> a�knvwledged by Lende� in writing, �a} any breach ar �ivlatian of a�y En�ironmental L�ws, �b} any use,
<br /> generatian, manufac�u�-e, storage, �reatment, disposa[, release❑r threatened release af any Hazardvus Substance
<br /> an, under, a�out or fram the Prv�erty by any prior �wner-s v� occupants af the Property, v�- �c} any actual or
<br /> threa�ened liti�ativn or c�a€r�s af apy kind by any persan re�a�ing ta such ma�tters; and {3} Excep�as pt-e�iously
<br /> disclosed ta and acknowledged by Ler�der ir�wrifi�ng, (a} neifher Trustar n�r any tenant,cant�a��or, agen�vr v�her
<br /> authari�ed user of the Praperty shall use, genera�e, manufacture,store,trea�t, dispvse o�F❑r refease any Hazardous
<br /> Substance vn, under, ah�ut ar�r�m�he Property;and �b} any such a�tiWity sha�l he canduc��d in comp[iance v+ri�h
<br /> a�l app�icable �Federal, state, and foca� 1aws, regulations and ordinan�e�, �nciuding w�thout �imfta�ion al� �
<br /> En��ronm�ntal Laws. Trus�vr authari�zes Lender and its agents �o enter upan the P�operty ta make �uch
<br /> insp�ctians and fests, at Trustvr's expense, as Lender may deem apprapria�e ta de�errnine comp(iance a� the
<br /> Prnperky with this sectian af the �eed af Trust. Any inspec#ions or fi�sts made by Lender shalf be�or L�nder's
<br /> purposes anly and sY�all not be construed�o crea�e any respansibility or liability an the pa�af Lender�o Trustor or
<br /> f� any a�her persvn. The representatsons and warran�ies can�ained herein are bas�d❑n Trustar's due dilig�nce in
<br /> in�estigating#he Property�or Haz�rdous Substanc�s. TrustQr hereby �'�} re€eases and wai�es any fu�ure claims
<br /> against Lender f�r indemnity or con�ribut�on in �he evenfi Trustor becames fiable�vr cleanup or other costs under
<br /> any such laws; and �2} agrees fio indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender agains�any ar�d a11 claims, �vsses,
<br /> liabilities, damages, pena��ies, and expsnses whi�h Lender�may d�r�c��y ar indi�ec�ly sustain ar suffer resufting fram
<br /> a �reach of�his secti�n af�he []eed of Trust¢r as a Gonsequence of any use, gen�ration, manufac�ure, sfarage,
<br /> disposal, refease or threatened release vccurring pri�r tv Trustor's awn�rship or inte�est ir�the Prvperky,whether or
<br /> nv��he same wa� ar.should ha�e been known �o Trustar, The pr���s�vns �af this section af�he Deed af Trust,
<br /> including the ob#igation ta indemnify ar�d defend,shall sur�iWe the payment a�the Indeb�edness and�he sa�isfaction
<br /> and reoan�eyance of�he�ien af#his Deed of Trus#and shall not be affected by Lender's aGquisitivn af any interesf
<br /> in the Property,whe�her by foreG[asure ar oth�nn�ise.
<br /> Nuisance, 1fVaste. Trust�r shaCl nv� �ause, conduc� or permit any nuisance nar �ommit, permit, ar su�Fer any
<br /> s�r�pping af ar waste vn �r to the Property or any part�on o��he Proper�y. 1lllithau� �imi#ing the generality o�F the
<br /> f�reg��ng, Trus#or wi�l nv�remo�e, or grant�a any ather par#y#he righ�to remvve, any timber, minera�s�including
<br /> ail �nd g�s},cval�C�a�l,_scoria,sai[, graWel ar rock prvduG�s wi�hau�;Ler�der`s priar wri�ten cvnsent.
<br /> �emv►ral:fl�impro��ments. Trustvr sh�ll n�t demvlish ar rerrta��any Imprvvem�n#s frvm the F�eal Proper�y w�thau#
<br /> Lender's priar wriften �onsen�. A�s a c�ndifion��the:remo�al a�any�rr�pra�ements, Lend�r may require Trustor to
<br /> make arrangements satisfactvey to Lende� to rep[ace such Impravemen�s wi�h Impr��ements vf at least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents �nd repr�sentative� may enter upon the Real Property at al!
<br /> reasonable:#�m�s t� attend tv Lender's �nt�rests and �a inspect the ReaE Prvperty �or �urposes af Trustor's
<br /> campliance vu�th the terms and canditivns af�his ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> �ompliance with Go�ernmental Requ�r�men�s. Trustar sh�ll pra�ptly cvmply with alE laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regul��ions, n�w �r hereafter in eifect, af=all gv�ernmen�a( auth�rities`applicable ta the.u�e or �ccupancy af the
<br /> Property; :Trus�vr may c�ntest in g�od_�Faith any:such law,vrdinance,ar regulati�n and withhold cvmp[ian�e during.
<br /> any p�oeeed�ng, including appropriate appeals; sc� long as Trus�vr has n�tified Lender in writing pr�ar t�,da3ng so
<br /> and so�nng as, in Lender's sole opin�an;.`Lend�r's in#erests in the`�'raper�y�r�not jeapa�-�tzed; Lend��may require
<br /> Trust�r ta past adequa�e securi�y ar a sure�y band;reasona�ly sa��sfa�tary�o Lende�,tv pr�tec�Lender'�inf�r�st.
<br /> Duty t� pi�vfect. Trus�vr agrees neit�er�a abandon::or [eave unat#ended the Property: Tru�tar shall-dv`all o#h�r
<br /> acts;in additi�n ta�those ac��;set forth abo�re.in�his se�tian;which fr�m the character and use af the Prvperty:are:.
<br /> r�asvn�bly neGessary�o prv�ect and pres�rve the Prvper�y.
<br /> _ , .
<br /> QC1E C�N SAL���C�N�ENT BV.L�N���. Lender may; a�Len�er"s�p���n,declare immedia��ly due;and payab�e�a�l�ums
<br /> se�ur�d by th�s:��ed of;Trust=upon�he;sale ar transfer;withou� L�nder`s priar wr�itten cons�nt, of al�:�r�ny part of th�
<br /> Re�l Property�;or any int�rest in fhe Real Prope�ky. A `'sale or transfer't means the can�eyance vf F�eaf Pr�per�y or any
<br /> right, �i�le or 3n�erest in #he Real Prope�fiy; whether legal, bene�icial ar equitab�e; whethe� Woluntary or in�oluntary;
<br /> whe�her-by outright sa1e,.d�ed, ,instaf#ment sale �antract, �and cantract, c�nt�act for deed, leaseho�d interest vuith a
<br /> terrr�`grea�er��han three �3}Years, �e�s�-op�ion cor��ra�t, ar by sale; assignment, or tr�nsfer af any �en�ficial in�erest in
<br /> or to any �and trust h�lding �itl� �a the Reaf Prope�ty, or by any o�her methad of conveyance of an in�erest in.�he Real
<br /> F'raperty. Howe�er, this option sha�C naf be ex�rcised by Lender if such exercise is pr�hibi�ed by �ederal faw or by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> T�CES AfVD LlENS. The fQlfov+r�ng prav�sians re�a�ing tQ the taxes and Iiens on �he Property are pa��a��his Deed af
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paymen�. T�us�vr shall pay when due�and in a�l events priar t� delinquen�y}all taxes,�peciaf taxes, assessments,
<br /> char`es irtclud�n water antl s�wer,_fin�s and im osi#ions le��ed a ainst�r an ac�oun�of the �'ro e and shal!
<br /> g � .� � P � p �Yy
<br /> pay when`du��ll cl�iims:�ar wvrk:dane an`vr far services rendered or.material furnish�d tv the Proper�y. Trustor
<br /> s�r�l1 maintain fihe Prvpe�ty�Fr�ee af al[-liens having priori�y aver vr equ�l to the interest o�F Lende�under�his!]eed❑f
<br /> Trus#,�except-f�r�#he;:lien af;tax�s_�nd a��sessments'.not due� except fv�- the Existin� Indebtedness ref�rred t�
<br /> befo�nr; and ex�ept.as a�het�►rvise:provided in this Deed a�Trust:
<br /> , ,
<br /> �ight tv Contest.-Trustvr may wi�hhold payment o�any t�x;assessmer��,°vr ci�im in �onne��i�n with a good fai�h
<br /> dispu�e o�er�he abiigatian�o pay, s❑�nng as Lender's intere�t in the Praperky i�na�jevpardized. If a li�n ar�ses or
<br /> is filed as�:a`result af nanpaymen�,::T�`usto�shali with�n �€fteen �'I5� days:af�er the l�en a�-ises or, i� a �ien:is filed,
<br /> wi#hin-��fteen [15} days a�er Trus�or has notic� a�fihe fi��ng;=secure the �ischarge-vf-the lien; �r:i'� requested by
<br /> Lender,�Iepasit wi�h Lender ca�h ar a sufficient carp�ra�e sure�y bvnd�or ofiher securi�y satisfactary t� Lender in an
<br /> amoun�suifi�ient ta d�scharge the�ien plus:arty costs and a��orn�ys'�e�s,.or other charges tha�,�vuld accrue as a
<br /> .
<br /> result;��a�vreclosur�or sale under;the�i�n.�!r�any cvntes'�;.:Trustor shafl;.defend itse�f and Lender;and shall satisfiy
<br /> -
<br /> :
<br /> an _adve�s�'ud m�nt be��r�;enforcement a a�ns#:�he:Prv �rt . Trustar shall name Lender as an�dditivna[o�(Fg�e
<br /> y � 9..- � p Y -
<br /> under an Suret bond furnish�d in the con�est roc�edings.
<br /> Y Y . p �
<br /> Evidence v�F Payment. Trustvr�h�l� upan demand furnish t❑ Lender satisfac�ory e�idenc�af paym�nt of#he taxes
<br /> ,or..assessmen#s:and shall authvr�ze#h� apprvp�i�te_g�vernm�nfial officiai:to c�e�i�er.fo Lender at any time:a writ�en
<br /> stat�ment a�_the t�xes and assessments;aga�ns��he Property,
<br /> Notice a�Cons#ru�tiar�. Trustar�hall no�i'�y Lender at�east fifteen �'I 5} days befare any wvrk is.:cvmm�n�ed; any
<br /> services are furn�shed,or any mat�rials are supplied�c� th� �'roper�y, if any mechanic's 1ier�; materialmen's lien, ar
<br /> o�her lien cvuld be assert�d on ac�ounfi vf the work,.�erviGes, ar materiafs: Trustor vi�i�[ upvn requ��t a� Lend�r
<br /> furnish tv Lender advance assura��es satisf�c�ory t� Lender t�at Trust�r can and will pay fihe cost �� such
<br /> imprvve��n�s.
<br /> PR�PEF�TY�AMAGE i�ISURA[VCE. the fal�o�ing pro�isEons re�ating to insuring the Prope�ty are a part❑f this aeed vf
<br /> Tru st.
<br /> �lainter�an�� vf �nsurance. Trustar shall pra�ure and maint��n pa�icies of�fi�e insur�an�e with standard ex#ended
<br /> caverage end�rsemen#s fln � fair �afue ba�is �or #he-�ull insurab[e Wa�ue cov�ring;:all Imp�avemen#s an:fihe Rea�
<br />