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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> a� �o rn � �C p � <br /> o �z � C Z� � y <br /> W �� � Z �Z �7 U] <br /> � z� � � � — <br /> a� �� p � �ornv � c.�i� <br /> rn� rn �� � � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � c <br /> �o cn � � � <br /> cs� � r� <br /> �o � .�.� Z <br /> o� � � � <br /> � Z <br /> � <br /> VIiHEN I�E����3ED �f[A�L �'�: <br /> Firs�hlat��nal Bank of C�maha <br /> �ranch#0 7� <br /> ��23 �nd A�e <br /> Kearne NE G8847 F�R��CORDER'S USE nNLY <br /> � � <br /> ��� � ���� � <br /> � <br /> '�� 5�4t]D5262�1��` <br /> �E�� �F -rRu��r <br /> �VIA��ML�1� L�EN. The l��n �f th�� De�d �f Trus� shal� �ot exc��d at any �n� �ime $��,Q�Q.Q�. <br /> �'H�� aEEC� QF TRL1�T �s �a�ed I�lay 2�, �Q'1�, among Janis �C �arrett, a s�n�le persan <br /> �"Tru���r"}; F�rs� �Vatianal �3�nk �f ��ah�, wh��� address is Branch �#���3, ���� �r�d A�e� <br /> �ear��y, NE �5�47 �r�ferred �o �e�c�wr ��m�fir�es as "L.�e�der" a�d �ome�ir�ne� as <br /> '.�eneficiary"�; arad F�rs� Nat�c�r�al �ank �f �mraha, wha�e addr�s� i� 7��� #3o�ge Street, <br /> �maha, �I� �8'��� �refierr�d �o b�iaw as "Truste�"}. <br /> ��NVEYANCE AND GRANT. �or rral�able cvnsidera�ion, Trustar con�eys�v Trus�ee in trust, VV11"�TM P�WER�F SALE, <br /> for the benefi� of Lender as E3ene#�ciary, a�l o�Trustor's rEgh#, tit�e, and interest in and t� #he fa�lowing descri�ed real <br /> property, together wi�h ali existing or subsequ�n��y erec�ed ❑� aff�xed buildings, impravem�nts and fixtures; aIl <br /> easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; alf wate�-, water righ�s and d�tch rights {inc�uding stock in uti�ities w�th <br /> di�ch �r �rrigation righ#s}; and al[ ❑ther I'fgh�5, rvya�ties, and prafits relatin �a �h� r�al proper� , �ncluding withaut <br /> limita�i�n a11 minerals, �il, �as, geothermal and s�mifar ma#ters, �th� "R�al �r�pe�y"} �vC�tte�in H�l[ Cou�# , <br /> Y <br /> ��a�� �f Ne�raska: <br /> L�T S�� ��}. 11V V11E�T BEL A[R FIFTH 5�1��3�i1[S��[V, �N THE �!1"lr DF GR�IND �SLAND, <br /> HALL ��UNTY, NE�RA��iA. <br /> Th� F��a� Pr�p��rty �r ��s �ddre�s i� �flm�non�� kngwr� as 17�7 �urt�s St., Grand [sland, NE <br /> ����3. �'h� �eal �r�p�r�y�ax id�n�ifi��t�an nunnher is��Q'�1'��3C9� <br /> REV(]LV�NG LIh1E �F C1�ED�T. This ��ed vf Trust secures the [ndebt�dness including, without limita��vn, a re�o��ing <br /> iine vf�redi�,which obligates Lender fo �nake advances to Ts�us�ar so[ang as T�-ustcar complie�u�ifh all�he term�o��he <br /> Gredit Agreeme�t. �uch ad�rances may be made, re�aid,:and remade from time tv time, su�ject��the timita�ivn that <br /> the �vtal ou�s�anding balan�e owing a# any ane tim�, n�t �ncluding finan�� �harges an suGh ha�ance at a f�x�d �r <br /> �ariable r��e or sum as provided in �he Credit Agreement, any �emporaa-y o�erages, Qther charges, and any amounts <br /> expended or adWan��d as pro►►�ded �n either the fndebtedness paragraph or this pa��graph, shai� nvt exceed #he C�edit <br /> Limit�s pravided in�he Credit Agreem�nt. C� is the in#ention of Trus�vr and Lend�r that this Deed o�Trust secures�he <br /> ba�ance outstanding under the Credit Agreemen#fram time tv time f�rt�m zero up to�he Cred�� Lim�t as pra►►ided in the <br /> �redit Agreement and any intermed���e balan�e. <br /> Trustar present�y assigns to Lendet� �also known as B�neficiary in this Deed �� Trust} all of Trustvr's right, �i�le, and <br /> interes� in and #v al� present and fu#ure leases a'��he Praperty and ali Rents from the P�-oper�y. !n additivn, Trustor <br /> gran�s�o Lender a lJniform�ammercial Code sec�rity interes�in�he Per��nal PraperEy and Rents. <br /> THt� DEED DF TF�UST, INCLUD�IV�THE ASS��N16tIENT�F RENTS AND THE SECUR�TY[NTEREST�N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSQNAL PRaPERTY, [S G�1lEN "��SECURE �A} PAYMENT OF THE IN�EBTED�VESS AN D �B} PERF�RIUtANG�D�' <br /> EACH �]F TRUSTDR`S A�REEMENT`5 AND �BLICAT��NS 11NDER THE CRED�T AGREEII�IENT, THE RELATED <br /> aa�UMENTS, AND THIS ❑EED [3F TRUST, TH�S DE�❑ �F TRUST 15 ��VEN AN❑ A�GEF'TE❑ �N THE FQLL�1NiNG <br /> TE�tMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RIV1qhdCE. Ex�ept as othenivise prvvid�d in this Deed of Trust, Trustor sha�� pay tv Lender all <br /> amounts secured by this Deed ❑f Trust as they b�come due, and shalf stric�ly and in a timely manner perfarm aff ❑f <br /> Trus�or's obl�gatians under�he Cred�#Agreemen�,this Deed af Trust,and�he Reiated Docum�n�s. <br /> P�S5ES5i4N AND MA�NTENAN�E QF THE PR�PER�Y, Trustor agrees that Trustar's passession and use of the <br /> Properfy sha��be ga�erned b�the�ollowin� prc��isions: <br /> Posses�ivn and Use. tJntil �he accurrence �f an Event vf �efault, Trustvr may ��} remain in possession and <br /> �ontro[o��he Praperty; ��} use,opera�e or manage#he Praper�y;and �3} cv�lect the Rents from the Prvpe�-ty. <br /> Duty �o [�liainta�n. Trus��r sha[i maintain the Prvperty in gaod conditian and pramp#ly perForm afl repairs, <br /> replacements,and maintenance necessary tv preserve i#s�alue. <br /> Compliance ll�f�th En�`rronmen�ai Laws. Trustor reRresen�s and r�varrants t� Lender that. �'�} []uring the peria�af <br />