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2� 1 ��332� <br /> . DEE� �F TRUST <br /> L�an 1Vo; "10�'1758Z {C�rlti�lu�d} Page � <br /> each shall b� cumu�ati�e and shal� be in addition ta e�ery other ��medy ��v�n �n this De��i a� Trust c�� n�w or <br /> hereaf�er existing at!aw �r in equi�y ar�y statute. EWery pavver or remedy gi�en by�he Nate ar any a�f the Rela�ed <br /> Dvcuments to Trust�e vr Lender ar t� which either o# them may �e �therwise entitled, may be exerci�ed, <br /> cancurrently or inde�endently, from time t� �ime and as af�en as may he deemed expedient l�y Trustee �� Lender, <br /> and either af them may pur�ue incnn�istent remedies. Nothing in this ❑eed af Trust shali be �anstrued as <br /> pr�hibiting Lender from seeking a defiGiency judgmen�against the Trustar to the e�cten�such aGti�n is permitt�d by <br /> law. <br /> EI�c��vn nf Reme�ie�. �►I� a# Lender's ri�hts and �emedies will be cumulatF�e and may be �xer�ised alone or <br /> together, lf Lender decides t� spend mone� �� ta perfarm anY ��Trus�ar's abliga�ivns und�r this Deed ��Trust, <br /> after Trusf�r's failure tv da so, tha# decision by Lender will n�t a#�fe�t Lender's right ta d�clare Trustor in de#ault <br /> and�❑exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> Requ�st�or 1Votice. Trustor, on behalf of Trus��r and Lender, hereby reques�ts tha�a copy of any Notice of ❑efaulfi - <br /> and a �opy a�any Not��� af 5ale under this Deed a�Trust be rnai1�� �a them at th� addr�sses se�fort� in the first <br /> pa�agraph��this ❑eed of T€�ust, <br /> A�tt�rn�ys' F�es; E�penses. If Lender institu'�es any suit ❑r action ta en�or�� any af the t�rms af this aeed af <br /> Trust, L�nder shal� be enti�led to recover such sum as the caurt may ad�udge reas�na#�fe as att�rn�ys' �ees a�'�rial <br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhether ❑r not any c�urt action is invo�ved, and t� the extenfi nat prahibited by I�w, all <br /> reasanab�e expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's vpinion are necessary at any time for �he pratection af its <br /> interes�ar the enfarcement a�F its rights shall he�ame a part of the )ndebtedness payable on demand and shal� b�ar <br /> interest at-the No�t� ra���rom the date�f the e�€penditure until repaid. Expenses c�Wered by�his paragraph include, <br /> withaut limitationr however subject to any limits under app�ica�l� law, Lender's atk�rneys' fees and Lender's I�gal <br /> expens�s, whather or nat there is a lawsuit, inciuding att�rneys' fees and �xpenses far banl�ruptcy praceedings <br /> (including effarts to modify ar vacat� any autama#i� stay or injunctionj, appeals, and any anti�ipated past--judgment <br /> �o�Iection ser�ices, the �ast of searching r�cords, 4btaining ti�le repor�s {Enc�uding fareclasure reparts}, surWeyors' <br /> 1'e�3�1'�5r and appraisal fe�s, title insuran�e, and �ees for �he Trustee, ta the �x�ent perm�tted �y aRpli�ab�e law. <br /> Trustor alsa will pay any��urt castsr in additi�ri to ail other sums proWided by law, <br /> Ri�hts �f Trustee. Trustee shali haWe al[c�f the rights and du�ies❑f Lender as set��rth in�his sectivn. <br /> P�VIlERS AND �BLI�ATtaNS �F TF�USTEE. Th� �al�awing pr��isions relating to the povvers and obliga�ions �f Trustee <br /> are part❑�F this �eed of Trust: <br /> Pvwers ��Trustee. ln additi�n to all pawers af Trustee arising as a matter of�awr Trus�ee shall ha�e the power t� <br /> take �he fol�owing actians with respect to the Praperfy upan the written request of Lender and Trustor: �a� jain in <br /> preparing and filing a map ar p�a� ❑f the Real Proper-ty, including the dedicatian �fi streets or ather ri�hts ta the <br /> p��;,Gr {�} j�in in grantin� any �asement or creatin� any r�strict�an on the Real Praperty; and (�� jain in any <br /> subordina�ion or ath�r agre�ment a��re�ting�his Deed af Trust�r the interest of Lender under this Deed of Trust. <br /> Truste�. Trustee �hal� meet a�l qua�i#ications required �or Trustes under appliGahle law. ln add��ian t� the rights <br /> and remedi�s set forth ab��e, with r�s�ect ta all ar any part af the Praperty, fhe Trustee shall ha�e the right to <br /> f�reclose by notice and sale, and Lender wil� ha�e the right to foreclase �y ju�icial �vreclasur�, in either case in <br /> a�cardance with and to the full �xtent pr�vid�d by applicab�e law. <br /> 5u�cessor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's �ptivn, may fram time ta time appoint a successor Trustee ta any Trust�e <br /> app�int�d under this Deed �f Trust by �n instrument e�€ecut�d and aGknowledg�d by L�nder and r�c�rded in the <br /> office of �he recorder of HALL �aunty� S'tate o� Nebraska. The instrumen� shall ��n�ain, in additian to al[ �#h�r <br /> � rna�ters required by state iaw, �he narnes o# th� ariginal Lender, Trustee, and Trust�rr the ba�k and pa�e �or <br /> c�mputer system referenc�} uvh�re this Deed of T�ust is recorded, and �he name and address af the successor <br /> �rustee, and�he insfirument shall �� executed and a�kna�rvledged by all the �eneficiaries under this Deed ❑f Trust or <br /> t�eir successors in interes�. The su��essor trustee, wi�haut �an�eyan�e af the Property, shall succeed �❑ a�l the <br /> title, pawerf and du�i�s �anferr�d upon�he Truste� in this ❑e�� af Trust and by applicable law. This procedur� for <br /> substitution at Trust�e shall g���rn to the exclusian❑f all ��he�pravisi�ns for substi�ution. <br /> 1V�T�CES. Any n�tice required ta he gi�en uneier this D��d of Trust, �ncluding w�fhout lirni�a�ion any n�tice of defiaul� <br /> and any notice vf sale Shall be given ir� writing, and �ha11 be effectiWe when actually deiivered, when a��ually recei��d <br /> by�elefa�simi�e {unle$s atherwise r�quired by iaw}, when deposited with a nationalfy recvgni�ed ❑vernight courierr ar� if <br /> mailed, when depasited in the United Sfiates ma�[, as first ciass, certified ar reg€stered mail pQstag� prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shown ne�r the l�eginning of this Deed �f Trus�. A11 copi�s af n�tices at #orec�osure from �he h�lder ❑f <br /> any lien which has privrity �wer this De�d o# Trust sha11 be sent to Lender's ad�ress, as shawn neaf the beg�nning of <br /> �his D��d af Trust. Any persan may �han�� his ar her address for n�tices under this �eed �f Trust by g�Wing formal <br /> wri��en natice t4 �he o�her pers�n ar persans, specifying that #he purp�se af the noti�e is to chang� the person's <br /> address. F�r noti�e purpases, Trustar agrees �a I�eep Lender infarmed a�all �imes �f Trustar's current address. Unless <br /> o�herv�rise pra�ided vr required by �aw, i-�there is more than one T�ustvr, any notic� given by Len�fer to any Trustor is <br /> deem�d to be natice �iven t� al1 Trust�rs. lt wi�l h�Trustar`s �espansi�ili�y t�fi�l!�the others of the natice�rorn L�nder. <br /> iVl[SCELLANE�U� PR�V�Sl�NS. The f�llawing miscel�aneous p�avisions are a part af#his ❑eed❑f Trust: <br /> Am�ndmen�sn What is wri�ten in this Deed af Trust and in the Ref ated L�acuments is Trustor'S entire agreement <br /> vv€th Lender �oncernin� the matte�s ca�ered k�y this D��d ❑#Trus�. To be effectiv�p any change ar amendment�a <br /> this Deed �f Trust must be in vvritin� and must be signed by �nrhfleWer r�ri1[ b� b�und or ab[igated by th� change ar <br /> amendment. <br /> Caption Hea�in�s. �aption h�adings in this a�ed of Trust are far canr�enience purp�s�s �n[y and ar� na� �� be <br /> used to in��rpret�r cief�ne the pro�isions af this Deed o#Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall be no merger o�the interest ar estate c�eated hy this D��� nf Trust with any c�th�r inter�st ar <br /> estate �n the P��perty at any time held by or for the benefit of Lende� in any capaci�y, without�he written cansent <br /> af Lender, <br /> Ga�erning Law. This C3eed of Trust wilf �e gavern�d b�r federal lav+�r appiicable fio L�nder and, �o the extent nat <br /> preempt�d by�ed�ral law,the laws o�the Sta���#iVebraska withaut rsgard tv its cvnfli��s vf!aw pravisions. This <br /> Deed af Trus#has b�en acceptsd by Lend�r in�he State o�Nebraska, <br /> �hvice vf Venueo �f there is a la�nrsuit, Trus�ar agrees upon Lender's request tv submit to the jurisdiction af the <br /> c�urts �f Dau��as �oun�y, �ta�e�f lVebras�a. <br /> J��nt and Several Liabiiity. All ���iga-ti�ns �f Barrovv�r and Trustvr under this Deed af Trust sha11 be aaint and <br /> ser�eral, and ��� re�erences to Trus�or shall mean each and �very Trustarr and all references�to Borr�wer shal� m�an <br /> each and e��r�r Borrower. This means that each Trustar s�gning bel�w �s res�ansib�e fvr all o�ligatians in this D��d <br /> vf Trust. <br /> No Vllaiver hy Lender. Trus�or unders#ands Lender wi�l no���ive up any of Lender's rights under this Deed of Trust <br /> unfess Lend�r daes sa in writin�. The fac� that Lender delays �r ❑m_its �a exercise any righ� wilf no� mean �ha� <br /> Len�er has given up that ri�h�. �t Lender d�es agree in writing ta giWe up ane �� Lende�'s rights, that does n�t <br /> mean Trustor will r�ot ha�� to camply with the ather pr��isians o� this Deed v� Trus�. Trustar als❑ understands <br /> tha� if Lender �aes c��sent �� a �eques�, �ha� does not mean that Trustor will nat haWe to g�f Lender's cansen� <br />