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2� 1 ��332� <br /> L�EE� �F TF�LJ�T <br /> L�c��l �Oa ��1J�`�J�� ��1..�■■�1����� ■ G��V � <br /> �orrvwer's or Tru�tar's accounts vvi�h Len�er. H�w��r�r, if Barrow�r or Trustor disputes in goad faith wh�ther�h� <br /> claim ❑n whi�h th� tak�ng a# the F'rap�rty is based is vafid vr r�asanable, and �� B�rrower or Trustar giv�� Lender <br /> written no�ic� of fihe �iairn and furnish�s Lender with mani�$ flr a surety �ond satisfactar}r to L�nder f� satisfy the <br /> claim, th�n this de�Fault prv�isian vvili not appfy. <br /> �reaGh �f��h�r Ag�e�rr�ent. Any breach by Borrovver ar Trus�ar under th�t�rms af any ofher agreement between <br /> B�rrawer or Trus�tor �nd Lender th�� i� no� rernsd�ed ►r�ithin any grace peri�d pr��id�� �herein, incEuding withou� <br /> limi�atian any agreement cvr�cern�n� any indebtedne�s ar v�h�r ❑bligatian of �c�rrower or Trusfor to Lender, <br /> wh�ther e�cisting na�v�r latero <br /> Events AffeG�in� �uaranf��. Any ❑f the pre�eding events vccurs vvi�h r�sp�ct to any guarantor� �nda�ser, surety, <br /> or accomm4dation party af any of the �ndebtedness ar any guaran�flr, endorser, surety, �r accommQdativn par�ty <br /> dies �r becomes in��rnpeten�, �r rev�ke� o� disputes the �alidity of, �r liabi�ity under, any �uaranty of the <br /> [n��bfiedness. <br /> Insecurifi�re Lender in good fa�th �elieW�s its�lf€nsecure. <br /> Ex�sting indel�t�dness. The payment ❑� any instailment�f prin�ipa[ �r any int�rest on th� Existing Indeb���ness is <br /> no� mad� �rvithin the time requir�d by the promissary not� e�idencing such indebtedness, �r a defau[t occurs under <br /> the instrument secur�ng such inde�t�dn�ss and i� no�cured d�ring any app�icabl� grac� per�vd in such instrum�nt, <br /> �r any�uit❑r ather a�tion �s �amm�nced ta fore�lose any ex�sting lien on�h� �roperty. <br /> �aght���ur�. I#any default, �ther than a d��ault in paym�n�, is cura�le �nd if Trus��r has n�t b��n�iv�n a n�tiGe <br /> flf a breaGh vf th�same pra�ision vfi fihis Deed �f Trusfi w�thin th� preceding tw�lve ���� mflnths, it may b��ur�d if <br /> Trustor, afte�- Len�fer sen�s written notice �❑ Borrawer demanding cure of sueh defaul�: �1} �ure� the d�fault <br /> vvi�hin t�ven� {�0� days; or ��} �f the cure r�quires mQre�han twenty t2�} day�, irr�rnediately initiates s�eps which <br /> L�nder deems in Lender's s4[� discretion t❑ b� suffici�nt to �ure the default and -�hereafter cantinues and <br /> c4r�plet�s alE reasanable and necessary steps suffic�en�t❑ pr�du�� camplEanc� as s�vn as reasonabty practi�ale <br /> RIGHTS AIVD RE[VIE��ES +DN DEFAUL�. !f an E��n��f Default occurs under this �eed �f Trusf, �t any#im�thereafterr <br /> Trust��ar L�nder rnay�xercise any one or m�re ofi the#�fl�vtir�ng rights and remedi�se <br /> Accgferatovn Upon D�fau[t: Ac�ditianal F��medies. If any E�ent a� Default oc�urs a� per th� �erms af the N��e <br /> secured h��eby, Lender rnay d�Glare al� Indeb��dness secured #�y this D�ed o�Trust ta be du� and paya�la and <br /> �he same sha([fihereupara be�am�due and payabfe wi�hou�an}� presen�ment� demand, pro��st or n�fiic�a�F any <br /> kind. Th�r�after, L�nder r�ay: <br /> {a� Either in persor� ar by agen�, with ❑r wifihout �ring�ng any ac�ti�n ar proceed�ng, vr by a receiv�r <br /> �ppainted by a G�ur� and v�ithQut r�gard t❑ the adequacy a� its security, en�er upon and tal�� possessi�ra <br /> �fi the Pr�pert�r ar �ny part there�f� in its own name vr in th� name �f T�-ust��, and d� any a�ts which it <br /> deems necessary or desirable�� preserWe�he �a[ue, mark�tab�lity or r�nta�aili�y of�he Pr�perty, �r part Qf <br /> the Prapert� or in��res� in the PrQpertyr increase the income �r�r-r� th� Property or protecfi the security of <br /> the Prapertyr andr with or without ta�ing passessiQn afi the PrQperty. sue fvr or otherwise ca�lect the <br /> rents, issues and pr��its af the Prvpert�, including thvse past due �nd unpaid, and apply th� same, ies� <br /> c�s�s and exp�nses �f�peratio�and �o![ec�i�n attarneys' �ees, t� any indelatedn�ss secu�ed by this De�d <br /> Q� Trust, all in su�h ord�r as L�nder may determin�. The enterin� upon and taking possessian �� �he <br /> Prvpert�r, �he cal[ect�an of such ��nts, €ss�es and p�ofits, and the app�icatian �hereaf sha�l not cur� �� <br /> waive any default or notice o�F d�fault under this ❑eed a� Trust ar fn�a[idate any act dane in respanse t� <br /> such defau�t❑r pursuant�❑ such notic� nf�iefau�tr and, n��wi�hstanding the continuanGe in pass�ssian of <br /> the Pr�per�y or the cvl�ec�ion, re�eipt and applicatian a� ren�s, iss�e� ❑r profifis, Trustee �r Lend�r shall <br /> #�e enfiitled to exerc�se every righ�t provided far in the hfote �r the R�f�t�� Do�umen�s pr by �a►�r upon �he <br /> ❑ccurrence of any even��f default, �ncluding the r[ght�o exercis�the pov�r�r af sale; <br /> {�} Comm�nce an act�on�o far�clase this �e�d a�Tru�fi as a mvr�gage, appaint a r�c�iver ar sp�cifi�alfy <br /> enfor��any�f th�Govenants herevf; and <br /> {�} �e[iver fio Trustee a writt�n declarati�n of d�fault and demand for sale and a written no�ice vf defiault <br /> and �lectian tv cause Trustor's [nterest in the Prap�rty�❑ be s�1d, �hich nv�ice Trustee shall cause t� be <br /> dul�fil�d for recvrr� En the appropriat�a#�i�es�f the Caunty in which the Prvp�r�y is ioca�ed; and <br /> {d) With respect to �[1 �r any part�f th� Persanal Pr�perty� L�nder shall haWe ail#he righ�s and rem��ies <br /> o�F a secured party und�r the lV�braska L�niform �Qmm�r��ai Cade. <br /> F�reclasure by P�wer�f Sa[�. If Lender�le�ts�o foreclose by exercise af the F'�wer of Sa[e h�re�n containedr <br /> L�nder sha[I nati#y Trus�ee and shall �epo�it vvith Truste� this �eed af Trus� and th� Not� an�1 such receipt� <br /> �nd e�id�nGe�f expendi-tures made and s�cured by this Deed af Trust as Trustee may�e�uir�. <br /> {a3 Upvn r���ipt of su�h no�tice from L�nder, Trustee shall cause t❑ be recorded, published an� de[i�ered <br /> t� Trustor such l�atice o� Default and lVotiGe vf 5ale as th�n requir�d by law and by this Deed of Trust. <br /> Trustee sha11, vtirith�ut demand �n Trus��r, a�t�r such time as rr�ay then b� required by 1aw and after <br /> recvrs�a�iQn af such No�i�e ❑f D�fau[t �nd a'�ter Notice ❑f Sale haW[n� been giuen as r�quired by law, sell <br /> the Praper�y at the tim� and p[ac� �� sale fixed by it in such �[afiice a� Sa��r either as a wh�le, or in <br /> s�parate �ots ar parc�ls �r items as Truste� sha[� de�m exp�dient, ar�d in su�h ❑rder as it rriay d�terrnin�r <br /> at public aucti�n t� th� highest bidd��f�r �ash in lawful mvne� ❑f�he LJnited States payable afi the time <br /> ��F sale. �rustee shall deli�er t� �uch purchas�r �r purchas�rs there�f its gavd and sufficient �1eed or <br /> d�eds c�nve�ing th� property sa sofd, but without any �oWenanfi �r warranty. express ar implied. Th� <br /> recifials in such de�d �f any ma��rs or facts shall b� cancfusive prflaf �f th� tru�hfu�ness ther�Q�. AnV <br /> p�rson, in�luding withnut limita��an Trust�r, Trustee, ❑r Lend�r, t��y purchase �t such sa�e. <br /> {b� As may �e p�rmitted b�r law, a��er d�ducting a[1 c�sts, fees and expenses a� Trus�t�� and fl# this <br /> Trust, inc[ud�n� c�sts vf�viden�e of t'stle in �c�nnec�ian r�ri�h safe, Trustee shall apply the proceeds�f sal� <br /> �a payment af {i� all sums exp�nd�d und�r th� �erms of this Deed of Trust or under th���rms flf�he hlote <br /> nat th�n repaid, including �u-t na� lirnited ta accruecf in�erest and lat� Ch8C�B5r {ii� a[I �th�r. sums then <br /> s�cure� hereby, and �ii�� the r�mainder, if any,�to the p��s�n�r per�ons legally�n�i�l�d thereto. <br /> {c� Trustee �-nay in�h� manner pro�ided by law postpone sale v��ll or any porfiian af the Prop�rty. <br /> R�rrtedies �V�t Excfusiv�. Trustee and L�n�ter, and each �f them, shall be entitl�d �v �n�orc� paym�nt and <br /> perf�rmanGe of an�[ndebtedn�ss �r abligatians secureci by this Deed of Trust and to exer�ise all rights and pawers <br /> under this De�d a� �rust, under the �Vote, un�[�r any o�the Related DaGuments, ar under any ath�r agr�ement ar <br /> any law� n�w ar her�a�t�r in farce; r�otwithstanding, s�me or afI a�such indebt�dn�ss and �b[i�ati�ns secured by <br /> this Deed a�Trusfi may naw or h�r�a��er b� otherwise secured, �rvheth�r by martgag�, deed of trustr p�����r 1€en, <br /> assignm�n� or otherwise. lV�ither th� acceptanc� of this ❑e�d ❑f Trust nar its en�arcem�nt, wheth�r by �aurt <br /> action ar pursuant #o the pawer af sale or other paw�rs cvntain�d in this Deed a� Trust� sha�! prejudice ar in any <br /> mann�r aff�ct Trustee's �r Lender's right to r�ali�e upon �r enfiarc� any a�h�r se�urity now or hereafter hefd by <br /> Trustee�r Lender, it being a�reed�hat Trus�ee and L�nder, an� each a#�hem, shal! be�ntitl��fio er�force this D�ed <br /> of Trust and any ❑th�r secur�ty n�►rv or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such order and manner as they �r <br /> either of them may in their absalute dis�re�ian determine, Nv remedy c�nferr�d u�c�n ar reserWed to Trustee ar <br /> Lender, is intended ta be exc(us��e ❑f any ather remedy in this ❑eed ❑f Trust or by lavv providsd or permitted, but <br />