2� 1 ��332�
<br /> I�EED �F TRUST
<br /> L�an Nod 7�C�7 75�7 �C��1tll�u�d� ��ge �
<br /> insurance policy a�sa shall includ� an end�rs�ment praviding that cavera�e in #aWar of Lender wilf not be impaired
<br /> in any wau �y any ac�, �missiar� or default af Trustor vr any vther person. 5hv��d the Real Proper�y b� �ocated in
<br /> an area d�signated by the Admir�istrator r�f�he Fed��-a1 Em�rgen�y Mana�ement Agency as a sp�cEal fl��d ha�ard
<br /> area, Trustor agrees t� ❑htair� and main�ain Federal F[ovd ln�urance, if a�ai[able, fr�r the fu[I unpaid p�incipal
<br /> balance of the �oan and any �riar fi�ns on the praperty securing fih� laanr up t�the maximum pv�i�y limits set under
<br /> the 1Va��ana! Floa� lnsuranc� Prflgrart-�, ar �s atherwise r�quir�d by Lendert and �� main�ain su�h insuran�e for the
<br /> term of the loana
<br /> Applicativ� of �'roc�eds. Trust�r�ha[l p�-�mptly nvtify Lender of any loss or�lamage t� the Prap��ty. Lender �ay
<br /> mak� praaf af loss i�F Trusttir �aifs #o do so within fifteen t 15} days �f �he �asualty. 1�11hether or not Lender's
<br /> se�urity [s impaired, Lender may, at Lender°s ele�tivn, r�c�i�� and r�tait� th� pro�e�ds af any insurance and appl�
<br /> the pr�ceeds t� the redu�ti�n a� the ind�btedness, payment of any lien affe��ing the Prap�r�y, ar th� restoratEon
<br /> �nd repaEr of the Praperty. !t Lend�r elects to apAfy th� pra���ds fio restora�ifln an�1 repaira Trus��r shall repair �r �
<br /> replac� the damag�d ❑r de��royed Impr�Wement� in a� manner satisfactory ta Lende�. Lender shall, upan
<br /> satisfactory prvaf �f such ��penditure, pay ar reimburse Trustar -�r�m the prac��ds �flr the reasanabie cast of
<br /> r�pair e�r restarati�n if Tru�t�r is nat in defau[t under this Qeed of Tru�t. Any praceeds which ha�e not been
<br /> �lisbu�sed within �$� days after their r�c�ipt and whi�h Lender has nat c�mmitted to th� repair ar restarati�n of
<br /> �he P�aper�y shaIl be used first t� pay any amount awing ta Lender under th�s Qeed v�Trus#, then to p�y accru�d
<br /> in�eres�, and the remainder, if any, shall be appl�ed ta the principal balance ❑� the Ind�b�edness. If Lend�r h�lds
<br /> any pr��eeds af�er payment in fiull af the [ndebtedness, such proceeds Shal! be paid ta Trustar as Trus�or`s
<br /> interest� may�ppear.
<br /> �ompfianc� wi�h Existing Indebtedness. During the period ir� which any Existing lndebtedness described be�aw is
<br /> in efifect, carnplianc� rivith th� insuran�e pravis�ons cantained in th� ins�rumen� �videncEng such Existing
<br /> Indebtedr�ess shal� c�nst�tute campfianc� wi�h the insuranc� praWisions under th�s Deed of Trusfi, t� th� extent
<br /> c�r�t�pliance with �h� t�rms ❑f this Deed of Trust wou[d c�nstitute a duplicafi�n a�F insurance r�quir�ment. �f any
<br /> �aro����s fram the insu�-ance b�c�me payahl� �n IO55� the praWisions in this D��d of Trus�fo�divisi�n of praceed�
<br /> shall �pply aniy ta that portiar��f the pro��eds nat payable t❑the haEd�r�f the Existing Indebtedn�ss.
<br /> LEiVDER'� E�{PEN�ITURES, I� Trus�o� fails �A) to keep the Pr�perty �ree ❑f all �axes, liens, security interests,
<br /> er�cumaranc�s, and ❑ther claims, �B} ta pro�ide any requ�red insuran�e on the P�operty, �C� �� mak� repairs ta the
<br /> Propert}I �r to c�mply with any ❑hligatian to maintain Existir�g fndeb�edn�ss in gaad stan�ing �s required b�l�w, �hen
<br /> Lender may da so. l� any ac#ion vr proc�eding is commenGed tha� would rnat�riafly �ff�e� Lend�r's interesfis in the
<br /> Property, then L�nd�r �n Tr-us�or's behaff may, but �s not required to{ take any act�or� that Lender �elieWes t� b�
<br /> apprapria�� �a pratec�r Lender's �nterests. All exp�nses incurred �r pai�# by Lender for such purpo�es wi[I then bear
<br /> inter�st at the ra�e charged un�er the [Uot� fr�m th� date incurred or paid �y Lender �o the date of repayment by
<br /> Trus�ar. A11 such expenses will becorrle a par� a� the Indebtedness and, at Lender`s ap�ion, will {A} b� payabf� on
<br /> deman�; �B� b� added �o the �alance of the Nate and be appartianed am�ng and be payabl� �vith any instal[ment
<br /> paymer�ts �o becvme due during e��her ��} the �erm a�F any applicable insuranc� policy; or ��� �he �emainfng �erm �#
<br /> the [Vat�; or [�} be treated as a ballaan paym�nt which will be due and payab�e a��he iV�te's maturi�y. �he Deed �f
<br /> TrusY afso ►ivill s�cur� paym�n� af�hes� amounts. �fh� rights praWided �or in this paragraph shall be in additian to ar�y
<br /> ❑ther ri�hts ar an� remedies to which Lender ma� �� en�it[ed on accaun� �f any de�ault. Any such act�an by L�nder
<br /> shal! na�be construed as curing the defau�#s� as t� �ar Lend�r fram any rernedy that it fltherwis�wau[d ha�e hade
<br /> �IARRA[VTY: DEFEN�E�F�ITLEe The foll�wing pro�isians relating t�ownership o�th� Praperty are a part fl'f thi� []eed
<br /> ��Truste
<br /> Tit�e. Trustar warrants that: �a� �'rustar halds goad and r�arl��tab[� title o# record to th� Prap�rfiy in -fee simpl�,
<br /> fre� and clear af al! (iens �nd encumbran�es oth�r t�an #hose set forth in �he R�al Prop�r�y descripti�n or in the
<br /> Exist�r�g Indebtedn�ss se��ion be1�w ar in any titfe �nsuran�e pafi�yr �E��� 1'��01't, or final title ❑pini�n issued in faW�r
<br /> af, and accepted by, Lender in cann��tiara w�th -�his Deed af Trust, an�l {by Trustar has the fu[I right, �ow�r, �n�
<br /> autharity to execute and d�li�er this Deed o�Tr�st ta L�nder.
<br /> �e�Fens� o�F Ti�1e. Subj�ct t� th� excep�ivr� in the paragraph above, Tru�tar warrants and wilf fore�er d�f�nd the
<br /> titl� ta �he Property against th� law�ul claims of a[l persons. ln �h� �vent any actian �r prace��fing is corn�n�nc�d
<br /> that questions Trus�or's titl� or the interest of Trustee ❑r L�nder under this Deed �f Trust, Trustor sha1E defen�l the
<br /> action at Trusfvr`s exp�nse. Trustar may be �he nominal party in su�h praceeding, but Lend�r �ha�! b� entifi��d tfl
<br /> participat� in the p��ceeding and t� b� represent�d in �h� pr�c�ed�ng by counse[ �f L�nder's own choi��, and
<br /> Trustar wi!! defiWer, or�ause ta be d�li�ered, to L�n�1er such instruments as Lender may request from �ime to time
<br /> �� permit such par�icipafiion. �
<br /> ��mpliance V�lith Laws. Trustar ►n�arran#s that the Prapert� and Trustflr`s use �f the Prape�y compli�s with all
<br /> existi�g applicat�le [aws, ardinanG�s, and regula�ions af gfl�ernm�n#al auth�ri�iese
<br /> Sur���a[ �� Promise�. All pramises, agreements, and stat�r�ents Trustor has made in this Deed of Trust shal[
<br /> survive th� �xecuti�n and delivery af thgs ���d a#Trust, shall b� cQntinuing in natur� and sha�l remain €n full for�e
<br /> and e�fec� untif such time as Barraw�r's Ind�btedness is paid in fufl.
<br /> E�Cf�TIN� lN�EBTEDNESS. The fo![�wing pr��is�ons cancerning E�is-�ing 1r�d�btedness are a part of this D��d ❑f Trust:
<br /> Exts�ing Lien. The lien vf this a�ed a� Trust securin� �he [ndebtedn�ss may be seGandary and in�eri�r to an
<br /> ��€i�t�ng lien. Trus�or e�cpr�ss[y cov�nants and agrees ta pay, ❑r se� to th� paym�nfi o�F, the Existing Indebt�dness
<br /> and �a pre�ent any d�faul�t�n such indebt�dness, any�e�auf�under�he instrurnents eWidencing such in��btedness,
<br /> ❑r�any de�aul�under any security c�ocuments for such indebt�dness.
<br /> �fo iV��difica�6on, Trustor sha[I n�fi enter in�❑ an� agr�ement with the ho�der of any mor#ga�es �eed ❑f trust, ❑r
<br /> ath�r se�urity agre�men� ►nrhi�h has priflrit� ��rer �his �eed of Trust �y which that agreem�nt is m�d�fied,
<br /> �m�n�led, e�tended, �r �enewed vvith�ut the �riar written cansent �f Len�ier. Trustar shall neither request r�ar
<br /> accept any�ufure advances und�r an�such security agreement without th� pri�r written �onsent of Lender.
<br /> C�[VQEMN�►TI�N. The f�llavtiring pro�isions re[a�ing�c� candemnation prac��ding� are a part of this Deed�f Trus�:
<br /> Proc�edings. If any pra�eeding in candemnation i� fil�d, Trust�r shali pramp�[y nofiify Lender in v+rritir�g, and
<br /> Trusto�- sha[[ �rarnptl� take such ste�� a� may b� ��cessary to def�nd �h� action and obfiain �h� award. Trustar
<br /> may b�the nominal party in su�h proceeding, but Lender shall b�entitle� ta participate in�he proce�ding an�ta be
<br /> repr�sent�d in the prviceeding by caun�el of its �wn choiee, and TrustQr wili deli�er ar cause �o b� de�ivered t�
<br /> Lender su�h instrum�nts an�9 t�acum�ntation as may be r�quested by Lender from tirr�e to time �o permit such
<br /> partgcipatiane
<br /> Appli�at��n vf IVet Rrv�eeds. 9f a91 ar any part a�th� Property is condemned by emi�ent dQmain pr�ceedings o�by
<br /> �ny praceeding ar purchase in lieu ❑f eandemnatian, Lender may at ifs election re�uire that e!I ar any portion��the
<br /> n�� pra��et�s af the award b� ap��ied t❑ the lnde�tedness or the repair or �-estoratian o� the Prap�r�y. The n�t
<br /> pr�ce�d� cr�th� award shal! m�an th� award afte� payment of all reas�nable ca�ts, expensss, and attorneys' fe�s
<br /> incUrred by Trus-�ee or Lender in �annectiQn with fhe�ondemnatfon.
<br /> [MPOSIT[�N �]F TA�{ES, FEE� AND �HAR�ES �Y G�VEI�NMENTAL AUTH�F�ITlES. The fallawing �ra��sians r�lating
<br /> to ga�ernr�ental taxes, �ees and �harges are a part❑��his �e�d�f Trust: �
<br /> �urrent �axesr F��s �nd Gharyes. Upan request �y L.�nder, Trus�ar sha11 ex�cute such dQcuments in additian ta
<br />