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2� 1 ��332� <br /> DEED �F TRU�T <br /> Loan Na: 1��7 7�57 €�otltlnu�d} Page Z <br /> threatened li��gation �r claims af any kind by any pers�n relating �❑ su�h matters; and [3� E�cept as pre�iously <br /> disclvsed tv and a�knowledg�d by Lender in wri�ing, [a} ne€ther Trustar nar an�tenant, cant�ac��r, agent❑r ather <br /> aufihorized user af the Pr�perty shall use, generate, manu�facture, s�ore, treat, dispase �f �r release any Hazardaus <br /> Substan�e an� under, ala�ut ar from the Proper�y; and {b� any such actiWit}r shall he c�nduGted in campliance with <br /> a�l ap�licable fed�ral, state, and lacal Eav+�s, regulatians and ardinan�es, inGfuding wifhout Iimitati�n all <br /> EnWir�nmental Laws, Trusto� authari�es L�nder and its agents to enter upon the Praperty to make su�h <br /> inspections and tests� a� Trusto�`s expense, as Lender may deem appropria�e fo determir�e compliance vf �he <br /> Proper�y with this seGtEan af �he Deed o# Trus�. Any ins�aections ar tests made l�y Lender shall be far Lender's <br /> purpases only and shali not be �onstrue� tv �r�ate any respvnsibility or �iabili�y �r� the part vf Lender t� Trustor�r <br /> t� any ather persan. The representatians and vvarranties con�ained herein are 1�ased an �Trus�vr's due d�ligen�e in <br /> inves-tigating the Praperty far Ha�ardaus SubstanGes. Trustar here�y �1} releas�s and wai�es any future �lairn� <br /> agains� Lender '��r indemnity ❑r contributi�n in �he event Trust�r becames liable for cleanup ❑r �th�r casts under <br /> any such la�vs; and {�� agrees to ind�mnify, defenc�, and hvld harmless Lender against any and a�l Glaims� I�SS�Sr <br /> liabiiitiesr damag�s, p�naltres, and expenses v�rhich Lender may directly or indirectly sustain or su�FFer r�su�ting �rom <br /> a �re�ch ❑f this s�ction of�he Deed of Trust ar as a �ansequence af an� use, gen�ra�ian, marrufac�ure, stvrage, <br /> dispasal, release ar threat�ned release accur�ing �rivr to Trustvr's ownership ar�nteres�in the Property, whether ar <br /> na� the same was c�r shauld have heen knawn to Trustar. The pra�isians ❑f this sect�an of 'the �eed o# Trus�, <br /> including the obl�gation�a indemni�y and defend, shall survi�r�the payment of�he �ndehfi�dn�ss and th� satisfacti�n <br /> and ���onWeyance �f the li�n a#this Dee� �f Trust and shall not he a��ect�d by Lender's acquisi�ion af any in�erest <br /> in�he Prvp�rty, whe�kher�y f�recl�sure or otherwise. <br /> IVu�sance� Vllaste. Trustar shall naf cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nvr commit, pe�mit, or su���r any <br /> s�rippin� of or waste on ar ta �he Pr�perty qr any partian of the Praperty. Withaut lim�tEng the genera�ity ❑f �he . <br /> far�ga�ng, Trustar wiil not remo�e, or gran-t tv any vther party the right ta remove, any timbe�, rnineral� (inc[ud�ng <br /> oil and gasy, ��al. c�ay. scoria, soi�� �ra�el ar rnck pr�du��s without Lender's prior written cansen�. <br /> R�ma�al vf imprvWements. Trust�r shall not demol�sh or remove any lmprovements'�rom the F�eal Praperty without <br /> Lender's prior wr3t�en consen�. As a c�nc�itian ta the rema�af of any �mprovements, Lender may requ�re Trustor ta <br /> mak� arrangements satisfa��ary to Lender tc� replace such lmpraWements with Improvements of at leas� equa� <br /> value. <br /> Lender's F�ight ta Enter. Lender and Lender's agen�s and re�resen#atives may enter upon the Reaf Prop���y at a�l <br /> reasona�le times t❑ atfiend �❑ Lender's �nterests and to inspect #he Rea� Pr�perty f�r purpos�s af Trustor's <br /> cam�lianc� with the t�rms and c�nditians v�this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> � G�mplian�e wi�h �vv�rnmental Rsquirem�nts. Trust�r sha�l pr�mptly comply vvith afl laws, ardin�nces, and <br /> regulations, naw �r her�after in eff�ct, af all goWernmental auth�rities applicable to the use ar ❑ccupancy ❑f the <br /> Property. Trustor may cor�test in good faith any su�h [aw, �rdinancer vr�egula�ian and withhald campliance during <br /> any proc�eding, including appropria�e appeals, s❑ �ong as Trustar has notified Lsnder in writing �ri�r ta doing so <br /> and so lang as, in Lender's sale apinian, Lender's interests in the Pr�perty are nat�eapardiz�d. Lenc�er may requ€re <br /> Trustar ta p�st adequate seGurity���suret}r bond, reasanably satis�actory to Lender,tv prate�t Lender's �nterest. <br /> Duty to Prvtect. Trus��r agr��s neither ta aband�n ar lea�e unattended the Praperty. Trustor shall do all other <br /> acts, �n addition to th�se acts set forth abov� in thi� sectian, which�rom the character and use af�he Praper�y are <br /> r�asonably neGessary to prc�tect and preserve the Pr�perty. <br /> DUE �N SALE -C�NSENT BY LENQER, Lender may, at Lender's aption, d�c�are immediately due and paya�le all sums <br /> S�CUI'�d I��I�h�5 Deed of T�ust upvn the sa�e ar transfer, without Lendsr's priar writt�n �onsent, a�all or any par�af the <br /> Real Property, �r any interest in #he Real Property. A "sa�e or transf�r" me�ns the GonWeyance of Rea� Property or any <br /> rightr ti��e ar interesfi in �he Real Pr�perty; whether legalr hene#icjai ar equitable; whether ���untary ar inWa�untary; <br /> wh��her �y outright sale� d�ed, installm�nt sale �on�ract, �and contract, contract �or deed, ieasehold interes� with a <br /> term great�r than thr�� �3� years, f�ase-apti�n ��ntrac�, vr i�y sale, assignmentr �r trans�er af any b�neficial �nte�e�t in <br /> or to any land trust hold�ng titi� to �he Rea[ Property, or by any �ther methad �f �anWeyance af an in��rest in �he Rea1 <br /> P�op�rty, However, this aptian shail nQt he �xercised by L�nder i� such ex�rcise is prahihi��d hy fed�ral law �r by <br /> Nebraska {awo <br /> TA�ES AND LiENS. The following pr4�isions relating t� �he taxes and �iens �n the Prvperty are part o� this Deed of <br /> Trust: � <br /> Payment. Trust�r shall pay when due {an� in all eWents priar ta delinqu�ncy} al�taxes, spe��a�ta�ces, assessm�nts, <br /> charges �including water and sewer}, fines �nd impvsitinns levied against ar on ac�aunt ��fihe Proper�y, and shall <br /> pa� when due al� c�aims �t�r work d�ne an vr far s�rW�Ges rend�red or mat�riai furnished tv �he Pr�perty. T�ustar <br /> shal� ma�ntain�h� Property fr�e of al� liens ha�ing priorifiy vWer ar equal ta�he interest of Lender un�er this ❑eed o� <br /> Trust, except �or the [ien af taxes and ass�ssments nat due, except far the ExEsting lnd�btedness referred to <br /> belaw, and ex�ep�as otherwise provided in this D��d�f Trus�. . <br /> Right fiv Cant�st. Trus'tar may withhvld paymen't o�f any tax, as�essment, or claim in connectiQn wF�h a gaad �aith <br /> dispu#e o�er the ❑�Iigation ta pay, sa long as Lender's interest in the P�operty is nat jeapardi�ed. If a lien arises or <br /> is file� as a resu[t of n�npayment, Trustar shali within �if�een ��a} days af�er the lien arises �r, if a fien is filed, <br /> vtirithin fi�teen 4�5} days afte� Trustar has natice of the filing, se�ure the d�scharge af the iien, or if requested by <br /> Lend�r,dep�Sit vvith Lender cash or a�u��icient corporate surety band or ather s�cur�ty satisfactvey to L�nder in an <br /> amaunt suffiGEent ta discharge the �ien p�us any �osts and attorneys' fee�, ar other charges that cauld acc�ue as a <br /> �esult❑�a fore�fasure or sale under the �i�n. 1n any cantest� Trust�r shal� defend itseff and Lender and shal�satis�y <br /> any ad�erse judgment before enfarcerrtient against the Prap�rty. Trus��r shall name Lender as an additianal ab[i�ee <br /> under any sure�y�flnd furnished in the contest proceed�ngs. <br /> Evidence vf Paymen�. TrustQr sha�l up�n demand '�urnish to Lender satis�actary evidence a# payment af�he ta�es <br /> or assessments and sha�1 authori�e the appropriate go�ernmental �fficial to deliWer ta Lender at any time a written <br /> statemen�of the tax�s and assessmen�s against�he Praperty. <br /> NQt�ce �f �ans#ruct�an, Trustt�r sha[1 na�ify Lende� a� leas�k fi�teen {15} daYs hefore any warl� is c�mmenced, any <br /> servi�es are �urnished, ar any rnat�rials are supp�ied t� the Property, i#any mechanic's lien, materialmen's l�en, �r <br /> ather lien could be �sser�ed on ac�ount �f the �varl�, ser�ices, ❑r materials. Trust�r wi�I upon r�quest of Lend�r <br /> furnish �ta L�nder ad�anc� assuranc�s satis�factory f� Lender that Trustor can and wEll pay the co�t of such <br /> improWem�nts, <br /> PR�PERTI� DA�I�IA�E 11VSUF�ANCE. The following pra�isi�ns relating to insuring the Prop�r�y are a part af this Deed of <br /> Trust, <br /> MaintBnance vf lnsuranca. Trus��r shal� procure and maintain policies ❑f fire insurance with standard �xt�nded <br /> coverage endarsements on a replacement �as�s for the �ull insurabfe vaiue covering al� Im�roWements an the Rea� <br /> _ Pr�perty in an �m�unt su���cient to avaid application af any ��insuranGe clause, �nd wEth a standard m�rtgagee <br /> clause in faWor o� Len��r, �ag��her with such othe�hazard and liability insurance as Lend�r may reasvna�ly requireo <br /> P�licies sha�l �ae writt�n in farm, amaunts, coverages and �asis reasanably acceptable ta L�nder and issued by a <br /> campany or c�mpanies reas�nabiy accep�able ta Lender. Trus�or, upon request of Lender, w�ll deliuer tv Lender <br /> from time t� time the policies or certificates af insurance in form satisfac�ary to L�nder, including stipulatians that <br /> coverages �nrill no� �e cancelled ar diminished withaut at leas-t ten {'10� days pr�vr wri��en nvtice ta Lende�. Each <br />