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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> o �� � � �rn � rn <br /> �, �o rn � � o <br /> o �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> 1' z� �' � �rn � z <br /> c� �� p � �ov � Cn <br /> �� rn �� � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o � � � � <br /> cr� r� <br /> �� � �� rn <br /> Qm� � � z <br /> � � � <br /> �7 Z <br /> � <br /> �JIrHEN REC�RDED NiAIL T�: <br /> Exchange Bank <br /> G[-A�len ❑ri�e Branch <br /> 'i��4 Allen ❑r <br /> PD Bnx 5793 <br /> Grand�sland. NE �88�� FDR RECORDER'S IJSE�NLY <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST is dated May �6, ��'i�, among 5hirley M. 5t�rke�. Trustee of Shirley M. <br /> Sterkel Re�ocable Trust under the pro►►�si�ns of a trust agr�ement dated August ��, ZD'13 <br /> t"Trustor"}: Exchange Bank, whose address �s GI - Al[en Dr�ve Branch, �2�4 Al�en Dr, P� Bvx <br /> 5793, Grand �slancl, NE �58�� �referred ta �elow somet�mes as "'Lender" and s�metimes as <br /> "Beneficiary"�; and Exchange Bank, whose address is P�B 7��, Gi�ban. NE �884� treferred to <br /> below as '"Trustee"�. <br /> CUNVEYANCE AND GRANT. For �a1ualale cansideratifln, Trus�or can�eys to Trustee in trust, WtTH PaWER DF SALE, <br /> fvr the henefit vf Lender as Bene�iciary, all of Trustor's right, t�t�e, and interest in and ta the follovving described real <br /> property, together with al� exis�ing or subsg�uently ere�ted vr af�ixed buildings, �mpra�ements and fix#ur�s; all <br /> easements, rights of vuay, and appurtenances; a11 water, water righ�s and di�ch rights �including stock in utilit�es with <br /> ditch or irrigation rights7; and all other rights, royal�ies, and prafits �elating to the real property, including without <br /> limitation all minerals, o��, gas, geoth�rmal and similar matters, �the "Real P�operty'*� �ocated in Hall County, <br /> State vf Nebraska: <br /> Lat Nineteen ���} �n B�ock 5ixteen 4'16� in Ashton P�ace, an Additi�n to the City of Grand <br /> �sland, Hall County. Nebraska <br /> The Real P�operty or its add�ess �s cammon�y known as ��24 Kvenig St, Grand Is�and, NE <br /> �88��, The Real Property tax identifi�ation nurnber is 4�����537. <br /> �R�SS-C�LLATERAL�ZATIC]N. In addition ta the Note, this Deed a�Trust secures all abligations, debts and liabilities, <br /> plus in�erest thereon, vf Trustor to Lend�r, or any one or more of them, as we�� as all Claims by Lender agains�Trustor <br /> or any one or more af them, whe�her now exis�ing ar hereafter arising, whether rela�ed or unrela�ed to the purpose of <br /> th� Nate, whe�her �olun�ary or ❑therwise, whether due vr not due, dire�t or indire�t, determined �r undetermin�d, <br /> absalu�e or contingent, �iquidated or unl�quidated, whether Trustflr may be lia�le indi�idually or jointly wi�h others, <br /> whether abliga�ed as guarantflr, surety, accommodation party ar otherwise, and whe�h�r r�co�ery upon such amounts <br /> may be ar hereafter may become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether�he abligation to repay such amaunts <br /> may be or hereafter may become vthe�wise unen�orceable. <br /> REV�LVING LlNE �F CRED�T. This De�d o� Trus# secures the Indeh�edness including, wi#hvut limitatian, a re�vlWing <br /> 1�ne vf credit, wh«h obligates Lender�v make adrrances to Trustor so lon� as Trustor cvmplies with all the terms vf the <br /> Note. <br /> Trus�or pr�sently assigns ta Lender �aiso known as Benefic�ary in �his Deed of Trust� a�� of Trustar's righ�, title, and <br /> interest in and to all present and future leases o� the Property and all Rents frvm the Proper�y. fn additivn, Trustor <br /> grants to Lender a Uniform Commercial Code s�curity in�erest in the Personal Property and Rents, <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In addi�ion�o the N�te, this ❑eed a�Trus�secur�s all �Future ad�ances made by Lender�a Trus�or <br /> whether or not the ad�ances are made pursuant �o a commitment, Specifically, without limitafiion, this D�ed of Trust <br /> secures, in addition ta the amounts spe�ified in the Note, all future amvun�s Lender in its discretian may Ioan �o <br /> Trustor, �ogether with all in�erest therevn, <br /> TH15 �EED �F TRUST, iNCLUDlNG THE A551GNMENT DF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSaNAL PR�PERTY, 15 GIVEN T❑ SECURE �A� PAYMENT �F THE iNDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERFQRMANCE DF <br /> ANY AND ALL QBLiGAT��NS UNDER THE N�TE, THE RELATED DUCUIVIENTS, AN❑ THiS DEE❑ �F TRUST. TH�S <br /> DEE❑❑F TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED �N THE FQLL�WING TERMS: <br /> PAYIVIENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise pro�ided '€n this ❑eed of Trust, Trus�or shail pay to Lender all <br /> amounts se�ured by this Deed o� Trust as they becom� due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner per�orm all of <br /> Trustor's vbligat�ans under the Note, this Deed o#Trust, and the Related ❑ocumen�s. <br /> P�SSESS[�N AND MAINTENANGE QF THE PR�PERTY. T�ustor agrees tha� Trusfior's possession and use of the <br /> Property shall be go�ern�d hy�he�o��owing pro�isions: <br /> Possessivn and Use. Until th� occurren�e �� an E�ent of ❑efaul�, Trustor may {1� remain in possessi�n and <br /> cvntrnl af the Property; �2} use, operate or manage�he Pr�perty; and �3� colle�t the Rents from th� Property. <br /> ❑u�y t❑ Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Property in tenantable cond�tion and promptly perform all repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance n�c�ssary�o preser�e i�s�a[ue. <br /> Comp�iance With En�ironmental Laws. Trustor reprssents and warrants to Lender that: �1} During the period of <br /> Trustor's ovunership afi�he Property, there has been no use, generation, manufactur�, storage, treatment, dispasal, <br /> release or �hreatened re[ease of any Hazardous 5ubstan�e by any person on, under, aE��ut ar fram the Proper�y; <br /> ��� Trustor has no know�edge vf, or reasvn t❑ beiie�e tha� there has been, excep� as pre�iously discios�d �o and <br /> � <br /> � �. <br /> € <br />