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2� 1 ��3278 <br /> Tra��sfer of the Prup�rt�or a�er�e��ial�nterest ir� B�rrov�rer. �f a�l�r�.ny par�of�h�Prap�rty or any�n�erest <br /> �n it �s so�d or transfe�•red ��r if a l�enefc�al interes� �n F�orr{:�wer is sold or transferred and Borrower is n�� a <br /> na�ural pers�n� v�rithou� Lender's pri�r wr��ten �onsen�, �..ende��may, a� its op�ian, require im.m�dia�te p�ymenfi in <br /> fu�l �f ali sums s�c�red by thi�; Secur��y �ns�rument. lHowe��:r, �hi� flp�ifln shal� not be exercised �by L�nder �f <br /> e�ercise is prohibit�d b�federal�av�as of�he da�e Qf this Secu����.y�nstrumen�. <br /> If Lender e��rc�ses this optian, Lender shal� giw� BQrrQwer n���ce of accelera�ion. T�e n�tic� sha�l provide a <br /> periad af no� less �han the minimurn nulnber of days establis��ed by App��ca�ie �avv from the date �he no�ice is <br /> deli�ered or maiied v�i�h�n whi�h Barrov�e� �nus� pay a1l su��s secured by this Securi�y �n�trumen�. �f BorrQvver <br /> fa�ls t� pay�h�se sums prior �� �he e�pira�i�n �f�his peri�d, 7I..�ender may inv�ke any r�medie� permi�ted by �h�s <br /> 5ecurity Ins�rument v���hout fur���r n�t�ce o�de�.a�.nd����3�rr���rer. <br /> �orr�v�er's R�gh� t� �e�n��ate. If Borrawer �eets cer�ain �ond���ons, Borr�v�er shali have the r�ght t� have <br /> e�force�nen�of t���s Securi�y �nstr�rn�n� discontinued a�any�i:me pr�or to the ear�ier of: �a� 5 d�ys �or:auch o�her <br /> periQd as App�icab�e La��may Cpecify far reins�a�emen�}befare sa.le�f the Pr�per�y pursuan��o any po��er of sale <br /> con�ained in �his Se�uri�,y �ns�ru�ent; or (b} en�ry �f a jut�gmen� enfarcing th�s Se�urity �nstrum�nt. Those <br /> cflnditions are tha� �3orrower: �a� pays Lerider aIl sums �vh��h then wou�d be due under �his SLcurity I:ris�rument <br /> and the Con�ract as�f na accelerati�r�had ac�urred;�b}cures any default of any fl�her co�renan�s or agreements;�c} <br /> pa�s all exp�nses incurred in�n�farc�ng�h�s Security Instrumen�, includ�ng,but not��mi�e���,reasonable att�rneys' <br /> fe�s���h� extent per�nitted l�y law; a�d�d}�akes such a��i�n ��.s Lender may reasonably require to assure that�he <br /> Iien of�his Securi�ty�nstrumen�, Lender's rights in the Pr�perty and Borrower's obl�ga�i�n t�pa�the sun:xs secured <br /> b� this S�curi�y �ns�r�ment sha�l �ontinue uncha�g�d. �Jpon reins�a�ement by Borro�ver, �his Secur��.y ]:ns�rumen� <br /> and�he �bl�ga�ions s�cured her�eby shall remair� ful�y eff�c�i�t� as �f n� accele�-a�ion had oc�urred. �ovWe�er, �his <br /> r�gh��o reinstate shail not apply in the�ase of a���lera�ian the section�i�1ed Transfer of�he Pro��erty�r a <br /> Beneficia�Tnt�r�st in B�rrv�er. . <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances. B�rrov�rer shall n��caus�or permi�:tr�e pres�nce,use, d�sp�sal, s�flrag�, �r release of any <br /> Hazard�us Substances on or in the Property.Bo���er shal�n��do,n�r allow anyone e�se t�d�, any�h�n;�affect�ng <br /> t��e Prapert� �hat is i-r� ��o�ati�� of any En�ir�nmenta� Lavv. ��he pre�eding �wo sen�enc�s shal� not a�ply t� the <br /> presencey use,ar s�arage Qn�he Proper�y�f sma�l quan�i�ies of H�.zar�l�us Subs�ances�ha�are genera��y r�ecogn�zed <br /> �o be appropr�ate�a norma�residen��a1 uses and t�rna�n�enan��.of�he Pr�perty. <br /> Borr�v`rer shall promptly give L�nd�r�vr�t�en no���e of any inW��stiga�i�ri,claim, demand, �av`rsuit�r o�he��acti�n l�y <br /> any gavernmen�:a� �r regulatory a�eney or pr�va�e party inr�o�v�ng the prflper�y a�d an� Hazar�aus Substance or <br /> . Er���ronmen�ta� Lav� of which B�rra�er has �ctual knowl+�dge. �F Borro�ver Iearns, or is no��f�� by any <br /> go�ernmen�a�ar regula�ory author�ty,�hat any rern.o�al ar�tl�er re��diation�f any Hazard�us Subs�ance affecting <br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Borro�ver shal� pro�npt�ly �ake aI� nec�ssa�y remed�a� ac�ions ir� accordance with <br /> En�vironmenta�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�a�ard�us Subs�an�es" are those ;�ubs�a��ces def ned as t��ic or ha�ard�us substances <br /> b�r Enviranmen�a� �aw and �h� �Qllovv�ng subs�ances: gaso�i�e, k�rosene, o�her flamrnable �r ���ic pe�ro�eum <br /> produc�s, ����c pest�cid�s and herb�cides, Wola��le sal�ents, r�a�eri�.ls c�n�a�ning asbe��os or ��rma�de�hyde, and <br /> rad�flac�ive mater�als.As used in th�s paragra�h, "En�ironmen�:a�La�r" means federal �a�s and Iaws of�h�state of <br /> Nebraska�ha�rela�e t�health,safe�y or e��ironmen�al pro�ect���n. <br /> Acce�era��on; I��medies. Lend�r sha�� gi�e nat�ce �o ��rr+�v��r �p��ar �� acce��ra�i�n fa�lawing Borro�vver'S <br /> �reach of any co�enant ar agree�nen�in this���u���y����r�u�e��n��he�on�ra�t under�h�ch acceleratian <br /> is perm�tted ��u� not pr���to a�ce�erati�n u�de�-�he sec�i��� �i���d 'I`r�nsfer of the �'roper�y or a Benef�cial <br /> �n��re�� �n B�rrowver, unless Appl�cab�� Law provide� o�h�r�vvise�. 'I'he notice shail specify: (a� t��e default; <br /> �b} �he action required to cure the d�fau�t; �c} a d���g not less ��ar� the mi��mum numb��r of day� <br /> estal����hed by Appli�able Law froan th�date�he �����c���;�i��n �a��rrovver,by�vl�ich the de�aullt must be <br /> curec�; and �d} �hat fai�ur� to c�re �he defau�t an or befa�-e ��� da�e specif�ed in the no�ice ma�j result in <br /> accelera�tion of the sums secur�d b� this Securi�y Instr��ment and saie af the Proper�y. Ta �he ��tent <br /> p�rr�i�ted by law, �the n�t�c�sha�i fu�fh�r inf�rm �o�r�w��r�f the r�ght to reinsta�e afte� acc��eratian and <br /> the r�ght to bri�g a court�c�i�n�o assert t��e nv�-��X15�Q�1C��nf�d�fau��ur any other defense of B��rrav�er t� <br /> ��ce�erati�n a�.d �a�e. If�h�c��fault is not cur�d �n a�r bef�re �he date spec�fied in �he notice, Le��der at its <br /> op�ion may require irnmed.iat� payme�t in f�u�l af a�� sur�� ��cured by �his S�curity In��rumerit v��thout <br /> fur�her demand �nd may i���k� �h� p�w�r of sa�e and ar�� �ther remedies p�rm��ted by Applicabie Law. <br /> To th� exten� per�n�tt�d by ��vv, Ler�d�r 5ha1� be entit�ed �o c�l���t al� ex�enses i�curr�d in pu�r�uing the <br /> rem�dies pr��id�d in �his�ect�an, in��uding, bu� ��� Ii�i���d �o, r�asonable a��orn�y�' f�es and costs nf ti�le <br /> evide�►ce. <br /> , <br /> If�he povYer flf sale is irtv�k.ed,Trus��e �ha�l r�co�-d a noti�e a��efau�t in �ach cour��y in which an�part of <br /> the Pr�pe��y �s loca��c� and�hai�r�ai�c�p�es�f su�� r�ot�c�; in the �ann�r pres�ri�ed by�ipp�ica��le Law to <br /> Borro�ver and �o th� oth�r p�rs�ns prescri�ed by App�i���b�e I.��w. .A►ft�r �he �ime r�quir�d �by ��.pplicab�e <br /> Law, Trus��e sha�� give public r�otice of sa�� t� �he pe�-sa�s an� in th� manne�- prescri�ed by .�ppl�cable <br /> Law. T'rus�e�,vWitho�,�t der�and on Borro�er, sh��� se�l�he �rvp�rt�at public auct�an to �he highes� bidd�r <br /> a�the���ne an� pxac�����I un�er the terr�r�s designat�d ir�th��o�i�c�of saie�n nne or m�re parce�s��nd�n any <br /> order Truste� determi�ae�. Tru�t�� rn�y �ostp�ne sale ��f �II or �.ny parc�� of the ]Property by public <br /> announcemen�a�th��ir�e an� p�ac�of any �rev�ousl�s�h��duled sale. Ilender or i��desig�.ee mnay�purchas� <br /> the�r�perty at any sal�. <br /> Upon �-eceip� �f paym�nt �f�he price bid, 'I`ru�t�� shal� d{el���r �o i�lh� pur�has�r 'Trustee's deed con�eying <br /> the 1'r�perty. '�`h�rec��als in �he Trus�e�'s deed sha�l he ��r�m� f�c�e e�vidence of th�tru�h flf the����t�men�s <br /> C�2d0�-2�1 S Compiiance Systerns,Tr�c.SC54-E7�F-2015.11.3.1 a9S <br /> CQnsumer Real Estate-Se�urity Inst�ament DL203d Pa�e 4 of 5 www.cocnp�iancesystems.�om <br />