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2� 1 ��3278 <br /> �n�erest from �he date of disbursemen� a� the same ra�e assessed on advan�es under �he Can�ract and slaa�I be <br /> payab�e,wi�h in�erest, upon n�t�ce from Lender�o Barro�er reyues�ing paymer��. <br /> Inspect��n. Lender or �ts agen� may make reasonable entr��s upan and inspec��ans �f the Pro ert . Lender sha�l <br /> � � <br /> g�ve Barrov�rer nQ��ce a��he tirne af or prxar t�an�nsp�cti�n s�ecifyi�.ng reasti�a��e cause for�he �ns ec��on. <br /> � <br /> Condemna��an. The proceeds af any award or c�aim for damages, d�rect or consequen�ia�, in cflnnect�an���h an <br /> cflndemnat�on or ather�a��ng of any par�of�he Praper�y, �r for conve ance �n l�eu af conde y <br /> Y mnat�an, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha1�be paid��L�nder. <br /> In �he even� �f a ��ta� takxng af the Property, �he procee�s sha�� be applied ta �he sums secured b �h�s Secur�� <br /> � y <br /> �nstrumen�, v�h��her flr not �hen due, wi�h a�y exces� pa�d �o B�rrower. �n �he e�ent af a par��a� �ak�n af�he <br /> g <br /> Property �n vvhich the fa�r rnark�� value af�he Praper�y immed�ate�y b�fare�he ta�C�ng is equal �a or rea�er�han <br /> � <br /> the amaun� of�he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument immed�a�eiy before th� tak�n , unless B�rrower an� <br /> • . . . � <br /> L�n�er o��er��s� agree�n�rl��ng,�h� su�s s�cured b �h�s �ecur� In <br /> � � S��`UYnen�shaa� be reduGed by the amoun�of <br /> t��e prviceeds mu��ip�ied by�h� fa�lowing fract�on: �a)�he�ota� amaunt of the sums secured �m�r�ed�at�iy before the <br /> �a�ing, d���ded by �b} �he fair market va�ue of�he Praperty i�nmedia�e�� before the taking. �ny �alance sh�.�I be <br /> paid �a Borrovver. Tn the e�en� of a par�ia� tak�ng of�he Proper�y �n wh�ch ��ae fa�r rm.arke� �alue �f the Pro er� <br /> � � <br /> �mmediateIy before the taking is Iess �I�an �he amoun� �f the sums secured xmrnedia�e�y �efare �he �ak�ng, unless <br /> BflrrQwer and Lender o�herv��se agr�e xn �vr���ng�r unless Appl�cable Lavv o�her��se prav�des, the proceeds shal� <br /> be app��ed�o�he surns secured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�ru�nen�whe�her or no��he sums are�hen du�. <br /> �f the Proper�y is abandoned by Borrawer, or if, after nQ�ice by Lender to Borrower�ha��he cand�mnor flffers�a <br /> make an av�ard ar se��le a cla�m far damages, B�rro�ver fai�s��respand�o Lender�r��h�n�he m�n�mum number�f <br /> days es�abi�sh�d by Applicab�e La�u after the dati�the nn��ce is g�ven, Lender xs aut��orized tfl�al�ec�and apply th� <br /> proceeds, a� i.ts op�ion, ei�her to restorat�on ar repa�r of�he PrQper�y or �fl �he sums s�cured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rum�n�,whether ar no��h�n due. <br /> Un�ess L�nder and B�rrower�therw�se agree in writxng, any appl�catian flf pro�eeds to principal shal� no�ex�end <br /> �r pos�pane�he due dat��f th�payments due under th�Cantract or change�he amount of such payrnen�s. <br /> Barrower Not Re�eased; Fvrbearan�e By Lender �ot a Wa�ver. Extens��n �f �he ��me for payment flr <br /> modif Ga�ifln af amar��za�ion �f�he sums secured by th�s Se�uri�y Instru�nent gran�ed by Lender ta Borravcrer �r <br /> any su�c�ssflr in �nterest �f Borrovver shai� n.o� operate �o reiease the �iab��ity of the original B�rrflwer ar <br /> Borrower's succ�ssors �n in�erest. Lender shall n��be required�o cammen�e proGeed�ngs aga�ns�any su�cessar in <br /> �nteres�ar refuse�o�x�end�ime fflr paymcn�or othervvise mod�fy amartiza��on of the su�ns se�ured by this Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument by reason af any demand made by �he flrig�na� Borrower or Borra�er's successors in zn�eres�. 1-�.ny <br /> forbearance �y Lender in exerc�s�ng any r�gh� �r remedy s��.a�l n�t be a�rai�er�f or pre�iude �he exercise �f any <br /> r�gh�or remedy. <br /> �ucce�sors and A�s�gns Bound; J�int and Se�era� L�abi��ty; Accommada��on Sign�rs. The �ovenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen� shal� bind and benef t�he successors and assigns af Lender and Borr��er, <br /> subjec� t� �he pr���sio��s �f sec��on tit�ed Transf�r af th� Property ar a Benef�cia� �n��re�t �n Borrnwer. <br /> Bflrror�ver's co�enan�s and agreernen�s sha��be jain�a�d se�eral. Any person wha co-s�gns�his Se�ur�f,y�ns�rument <br /> but has no persanal ��abi�ity under the �on�ract �"Accommadat�an Signer"�: �a� is co-s�gn�ng this Security <br /> �ns�rument on�y �fl mor�gage, grant and convey �hat A�c�mm�datiian S�gner`� in�eres� xn �he Praperty under �he <br /> �erms af �he Securi�y Ins�rumen�; tb� is no� persana��y ob�igated ta pay the sums secured by �h�s Se�ur��y <br /> �ns�rument; and �c�agrees�ha�Lender and any other Barrov�er may agre�ta extend, modify, forbear or make any <br /> accommada�ions vv��h regard�o the terms af�hxs Security�ns�rumen�or�he�an�ract w�thout�hat Accom.mada���n <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> L�a� Charges. �f�he �aan secured by �his Security Ins�rument �s subjec� t� a Ia� v�hi�h se�s maximum ��an <br /> charges, and that lavv is f�nal�y interpreted so�ha��he �nterest ar��her laan charges co�lec�ed flr ta �e cot�ected in <br /> connec�i�n v���h �he �aan exceed ���e permi��ed �im�ts, �hen: �a} any suGh 1�an charge shall be redu�ed by �he <br /> amoun�necessary to reduce the charge to�he permitte� l�m��s and �b} any sums a�ready �alle�ted from B�rr�v�er <br /> v�h�ch exceed�d p�rmitted I�mi�s wil� be re�u.�ded to Banrower. Lender may �hoose to make th�s refupd b <br /> � <br /> redu��ng th� princxpa� ow�d under the Con�rac� vr by making a direc�payment�o Borravver. If a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,�he redu��ion�zll be treated as a partia�pre�aymen,t under the�antract. <br /> Natices. Any nati�ce �o Sarr�wer pro��ded f�r �n th�s Secur��y In��rumen� sha�X be g�ven by delivering �� flr by <br /> ma��ing��by fzrst c�ass ma�l unI,ess App�icab�e Law requ�res use of ano�her me�hod. T��e notzce shal� be d�rec�ed�o <br /> �he Praperry Address ar any a�her address Barrawer designa�es b� na��ce �a Lender. Bflrrower agrees ta prov�de <br /> Lender wx�h B�rrovver's most curren�ma���ng address, as i� ��.ay change fr�m �ime-�o-tiime. Any n�t�ce t� Len�er <br /> s��a��be g���n by f�rs�c�ass ma�I�o Lerader's address stated herein or any o�her address Lender des�gnates by noti�e <br /> �o Borrower. Any na��ce prov�ded far in this Secur��y �ns�rument sha�l be deemed ta ha�e b�en gi�re�a�o Borrovver <br /> or Lender when gi�en as provided�n t��is paragrapla. <br /> Gov�rn�ng Law; Severab��i�y.This Secur�ty Ins�rumer��shall be g��erned by federa� �a�and�he�aws�f�he s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. �n ��Ze even� that any prflvxs�an or clause of�his Securxty Instrumen� �r the Contract conflicts wi�h <br /> Appl icab�e Law, such c�nfl��� shaii n�� affec� o�her pro�isi�ns of�hYs Security �nstrumen� or the Can�rac� whx�h <br /> can be g�ven effec�w�thout�he conflicting pra�ision. To tla�s end�he pr���s�ons�f th�s Securi�y�ns�rument and the <br /> �ontrac�are declared to be severable. <br /> Sorrower's�opy.Borrov�er shal�be given one�opy o�th�s Secur��y�ns�rument. <br /> C�2�Q4-2d1 S Camp�sas�ce Systems,�nc.8C54-E�OF-�Ol 5.3 I.3.I098 <br /> Cor�sumer Real Estate-S�curity InstF-t�n3ent DL2�3d Pa�e 3 vf S www.�ar�pliar� <br />
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