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2� 1 ��3277 <br /> made �here�n. TruS�eQ sha�� appi� �he prflc�eds �f �he sale in the following �rder: �a) t� a�l cflsts and <br /> expenses of exerc�s�ng �he pflwer nf 5a�e, and the sale, inc�ud�ng the paym�n� of�he Trustee's fees actua�� <br /> y <br /> incurr�d and reasanab�e a��orney�' fee� as perm�tted �y Appli�ab�e Law; �b} �o a�� �ums secured by �his <br /> Security Instrument; and�c)an��x�ess t��h�person or persons�ega�ly en��t�ed to i�. <br /> I�econve�ance. Upan payment�f a��sums secured by th�s �ecuri�y�nstrument and�erm�na�ian of Borrovver's r� h� <br /> g <br /> �� �b�ain fur�her ad�ances under �he Con�rac�, Lez�der sha�� re�uest Trus�ee �� recon�ey �he Prflper�y and shal� <br /> surrender thzs Secur��y�nstrumenti and ai�contrac�s�videncing deb�se�ured by th�s Security Ins�rumen��o Trus�ee. <br /> Trustee sha1�reconvey the Property���haut warran�y ta�he pers�n or persons Iega�ly en��t�ed ta ��. Such persan or <br /> persans shal� pay any recordat�on �as�s. Lender may �harg� sucl� person �r persans a f�e for recon�ey�ng �he <br /> Pr�perty, but�n1y�f the fee �s pa�d to a�h�rd par�y(su�h as the Tru�tee} for ser�zces�-ender�d and�he�harg�ng of <br /> the fee�s permi��ed under�-1�p�icab�e La�v. <br /> Subs�i�ute Trustee. Lender, at i�s ap�ion, may fram�ime �o ��me remo�e Trustee and appo�n� a successor�rus�ee <br /> �o any Trus�ee appo�nted hereund�r by an �ns�rumen� re�orded �n the c�ur�� in v�h��h �his Securi�y Ins�rumen� �s <br /> r�carded. Wi�hout can�reyance of the Fraper�y, �he successor trus�ee sha�� succeed�o a�l���e����e,po�ver and dut�es <br /> canferred upon Trustee here�n and by Applicabie Lav�. <br /> R�q uest fur No��ces. Borro,wer requests tha�c�pies of�he not�ce�f defau�t and sale be sen��o Borrower's address <br /> which�s�he Proper�y Address. <br /> BY S�GN�N� BELUVLr, Borro�er ac�epts and agrees �o �he terrns and co�enan�s c�ntained �n al� pages of�h�s <br /> Secur��y�nstrumen�and�n any R�der execu�ed by Barravv�r and rec�rded v�i�h zt. Signed and sea�ed by B�rrower: <br /> r <br /> �� �" �w <br /> `� ^ � Seal} <br /> JADE D I3ALLARD Da�e <br /> INDIVI.UUAL A�KN��VLEDG�VIEN'T <br /> STATE�F NEBRAS�A � - <br /> � <br /> CflUNTY�F HALL � <br /> The foregoing �ns�rumen� was ac�n�v�iedged by JAI3E D RALLARII, A SINGLE PERS�N, befare me on <br /> 1V�ay Z�,2D16. Iri�v��ness v�hereof,I hereunta set my hand and, if applicable,m�of�c�a� seal. <br /> � r�' <br /> �=� �,;7 � <br /> My caxnm�ssion exp�res: 511.012�19 ;: . <br /> : ' <br /> G��iL N�T�Y-S�tt�o���hr�ska i isa N�ayer ,�� <br /> �.�SA��II�AYER Notary Pub��� <br /> ....�--�-... �����,�xp.����0,���� �dent�f ca��an Number <br /> ��ffic�at Seal� � <br /> 0 20D4-2�]S Compliance Sy$tems,Inc.8C54-]�F2-2Q�S.I3.3.1�98 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrurr�ent DL2436 Pa�e 5 v#'S www.camplia�cesystems.�am <br />