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2� 1 ��3277 <br /> Tra�sfer of the�'roper�y or a Be�eficia�Inter��t in �orravv�er. If a.�1 ar any par�of�h�Pra�erty or ar�y in�erest <br /> in it is �old or �ransferred ��r if a beneficiai in��res� in Borrower i� sold �r transferred and B4rrowe�r is not a <br /> natural person} vv��hou� Lender's pri�r wri�t�n c�nsent, Lende��may, a� its option, require �mmediate payrn�.ent �n <br /> full �f a1� sums s�cured l�y �his Security �nstrumen�. Hov�e�e�, this �p��o�n sha�l not be e�erc�sed by Le��der if <br /> exerc�se is pr�hib��ed by fideral Iaw as of�h�dat��f this Sccur�ty�ns�rumen�. <br /> �f Lender exer��ses this op��on, L�nder shal� g��ve Borrvv�er :�otice af accelerat�on. The n���c.e shal� pr�v�de a <br /> period of no� less than the minim�m number �f days estab�is��ed by Applicable La�v fr�m the �ate �h� no�ice �s <br /> delivered or mailed within which ��rr�v�rer mus� pay all sum.s secured by th�s Se�ur�ty Ins�rumen�. �f Borrower <br /> fails to pay�hese sums prior to �he expirati�n of�his per�od, Lender rnay invo�e any remedies perm�tt�d by th�s <br /> Securi��ns�rum�nt vv�thou�further notice or dem�.nd on Borro��er. <br /> Borro�ver's R�ght to Rein��ate. �f B�rrov��r meets cer�ain ror�d����ns, �3orrawer shal� have �he righ� t� ha�e <br /> enforcemeri� of this Security �ns�rumen� discQn�inued at any ti�ne pri�r to �he �arl�er af: �a} 5 days �Qr such other <br /> perifld as Applicable Larn�may specify for reins�a�eri�en�)Uefor� sale�of the Proper�y pursuan�to any pov�er of sa�e <br /> contained in this S�curi�.y �nstrumen�; �r �b} entry of a �ua(gment enf�rcing �his :Se�uri�.y Znstrumen�. Th�se <br /> c�ndi��ons are �ha� B�rrower: �a� p�.ys L�nder a�l sums wh�ch �hen�vould be due under this Secur��y �nstrument <br /> and�he Contrac�as if no accelera��on had occurred;�h��u�es a��y default af any��her�o�renants�ar agree;rnents;�c� <br /> pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Se�uri�y�ns�rumenl:, inclu.d�ng, but not I�mi�ed to,re�.sonabie at�orn�ys' <br /> fees to�he extent perm�t�ed by lav�; and(d}takes su�h acti�r�as]Len�er may reas�nably re�uire t� assu�re tha��he <br /> �ien flf this Secur��ty Instrument, Lender's righ�s in�he Prfl�erty and�arr�wer's obl�ga�ian t�pay the sums secured <br /> �y �h�s Securi�r Instrumen� shall ��n��nue unchanged. Upan r���ns�a���nent by Borrower, �his Security �nstrument <br /> and the obiigati�ns secured hereby sha��rema�n fuliy effect�ve as if nfl acceXeration had fl�curr�d. Hav�e�er, th�s <br /> right to re�nstate shal�no�apply in�he case�f a�celerat�on un�er the sec�ian�it�ed Transfer of�h�Property or a <br /> B�nef�cial Intere�t in B�rrflwer. <br /> Hazardous Substances.Barr�wer sha�I n�t�ause�or permi�t�e pres�r�ce,use, disposal, s�orage, �r release of an�r <br /> Hazard�us Subs�ances on or in the Property.Borravver sha�X na�do,n�r allo�nr any�ne e�se to dQ,anything affec��ng <br /> �he Prope�-ty �hat is �n v�olat�an of any En�iror�men�al Lav�. 7~he pre�ed�ng two sen�ences sha�l n�t apply �o �he <br /> pr�sence,use,or storage on�h�Proper�y of s�na11 quantities�f Ha2ardaus Subs�ances�ha�are ge�eral�y r�c�gn��ed <br /> to be appropriate�o norm.a�r�siden�ial us�s and�o main�tenance flf�he Pr�per�y. <br /> Borr��ver sha�l prompt�y give Lend�r wri�te�notice af an��nves�igati�n,cla�m,dem.and, �a�suit or�ther action by <br /> any gavernmen�al �r regulatory agenc� ar priva�e par� inval�ving the Pr�pe�ty and any Hazar�ou� Su�stance or <br /> En�ironmental La� of wh�ch B�rrower has actua� knawl�:dge. �f Borrower �earns, or is no�if�ed by any <br /> go�ernmen�al or regu�atory authority,t�at an�removal❑r o�he�remediatitin of any Haza�rdous S�ubstan��affec�ing <br /> the Pr�pert� is necessar�r, Borrov�er sha�l promp�ly �ake ai�� n�cessary remedial actions in aGcordance w�th <br /> EnWironmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Ha�ard�us Su�stances" are those :�u�stances def�ned as��xi� or ha�ard�us aubstances <br /> b� En�ironmental Lav� and the f�l���ving substances: gasoline, kerasene, �ther flamr�able ar �o�ic petroleunz <br /> produc�s, �oxic pesticides and herbicides, vo�ati�e so�v�n�s, n�a�erials c�ntain�ng a�bes�os or forma�dehyde, and <br /> radioacti�e materials. As used�n�his paragraph, "En�ironmen�al Lav�"means federa��av�s and Iaws of.�ihe state of <br /> N�bras�a�ha�rela�e to heaX�h,safe�ar env�rann��n�al pro�ectic�n. <br /> A�cel�ration; Remedies. L�nder 5ha�1 g��ve no�ice ta I3orrower prior t� �cC�lera�ion fal�av�ing B�vrrawer's <br /> breach af any�o�enant ar agreernem�in�his Secur�ty Ir�stru�nen�or t��e�ar�tract under v�hi�h a��elerati�n <br /> is permitted �but not pr�ar�� acce�erat��n u�der �the 5e��iain t�tied Transfer of the Property or a F3eneficia� <br /> Interest in B�rruwer, unxess �p�l�cable I..�aw �ravides �th�erwis�}. Th� nati�e shal� spec�f�: �a3 the defau�t; <br /> �b� the actiQn �-�qu�red �o cur� the defaul�; (c� a date,, not 1e5� than the mir�imum number of days <br /> esta���sh�d by Appli�ab�e L�,w fram the date the n�tice is�i�en �o�orrower, b�v�hich th�d�fault mu�t be <br /> cured; and td} that faiiur� ta cur� the �efau�t on or before the date specifi�d in �he notice �nay re�ult in <br /> ac�eleration af the sums sec�r�d by this S�curity I�strume�t and sale of �he Property. 'I'a the ex�en� <br /> permit�ed by law, the n�tice shali fu�ther inform �arrovv�r af�he r�ght ta re�ns�a�e after accelerati�n and <br /> the r�ght to bring a court action t�asser�the nnn-existence�f�c�efault or any o�her defense of Bvrruwer to <br /> accei�ration and sale. �f the default i� r��t cured on or befnre the date specified �n thQ na�ice,Lender at �ts <br /> option may requ�re i�mmedia�e paym�nt �n full of a�� sun�s securec� by thi� Secu�-ity Instrumen� vvi�hout <br /> further demanc� and �na� in�ok� th� po�ver �f sal� and ar��y o�h�r rermedies permitt�d by Appiic�ble Law. <br /> T`� the e�t�nt perm�t�ed l�y �aw, Lender shall be e�titl�� t� �all�ct a�l �xpen�es incurred in pursu�ng th� <br /> remedies pru��ded in�his Sectio�, inclu��ng, but nat �im���d to, �-easonab�e attorneys' fee�and casts of ti��e <br /> e�iden�e. <br /> If the povv�r�f sale i5 �nvnked,'I`ru5tee sha�� r�cQrd a nat����f defau�t in ea�h cour�ty�n wh�ch a�ny part of <br /> the Property is loca�ed and shall maii c�pie��f such nat��e i� th� ma�ner prescrib�d by Applicah�e Law�a <br /> Borr�wer and to �I�e other p�r��ns prescrih�d. by Appiic��b�e ]Law. After the time required by �!�p�licab�� <br /> Law, Trus�ee sha�1 gi�e pub�ic nntice vf sa�e to the pers�ns and i� the manner prescrib�ed by ��pp��cab�e <br /> Law. Trustee,without demand fln Ba�rawer,shal�sel��he�'rap�rty at public auct�on ta the h�gh�st bidder <br /> at the�ame and p�ac�and under the ter�ns des�gn�ted i�th��n�tic�of sa��in one or more p�arcels and�n any <br /> order Trustee �letermine�. 'I'rus�ee ma� p�stpor�e sale af a�l �r any parcel �f the Prop�rty by public <br /> a�n�uncemen�at�he���ne and pi�ce of any pre��aus�y s�h+�du�ed sa��. Lender flr it�designee may purchase <br /> fh�Prope��y a�ar��sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt of pay�ment of���e pri�� bid, 'Y'rustee �hal� dP���er to the purch�ser Trustee's deed {eor��vey�ng <br /> the Proper�y. 'I'he recital� in the Trust�e's deed sh�ll b� pr��na f�cie�W�dence of th�truth�f the s�ta��men�s <br /> C�2Q04-2Q15 Caxnpliance Systen�s;Iz�c.8C54-13F2-2fl15.1 i.3.1098 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL�435 Page 4 of 5 www.�vmpliancesystems.c�m <br />