2� 1 ��3239
<br /> services�.nd s��s�quent ch�rges each time remappi.�gs or�imilar changes occur wh�ch r�asanab�y migh�
<br /> affect such deter�nination o�cer�i�"icatian.Bo��v�rer s�hall a�lso be responsible far the�aym�nt of any f�es
<br /> im�osed by the Federal Emerg�ncy Management A��ncy in cann�ctivn�vith th.�review of any flood zv�e
<br /> determ�.nat�on r�sulting fram an objectian by B�rro��r.
<br /> �f Borrvvv�r�'ai�s�o n�ai�.t�in any of t�e co�exag�s des�r��sed�bove,�en�er ma�obta��.insuran�e covera�e,
<br /> at Lender's a�ti�n and Barra�ver's expen�e. Lender�s under no obligativ��o�u�rch�as�an�pa�icu�ar t�e or
<br /> amount of ca�erage. Therefore,suGh covera�e shall caver Lender,but migbt or mi.ght nat pratect��rr�wer,
<br /> Borro�ver`s equ�ty in the ProperEy,or the�ontents�f th�Praper�y,a�ainst any ris�,hazard vr liability and
<br /> mi�;ht pro��de greater ar lesser ca�erage than was pr�Wiously in effe�t. �3orrower ackno�v��dg�s that the cost
<br /> of t�e i�.surance coverage sa obta�ned migh�significant�y exceed the c�st of in�uran.ce�hat�orraw�r could
<br /> ha.ve obtained.Any amountS disbursed by Lender under t�.s Sect�on 5 sha�1 becornE.e a,d�itiona�debt of
<br /> �3ar�ov��se���d by th.�s Secur�ty Instr�ment,These amounts s�all bear interest at the N�te�ate fram th�
<br /> dat�of disburseme�nt and sba���e gayabl�,�crith such interest,up�n not��e fro�m L�nde��.o Bo�ower
<br /> requesting paymen�. '
<br /> Al�insuranee po��cies required by Lender an�.rene�vals of suc�x policies shall be su'�ject t�Lender`s ri��.t t�
<br /> disa�prove such p��icies,shall include�stan�.ard m�rtgage c�at�se,a.�d sha1l name Lent�er as m�rtgagee
<br /> andlor as an additiona��oss p�.yee. Lend�r�h�l�hav�the rig�.t t�hnld the po�ic�es and�e�e�ral ce�ti�'icates.
<br /> If L�nder r�quires,Borrower sha�I promptly give to Lender a11 re�ei�pts of paid premiums and rene�ral
<br /> notices. If Bor�'ower pbta.ins any form af insurance coverage,not otherwise required by I�ender, for dama�e
<br /> to,or destruction of,the Property, such palicy shal�includ�a standard mortgage clause and sha1�name
<br /> Lender�.s martga��e andlar as an additional loss paye�.
<br /> In the e�ent of 1oss,$orrower sha11 gi�e prompt��tice to the�nsuran�e carrier and Lender. Lender may
<br /> make proof of loss if�►at made pramptly by�orrow�r, Unless Lender and Barrower otherwis�a�.re�in
<br /> writing,any iasurance proceed�,�h�ther or nat th�underlying insuranc�was r�quired by Lender,shall be
<br /> app��ed to restorat�on or repair af the�'r�per�, if the res�aration or repair is econom�c����r feasible a�d
<br /> Lend�r'��ec�arit�is�o��essened.During such repair and res�c�rati€��periad,Len�ter shall ha�e the right to
<br /> hald such insurance proceed�un��t Lender has had a�.opportun�ty to�nspect such Propert�to�ns�.r��he
<br /> work has been completed to Lender's satisfaction,prov�ded that such inspe�tio�x shalt b�under�aken
<br /> pron�ptly. Lender may disburse proceeds far the repairs and restoratYon i�a single payment ar in,a series of
<br /> progress gayments as the wor�is comp�eted.Un�ess an agreem�nt�s m�de in�vrit�ng or Applicabte Law
<br /> requi�res int�rest to be�aa�d on such insurance proceeds,Le�der sha�l�ot be re�uired to pay Barrawer any
<br /> in�erest or earnings an such proceeds. Fees for public a$justers,or other�hird par��e�,retained b�Borrotiver
<br /> sha�I not be pa�d o�t of the insurance pfoceeds and s�xa1�h�the sa�e obli�atian af Borro�ver. If the r�storat��n
<br /> or repair�s not ecan�mically f�asible o��ender's security�auld he�essened,the ins�rance pr�ceed�sha1�be
<br /> applied to the sum�secured by this Secur��I�strument,tivhether or nat then du�,4vith th.�excess, if an�,
<br /> paid to Sorro�er. Such insurance proceeds sha11 be app�ied in the arder pro�ide�d for in�ection�.
<br /> If Barrower aband�vns th�Property,Lende�'ma�file,negotiate and settl�an�a�ai�abie rnsurance c���m and.
<br /> related matters.If Borrower daes not respand�ithin 3�da�s ta a noti�e fror�Lender that the insu.�ra�ce
<br /> carrier has offered to se�tl�a c�aim,then Lend�r n�ay neg�tiate a�.d set��e the claim.The 3�-day period wi11
<br /> begin�vhen th�notice is g�ven. In either event,ar if Lender acquues the Proper�y under Section��or
<br /> atherw��e,Borrawer hereby as�igas to Lender�a)Borr��ver's rights to an�insurance proceeds in an amount
<br /> not to exceed the amounts unpaid under�he Nvt�or this�ecur�ty Instrument,and(b)any other of
<br /> $orrow�r'��.ghts[other�.ha�the right t�any refund of�ne�,rned premium�paYd by I3arro�rer}under a11
<br /> insuran�e po��cies cavering t�e�roper�r,insofar as such r�ghts are app�icable to�he co�erage of the
<br /> Proper�y. Lender may u�e the insurance proceeds ei�l��r to repair ar restore t#�e�'rope�ty ar ta pay arr���ts
<br /> unpa�d und�r the�ote or this Se�urity Instrument,�vhether vr not then due.
<br /> NEBRA,SKA-Single Famlly-Fan�ie Mael�s•e�d[e Mac IJNIFORM 1�l�TRt1ME�tT W[T4�MERS Farm 3D2811ai
<br /> VMP� VMPfA(NE}(134�}.4U
<br /> WaFters Klwver Financia�Servi�es Qa�ge 7�#17
<br /> qa 355182398 p2 371 � 1�'
<br />