2� 1 ��3239
<br /> The Fun�s shall be held in an instituti�n whose�eposits are insured b�a f�deral a�ency, instrumentality,or
<br /> ent��y(i�cluding Lender, �f Leader is an institution whose deposits are so insured}or in any Federal Home
<br /> Laan Ban�.Lend�r shall apply the Funds ta pay the Es�rov�Item�no later than th�time specified under
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha��not charge Borrawer for haldin�and app�ying the Funds,annua��y analyzin�the
<br /> escro�a�count,or�er�f�ing t�.e Escro�Items,un.les�Lender pays�orro�ver interest on the Funds and
<br /> Ap�licable La�w perm�ts Lender to make such a char�e.Unl�ss an agre�ment is made in writing or
<br /> Ap�liGable Law requires intere��to be paid an th�Fu�ad�,L�ender sha��not�e r�quir�d ta pa�Borr�w�r any
<br /> interest or ear�ings�n the Funds, Bo�`ro�ver and Lender can a�ree�n�vriting,ho�r�ver�th�t int�r��t shall b�
<br /> pai�i on the Funds. Lender shall give�a Borrower,withaut charge,an annua�accaunt�ng�f the Fun.ds as
<br /> requi�red by 1�SPA.
<br /> If tl�ere is a surplus af Funds he�d in escrow,as def�ned under RESPA,Lender sha��aceount to Borro�ver for
<br /> the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shc�ar�ag�of Funds h�ld�n escrt��,as defined under
<br /> RE�PA,L�nder sha�I n�tify Borrower as required by RESPA,and Bvrrower shall pay to Lender th�amount
<br /> neces�ary to make up the shortage in acGflrdance wi�h RESPA,but in no more than 1Z manthly payments. If
<br /> there is a def c�ency vf Funds held in escrow,as d�fined under R�S�'A,L�nder sha��natify Bonotiver as
<br /> requ�red by R.�SPA,and Borrvwer sha11 pa�y to L�nder the amount necessary to ma.ke up the�ef�ciency in
<br /> a��ordan�e�rith�ESPA,but in no�ore than 12 mon�hl�pa�m�nts.
<br /> Upon payment in full of a�I sums secur�d by this Securit�In�trum�nt,L�nder sha11 promgt�y refund ta
<br /> Borrower any Funds he�d by Lender.
<br /> �. �harges;�.iet�s.BorrQ�ver sha11 pay al�taxes, assessmen�s, charges, f�nes, an�.�rnposit�ans�ttribut�.b�e to
<br /> the Property wh�ch can attain pr�ori�y over this Secur��y Instrum�nt,leasehold payments or ground rents on
<br /> the Prvperty, if any,and�ommunity Association Dues,��es,and Assessments, if any,'To�he extent that
<br /> these items are Escrow Items, Barro�ver sha11 pay them in the manner provided�n Section 3.
<br /> Borro�ver sha�l prompt�y discharge any�ien which ha�priority aver�his Seeurity Instrurr�ent unless
<br /> Bo�ov�er: �a}agfees in vvriti�.g�o the pa�ment c�f the�bligat�on se�ured h�the lien in a mann�r acceptable
<br /> to Lend�r,but only so�ong as Barro�ver is performing such agreem�nt;(b)contests the Iien in good fa�tb by,
<br /> �r defends aga�nst enfarcement of the�ien in,lega�proceedin�s�h�ch in Lender's opinion operate to preven�t
<br /> the enforcement of the lien while those proceedings are per�d�n�,but on.�y unti�such pro�eedings are
<br /> cancluded;or�c)secures�rom the hv�der of the�i�n an agreement satisfactary to Lender subordinating the
<br /> Iien to th�s�ecurity In.strum�nt. If Lender determines that any par�of the Property�s subject to a lie�which
<br /> can attain prior�ty over�his Secur��y�nstrument,Lender may give Borrower a notic�ide�tifying the lien.
<br /> �i�h�n �4 days of the date on which that no�ice is given,Borrower sha�l�atisfy the�ien or tal�e one or more
<br /> of the actions set for��abo�e in this Section 4.
<br /> �,en.der m�ay re�uire�3orrower to pay a one-time charge for a real estate ta.x�erificat�an andlor re�or�ing
<br /> service used by Lend�r in connect�on wrth this Loan.
<br /> 5. Property fnsurance.Borra�ver sha��keep the improvements now existing ar hereaft�r erected on the
<br /> Pro�erty�n�ured against loss by fire,ha�aards in.c�uded v��t�i�th��ern�"ex�ended�overa�e,'�and an�other
<br /> hazards including,but na�limited to,easthquakes and floads, f�r which Lender requires insurance. This
<br /> insurance s'�a�I be maintaix�ed.in the amvunts�including ded�.ct�b�e Ievel�}and far t��per�ods that Lender
<br /> requires. �'hat Lender requires pursuant to the precediag sentenc�s can change during the term of�he Loan.
<br /> The in�urance carrier providing the�n.suran�e shall be chosen by Borra�v�r subject�to I,ender's right t�
<br /> d�sappra�e Borravver's ch�ice,which ri�ht sha11 not be e�ercised unreasonably. Lender ma�requ�.re
<br /> �orr�wer to pa�, in connection with th�s Laan,e�ther: �a)a one-time charge for flaod��ne d�termi�ation,
<br /> certi�cation and tracking serv�ces;or[b)a one-time�harg�for fla�d 2ane determination and�er��fi�ation
<br /> MEBk�ASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie Ma�IFreddie Mac LJNIF�ftM INSTRUMENT WITH M�RS Farm 3028 t1�1
<br /> 1fMP� VMPBH(NE}[13�2).4�
<br /> 1No�ters Kluwer Financial 5ervi�es Page fi of 17
<br /> q4335518�398 �233 371 fi17
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