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<br /> �1tlHEN REC��L7E� MI�IL T�:
<br /> Eq�,�table �ar�k .
<br /> �rrr�ha�ranch
<br /> '[�$5�Vlf�odge Rd
<br /> 5ui�e °I10 '
<br /> �mah� NE ��1�� F�F� RECQRI]Ei�'� USE�NLY
<br /> L�EE� �F TR�J�T
<br /> Mt4]�IMUIV! LlEN. Th� li�n af this Desd ❑f Trust shail n�t �xc��d �t �ny an� time ��D.��C�.��.
<br /> �
<br /> THIS DEE� �F TRL��T �s dat��l lV�a� ��, ��'[�� amang ❑�L��L�4S J ��4RTER, wh�s� a�l�lr�ss is
<br /> '���9� � �9[]TH �D, 1l1l�C�D RI1�ERs 1VE ����3: an unm�rr�ed �ndi►�idual �"Tru�t�r"�; Equita�[�
<br /> . �ank� wh�s� adrJr�ss �� �rnah� E�r�n�h. �Q�5� 1N Dadg� F�d, �uit� 7'��A �rn�had NE ��154
<br /> �r�f�rr�d t� �e�ow s�m�tirx��� a� �'Lend�r" anc� s�m�tim�s as "��nefici�ry..}i ar�t! Equ�table �ank
<br /> ��r�nd t�l�n� i�eg��n�� whos� addres� �s "I'��-°[�5 N L����t StP P�] �vx "i��. �rand Islan�s NE
<br /> �����-a 1�� �referred t� t�elv�v as "Trustee"�. '
<br /> �
<br /> ��iV1IEY�IN�E�IND fiRANT. �or valuab[e �nnsidera�ian, Trustor conveys to Truste� in�rustr VIIITH P�11VER QF SALE,
<br /> for �he ber,���� a� L�nder �s �eneficiary, al! Qf Trus��r°s right, tit[e, an� interest i� and to th� �allowing �les�rib�� rea�
<br /> pr4perty, tog�ther with �fl existing �r subs��uently erected �r affixed builciingso imp�nvem�nts and fixt�res; a11
<br /> easements� rights ❑f way, and ap�urt�nances; al1 wa-��r, water rights and ditch righ�s �including stack in utili�i�s with
<br /> ditch ar irrigation righ�s�; and ail ❑�her rights, rvyaltEes, and prafits rela�ing t❑ the real property, including withau�
<br /> limi�a�i�n af I minerals, ❑i�, gas, ge�therrr-�al �nd similar ma�fiers, ��he �'Re�l ,�rop�rtya'� I�C�t�d �17 H�I� G��ntyo
<br /> �t�te v� lV�brask�� �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> S�� E�h�bit "A"a wh�ch is att�ched �� this ���d �f Tre�s� �nd rrad� a p�art of thi� D��d af
<br /> �
<br /> Trust as �f fulRy s�t f�rth h�rein. ,
<br /> �
<br /> T'h� F�ea� �r�p�rty ar �ts �dd�s�s is �vmmon[y known as 'i�5�� � 19�th Rd, 1Nvvd Riv�r� NE
<br /> �S8�3a 1`h� ��a! Property #ax id�nt�fication numb�r is 4�Q���79�s
<br /> i
<br /> Trustar presently assigns ta Lender talsa I�nawn as Beneficiary in this Qeed ❑f Trust� a�� �rf Trustnr`s righ�, t�tle, and
<br /> interest in and ta all present and futur� I�ases af fihe Prap�rfiy and al! Ren�s from the Proper�y. ln a�idition, Trust�r
<br /> g�an�s to Lender a L�r�iform �ammercial Cac�s security inter��fi in the Persanal j Pr�perty and Rents.
<br /> �Nlf �1[V�] �4LL �6L[�AT[QIVS IJNDER THE N�TE, THE REL►4TED D�G4JME�ItT�, r4�11D TH15 DEED �F TRL�ST. THIS
<br /> �EED aF T'RUST�� �[VEN AIV�.A��EP`CE� (3N THE F�LL��IV[N�TEF�[VIS: �
<br /> �.�►YIVIENT AN[] PERF�RII�ANCE. Except as afiherwise provided in this Deed �f Trust, Trustar shall pay to Lender af�
<br /> �moun�s s��ured by this aeed n�F TrUs� as they be�vm� �ue, and sha�l stri�tfy and in a tirnely manner p�rform all �f
<br /> Trustar`s vbligatians und�r the h[ot�,thEs ��ed ��T�-ust, an�the Related D��umentss
<br /> P�S5�5SI�N AN� MAINTEN,►4N�E �F THE PR�PERTY. Tru�tar agrees that Trustor's possessian and use of the
<br /> Praper�y shall be g��erne�l by�he �oifowin� prvvisivns: �
<br /> �
<br /> �oss��sion and Lfse. Llnfii! the flccurr�nc� af an EWer�t �f [7e�aul�r TI"L15��1' rnay ��� r�main in possession and
<br /> contral ❑f the Property; ��� use, ❑perate ar manage the Pr�perty; and {�� callec��he Ren�s fram the Praperty.
<br /> auty ta lli[ain#ain. Trustar shall main�ain the Pro�erty �n goc�d c�ndition and �rflmpfily perfo�m a�l repairs,
<br /> replacementsr and maintenan�e necessary ta pr�s�rve ifis Walu�. �
<br /> Com�lian�� Vtf�th Env�r�nr��nta[ Laws. Trusta� repr�sents �nd warrant� to Len�1�r that: �1 j L�uring th� peri�d af
<br /> Trus��r`s avvnership of the Praperty, there has been no use, g�neration, manu�Facture, starage, �rea�ment, dispasal,
<br /> releas� ar thr�aten�d rel�as� o� any Hazar�ous �uf�stance by any person on, under, abau� or from th� Prap�r�y;
<br /> {2� Trustar has no kn�wledge ��, or reason ta beiie�e tha� th�r� has been, �xce�t as pr�viausly dis��ased to and
<br /> acknowl�d��d b� Lender in `rvriting, {a} any �reach or vialatian of an}r En�ir�nm�n�al Laws� �b� aEl�I L15�r
<br /> �enera�ia�, manufactur�. storag�, �reatmentr dispasal, refeas� �r threaten�d r�lease of any Ha�ardaus Substance
<br /> �n, under� ahout ar fram th� Property by any privr ov►rn�rs �r a�cupants afi the �'roperty. or {c� any ac�ual �r
<br /> threatened litEgat�on or c[aims of any kind by any person r�lating to such matters; and {�� Except as pr�viously
<br /> dis�lased to and acknowled�ed by L�nder in w��fiin�. {a} neith�r Trustar nar any tenant. contra�t�r, agent�r�ther
<br /> authori�ed us�r❑f the Prop�rty shal� use, �enerate� manufacture, stare, tr�at, d�spvse ❑f or release any Hazardous
<br /> �ubstance on, under, about�r fram�he Praperty; and tb} any su�h a�tivity shall be canduct�d in com�liance with
<br /> ali ��plicabCe federa�r 5ta��� �nd I�cal [a�rvs, regulatians and flrdinances. inc[udin� wi�hout limitafi�an a!I
<br /> Enviranrnental Laws. Trustor authvri�es Lend�r and its agents �� �nter up�n the Prape�-ty to mak� such
<br /> inspecti�ns and tests, at Trustar's expense� as Lend�r may de�m appropriate ta �etermine comp�iance of the
<br /> Praperty �wi�h �his sectian ofi th� Deed of Trust. Any inspecti�ns �r t�sts ma�te by Lender shal� be f�r Lende�-'s
<br /> purp�ses flniy and shalf not be construed ta crea-�e any r�spansibility ar liab�lity �n �he part��F L�nder to Trust�r or
<br /> to any oth�r p�rs�n. The r�presenta�ians and warranties can�ained h�rein are based ❑n Trustor's due d�lig�nce in
<br /> investiga�ing the Property fiar Hazardous 5ubs�ances. Trustor hereby {1� releases and waives any fu�ure claims
<br /> against Lender �Far indemnity �r con�ribution in the eWenfi Trustar b�comes liable f�r cleanup ar oth�r costs under
<br /> ---
<br />