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2� 1 ��3229 <br /> [3EE� �F TRUST <br /> Lnan N�: 1���9�5'[7 ��'4�t1�7ued� Page � <br /> TH1S DEED �F TR�ST, IIV�LUDING THE ASSlGNlV1ENT�F REiVTS ANO THE SECURITY INTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PROPERTY, IS �IVEN T� SECUF�E tA} P'AYiVIENT �F THE INDEBTEaNESS AND tB} PERF�RfVIAN�E 4F <br /> �4NY AND ALL OBLIGATIQNS UN�3ER THE N�TE. T�E RELATED DD�UMENTS, AN❑ TH1S DEE❑ �F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED �F TRUST 15 G[VEN ANi�ACCEPTED �N THE F�3LL�WIN�TERIVIS; <br /> RAYMENT AND PERF�]RMANCE. Excep� as �therwise prv�ided in this ❑eed o� Trust, Trus�or shalE pay ta Lender all <br /> amaunt� secured by this Deed of Trust as �hey bec�me due, and shall stric�kly and in a timely manner perform al[ ❑f <br /> Trustor's o�ligations under�he N�te,this Qeed af Trus�, and the Related ❑ocuments. <br /> P�SSESSIOIV w41VI3 11l�A�NTENANCE �F THE PRDPERTYp Trus�or agrees �hat Trustvr's poss�ssion and use af the <br /> Property sha�i be go��rned by�he fal[�wing pro�isions: <br /> Possession and Use. Until the occurrence o� �n E�ent of D�fault, Trustvr may �1 y remain in pvssessivn and <br /> �ontral o�the Prvperty; {�} use, operate ar manage the Property; and �3} co�lect the Rents frvm�he Property. <br /> Du�y tv �1laintain. Trustor shalf maintain the Prflper�y in �o�d condi#ion and promptly perform all repairs, <br /> rep[acements, and maintenance ne�essary to preser�e i�s value. <br /> Compliance IlV�fih En�ir4nmen�a� Laws. Trustor represents and warrants tn L�nder that: t�) During the per��d of <br /> Trustor's ownership of the Property, �here has been no use, generatifln, manufacture, storage, treatment, disp�sal, <br /> r�iease or threa�ened releas� of any Ha�ardous Substance by any pers�n an, under, about or from the Praperty; <br /> ��y Trustor has no knawledge of, t�r reasan ta �eliev� that there has been, exGept as previ�usly dis�losed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, {a� any breach or violation ❑�f any Enviranmental Lavus, �b} any use, <br /> generati�n, manufac�ure, storage, �reatrr�ent, disp�sal, release �r threatened releas� of any Ha�ardous Suhstance <br /> on, under, abvut or from �he Property �y any prior own�rs or occupants n� the Pr�p�rty, ar tc� any actual or <br /> threatened litigatian �r claims ❑f any kind �y any person r�lating �o such matt�rs; and t3y Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed ta and acknowledged by Lender in v�rritEng, {a} naither Trustor nor any tenant, c�ntractor, agent or other <br /> authorized user a�the Property shal[ use, generate, manufac�ure, store, treafi, dispose of or re�ease any Hazardous <br /> 5ubs�anc�an. under, about or firom the Proper�yr and �b} any such ac�ivity shall be conducted in comp�iance v�ri�h <br /> alE applicab�e fed�ral, stat�, and lo�al IaWS� regu�ations and ardinances, including without limita�ion a!I <br /> En�iranmental Laws. Trustar authorizes L�nder and its agents �� �nter upvn �he Properfiy to make such <br /> inspectians and tes�s, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may de�m appropriate to �letermine compliance of the <br /> Property with this section �f �he Qeed o� Trust. Any inspec�ions ar tes�s mad� by L�nder shall b� for L�nde�'s <br /> purp�ses �nly and sha�l not be constru�d to �rea�e any responsibility or liability on the part��Lender to Trustor ar <br /> to any oth�r persan. The representations and warranties c�ntained herein ar� based an Trustor's �ue diligen�e in <br /> investigating the Prop�rty �nr Hazardous Substan�es. Trus�or hereby 4�y releases and waiWes any future c�aims <br /> against L�nder far indemni�y or c�n�ributivn in the e�ent Trusfior becomes liable for cleanup or o�her c�sts un�er <br /> any such la�nrs; and {�} agrees�a indemnify, de�end, and hold harrnless L�nder against any and afl claims, ivsses, <br /> fiabiii�ies, damages, pena�ties, and expenses wh�ch Lender may direc�ly�r indire�t�y sustain or suffer resu�ting from <br /> a breach of this se�tion a#th� Deed af Trust or as a cQnsequence o�F any use, generatian, rnanufacture, st�rage, <br /> dispasal, re�ease ar�hreatened release occurring pri�r to Trustor's ownership or int�res�in th� Pr�perty, whefher or <br /> nvt the same was or shou�d have be�n known t� Trustor. The pro�isions o� this sect�on ❑f the Deed of Trus�, <br /> inc{uding the vbligation t� indemni#y and defend,shall surWi�e the payment of the In��b�tedness and�khe satisfactivn <br /> and reconveyance �f the lien of this Deed o�f Trust and shal� not be a�f�ected by Lender's acquisition of any interes� <br /> in�he Property. whether by fareclosur�or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance. V1laste. Trustor shal! not cause, conduct ❑r permit any nuisanc� nor commit, permit, ❑r suffer any <br /> stripping of or was�e on ar ta �he Property �r any portion afi the Praperty. V1lithaut limifiing fihe gene�a�ity of the <br /> foregoing, Trus�or wi�l na� remo�e, or �rant tt� any o�her party�he right to remoWe, any timber, minerals {includin� <br /> ail and gas�, coal, clay, scoria, soil, �ra�el or rock produc�s without Lender's privr writ�en cflnsent. � <br /> Remvval of lmprav�ments. Trustor shai[ not d�molish or remove any Impra�ements from the Real Pr�perty uvi�haut <br /> Lender's prior written consen�. As a condition to�he rema�al o�F any imprQ�ements, Lender may require Trus�or ta <br /> malce arrangements satisfac�ory �o Lender to replace su�h lmpro�ements with tmprovemen�s of a� [easfi equal <br /> vaiue. <br /> Lender's Right to En��r. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upon the Real Property at a[� <br /> reasona�le �imes �o attend to L�nder"s in�erests and �o inspect the Real Property fvr purpos�s vf Trustor's <br /> �ompliance with the terms and cflndi�ions of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Cvmplianc� with �vvernmenta� Requirements. Trustor shal! promp�ly cvmply Wl�h all laws, ❑rdinances, and <br /> regula�ians, now or hereafter in e�fec�, of all �overnmental au#hori�ies applicahle �o the use �r accupancy of the <br /> Proper�y. Trus�or may contest in good faith any su�h law, ordinance, or regu�ation and withhold camplianc��uring <br /> any praceeding, including appropriate appeals, sa long as Trustor has na�i�ied L�nder in wri�ing pri�r to doing s� <br /> and so lan� as, in Lender`s sole opin�on, Lender's int�rests in th� Property are n�t jeopardi��d. Lender may require <br /> Trustar to post adequate security or a surety bond, reasvnably satisfac�ary to Lender, �o prot�ct Lender's interest. <br /> ❑uty to Prote�t. Trustor agrees neither to ahandon or lea�� unattend�d �he P��perfiy. Trustor shall do a11 other <br /> acts, in addition to those ac�s set fi�r�h abQ�e in this section, whi�h�rom the character and us�ofi�h� Praperty ar� <br /> rsasonably nec�ssary to protec�and preser�e the Pr�per�y. <br /> QUE �N SALE -C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a� L�nder's option, declare immediately due and payable al� sums <br />