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<br /> Vti1HEiV RE�9RDEi] MA�L T�:
<br /> Fi�e Points Bank
<br /> N�rfih Branch
<br /> �q"I5 Nvrth Braadwel[
<br /> G rand�sland�NE C88�3 ,,,,,�__ , ,,.,,, , ,,,_,,,.,..,.,,,,.,,,,�._ F�R REG[]R DER'S US E�NLY
<br /> *4DQ0��4�4���2955��034�452Q20�6�
<br /> �E�� �F ��usT
<br /> TH1S DEED �F TRUaT �s dated il�lay �D, ��'I6� arnong J�E T J�NES AfVD JACLYN R J�NES ;
<br /> Husbant� and �lUifs {'rTrustar"�; Fi�� Pnints Bankr whose address is No�th Branch, 2�'�5 Na�rth
<br /> �raadw�ll, �rand Island� lVE �SS�3 {refer�ed to belvv►r som�times as "Lender" and s�met�mes
<br /> as 'r Beneficiary"'}; and Frr�e Points Banl�, whose address is P.� Box 7 5�7, �rand Island. NE
<br /> ��8��-15�7 {�eferr�d tc� belov►� as "Trustee'��.
<br /> CC]NVEYANCE AND GRAIVT. For valuable cons�derat�on. Trusfior �an►►eys tv Tru�tee in trust. IJVfTH P�'I�VER �F SALE.
<br /> for the henefit o# Lender as Beneficiary. all �f Trus�or's right. title, and interest in and to �he fall�wing described rea!
<br /> property, together with all existing or subsequently erected or a��ixed �uildin�s, improvements and �Fixtur�s; all
<br /> easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water. water righ�s and ditch rights �inc�uding s�a�k in utilzti�s with
<br /> ditch or irrigativn r�ghts�; and al� ❑�her righ�s, royalties, and profits relating to �h� r�al praper�y, inc�uding wi�thou�
<br /> limitation all minera�s, oilr �a5� geo�hermal and similar matters, {the "R►ea1 Property'�} lacated rn HALL
<br /> �aunty, State of Neb�aska:
<br /> l�LAND, HALL C�UiIlTYr NE�RASKA, A ��N!]�l1l�lN�l�M IN ACC�RDANCE 'lll!'�TH TWE
<br /> DE�LARATf�N RECORDED L7N �]CT��ER '�7, 'f 9$4 UNDER INSTRUIVIEIVT #84��U5��7 �F
<br /> The 1Real Property or its �C�[��"�55 �s cvmmonly known as ��3 N L�CUST ST #4�`l, GF�AND
<br /> ISLIaND, IVE �88[]�.
<br /> FUTURE A�VANCES. In addition�o the No�e, this L�e�d o�Trust secures al��utur� a��ances made by Lender ta Trus�or
<br /> whe�ther or nat the a��ances are mad� pursuan� to a �ommi�ment, Specifically, without iimitation, this Deed �f T�ust
<br /> secures, in addition t❑ �he amounts speCi�fied in th� Note, all �uture amounts L�nder in its discreti�n may loan to
<br /> Trustor,to�eth�r wi�h all in�eres�thereon.
<br /> Trustor presently assigns t❑ Lend�r �als� known as E3eneficiary in �his Deed o� Trust� all af Trustor's right, tifiie, and
<br /> in�erest in and to all present and future leases of the Property and ail Rents �ram the Pr�perty. ln addi�ion, Trust�r
<br /> grants to Lender a Uniform Commercial Code security in�erest in th� Personal Prflperty and Rents.
<br />