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2� 1 ��3135 <br /> sen�ences shal� na� app�y to �he presenc�, use, ar�torage on the Property af smai� quant���es �f Hazardous <br /> Substan�es that are generally �-ecognized to be appropria�e to normat r�sidentia�uses and ��m�aintenance of <br /> the Property €�nclud�ng, bu�not�imited�o, hazardous subs�an�es in co���umer pr�duc�s}. <br /> Barro�ver shax�promp��y gi�e Lender wri�t�n notice of�a� any xnvestzga�ion, claim, dema��d, lawsux�ar o�her <br /> ac�ion by any gavernme��a1 or regu�atary agency or pr�Wate par�y �n��a�v�ng the Praper�y �nd any�3azardous <br /> Substance or�nviranm�nta�Law of wh�ch Bnrrower has actua�kna�vledge, �b� any Env�ronmental <br /> �ond�t�a�, including bu�na���nz���d to, any spxll�ng, leaking, discharge, releas� or thr�at of release�f any <br /> �azardous Substance, and ��� an� condi�i�n caused by �h�pre�sence, use or release of a Hazardous Sub��ance <br /> wh�ch ad�ersely aff�cts�he va�ue af the Prop�rty. �f Borravsr�r�earns, or is n�t��ed by any governmental or <br /> regulator� authority, ar any pr��rate party, �hat any remo�al or other reme�iation qf�ny�azardnu�Substance <br /> affe��ing the Praper�y is necessar�, Borro�ver shal� prampt�y �ake alI neces�ary r��medial actions in <br /> accordance vv��� �n�ironmenta� La�. Nathing her�in sha�l create any flb��ga�ion on Lender for an <br /> �nv�ronmental Cleanup. <br /> Nan-Uniform Ca��nants. Barrower and Lender covenant and a�re�as fo�lovvs: <br /> ��. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give noti����Barr�wer p�-�ivr to a�ce�erativn follo�v�ing <br /> Borrower's�r�ach af any �v�enant or agreement in th�� Security Ins�rument tbut no�pr��r�v <br /> acce�era�ian und�r Sect�on 1S un�es�App��ca��e Law provide� o�herw�se}. ThQ not�ce sha��sp�cify: �a} <br /> the d�faul�; �b� the ac��on requ�r�d to cure the defau�t; �c� a da�e, not less than 3� days from�he date <br /> th�no��ce�s given�v Borr�vver, by wh�ch the deFau�t mus�be�ured; and (d} �hat fa�iure tfl cur��he <br /> d�fau�t on ar before�he da�e spec�f��d�n the nat�ce nr�ay result in accQleration af th�sums 5e�ure�by <br /> thi�Sect�r�ity In��rutrnent and 5ale af the�'r�perty. The nvtice shali fur�her infvrm Barrvw�r uf�he <br /> right to rein��a�e after accelera�ion and the right to bring a caurt a��ian to �s�er��he nnn-�ex�5tence vf a <br /> defaui� or any a�her defense of Borr�wer to ac�e�eration and sa��. If the default is not cured vn or <br /> before the da�e spec��ed in the notice, Lender at its opt�an xnay requur�immed�ate pay�nen�in full of <br /> al�sums se�ured by this 5ecur�ity Ins�rument�vithout fur�her dernand and rnay invoke the power of sale <br /> and any��her remedies permi��ed by App�i�ab�e Law. Lender sha��be eriti#�led�o�o��e�t ali expenses <br /> incurr�d in pursuing the rem�edies pro�ided in�his Sect�on 2Z, inc�ud�ng, but na�limi�ed to, reasonab�e <br /> attorneys' f�es and cv5ts �f title ev�id�n�e. <br /> If the pvwer of sa�e�s�nvoked, Trus�ee�hall record a no�ice of dQfau��in each coun�y in`vh�ch any <br /> part of�he Property is located and shal�mai� copies of su�h nv��ce in�he manner pre��r�bed by <br /> App��cab�e I.�aw to Borrower and to the ather p�rsans prescr7ibed by App�icab�e Law, Af�er�h�time <br /> requ�red by Applica�le Law, 'TruStee shall give pu��ic not�ce af�a�e�a�h�per�ans and�n the manner <br /> prescribed by Applic�bie Law. 'I`rust�e, without demand on Borro�v�r, �hal� se�.�.�he Property a�publ�� <br /> auction�o �h�h�ghes�bidd�r at�h�time and p�ace and under�he t�r�ms des�gnated in�be not�ce vf sa�e <br /> in one ar more parc�Is and in any�rder Trus��e determin��. Trustee may pastpvne sale of a�� or any <br /> parcei of�he Prop�rty by pub�i�annauncement a�the�im�and p�ac�of any previvusly scheduled saZe. <br /> I►ender or�ts designee ma�pur�ha5��h�Proper�y at any sa�e, <br /> Upvn receipt of payment af�he pric��id, Trus�Qe shali del�ver�.� �h�purchas�r Trus�ee's deed <br /> con�eying the PropQrty, The r���ta�s�n�he Trus�ee�s deed sha�l be prirna fac�e ev�dence of the�ru�h of <br /> the sta�ements made th�re�n. Truste�sha�� app�y the praceeds�f the sa�e�n the fol�owing vrd�r: �a} �� <br /> a�� cos�s and expen�es of exerci�ing the power of sa�e, and the sa�e, �nc�uding the paymen�af the <br /> Trus�ee's fe�s actua�ly incurred and reasvnable at�arney�' fees as permitted by Applicab�e Law; �b} to <br /> a�� sums secured by thi� 5�cur�ty InSt�umen�; a�d ��� any exce�s�o the per�an vr per5ans�egally <br /> en����ed tv��. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�r�ddi�Mac UNlF�RM iNSTRUMENT �orm 3D28 1IQ1 <br /> VMP g VMP�(NE�R13D2� <br /> Wulters Kluwer Fir�ar�c:ial 5er►ric�s Page 14 af 17 <br />