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2� 1 ��3135 <br /> �n�he Proper�y and righ�s under�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument; and �d� takes such a�tion a� Lend�r may <br /> reasonab�� require�o assure that Lender's interes�in the P�oper�y a�d r�ghts under�his 5ecuri�y �nstrumen�, <br /> a��d Borrovver's ob��ga�ion to pay the sums secured�y this Securi�y�nstrument, shall can�inue unchanged. <br /> Lender may requ�re�hat Barr�wer pay suCh reins�a�ement sums and exp�nses in on�or more of th�f�llowing <br /> f�rms, as selec��d by Lender: �a} cash; �b}rn�ney ord�r; ��} cer�if�ed c�eck, bank�heck, �rea�urer's check or <br /> cashier's check, pro�id�d any such check�s drawn upan an institution whase deposit� are insured by a <br /> federa� agency, ins�rumen�al�ty or en���y; or�d} E�e��ronic Funds Transfer. Upon re�nstate�nent�y Borr�vver, <br /> �his Security�nst�-umen�and ab�igation�se�ured hereby shal� rema�n fu��y effective as�f no acceleration had <br /> ���urred. �-Iawe�er, this righ�t�reins�a��sha�l not apply in the case�f acc�l�ra�ion under Sec�ion �8. <br /> ��. Sale of Nate: Change �f Loan Ser��cer; Nvtice of Grie�an�e. T��e�Ia�e ar a par�ial interesC in �he <br /> Note�tog�ther wi�h �his Securi�y�nstrument) can be sold one or more t�mes w�thau�prior not�ce�a <br /> Barrovv�r. A sa�e might resul� in a change�n�he en�it� �known as �he ".L�oajz S'ervicer"} that co�le�ts Peri�dic <br /> Paymen�s due under the Nro�e and this Secur�t��nstrument and performs o�her�nortgage l�an s��-`ricing <br /> �bliga�ions under the N�o�e, this Securi�y Ins�rumenfi, and Applicab�e Laul. Th�re also m�ght be on�or more <br /> changes af�he Loan Serv�cer unrelated to a sale of�he Note. If�here�s a�hang�of�he Loan Servi�er, <br /> Borro�rer vvi11 be g��en wr�t�en natice�f the change v�rh�ch w��� sta�e the name a�d address�f�he new I..�an <br /> Servic�r, �h�address �o which payrnen�s shauld be made a�d an�r o�her�nformation RESPA requires in <br /> c�nnectian w�th a not��e of�ransfer�f s�rvicing. �f Che Note is sold and �hereafter�he Loan�s serv�c�d by a <br /> Loan Servicer o�her�han the purchaser�f the N��e, �he mortgage Ioan serv�cing ob��ga���ns �o Borrower v�r�11 <br /> remain wi�h the Loan Servicer or be transferred ta a suc�essor Lflan 5er�icer and are not assumed by the <br /> Note purchaser unless othe��vise prov�ded by the Note purchaser. <br /> Nei�her Borrav�er nor Lender may c�rnmenc�,join, or b��oined ta an�judiGia� ac�i�n �as e��her an <br /> ind��ridual litigan�ar�he me�nb�r of a�las�} tha�arises from�he o�her par�y's ac�ions pursuan�t� this <br /> 5ecuri���ns�rument or tha�alle�es �hat the a�h�r par�y has breached a��y provision of, or any duty o��ed�by <br /> rea�on of, th�s Se�urity Ins�rumen�, until such Borrav�rer or Lender has natified�he other party �with such <br /> nofice given in camplianc�,v�rith�he requiremenf�of 5ection 15� of such a.l�eged breach and afford�d the <br /> �ther party here�o a reasanab�e peri�d af�er the gi�r�ng of such not�ce�o take corrective action. �f Applica�le <br /> La�pro�ides a�ime period wh�ch mus�e�apse befor�cer�ain action can be taken, tha���me per�od�v�ll be <br /> deemed t�be r�asona�le fQr purposes of th�s paragraph. The no��c�of a�c�leratian and opportun�ty�o cure <br /> gi�en to Borravver pursuan�to Sec�ion 2�and�he n��ic�of a�celeration gi�en�o Borrower pur�uan��o <br /> Sec��on I S shall be deemed t� sat�sfy �h�n�tice and �ppor�uni�y to �ake correc�ive act�an pro�is�ons�f this <br /> Sec�ion 24. <br /> ��. Ha�ardous Substanees. As us�d in�hrs Section 2�: �a} "�IQ,�ardous Subs�ar�ces"are thos�su�stances <br /> def�ned as ��x�c or hazardous substances, po�lutants, or�uastes�y Envi�-onmental Law and�he following <br /> 5ub5�aI1C�5: gaso��n�, keros�r�e, o�her f�arn�nab�e or tox�c p�troleuxn p�adu�ts, toxic pesticides and herbi�ides, <br /> vola�iie solvents, ma�erial�can�a�ning asbestos or farma�dehyd�, and rad�oa��i�re ma�eria�s; [�]} <br /> "Envitonmetztal La�v"mean5 federal�aws and laws of�he jurisdic��on vvhere the Prflperty is ���a��d�hat <br /> rela�e�o health, safet�or envir�nmental protect�an; �c} "Envit�nmerr�ar C`le�nup"inc�udes any resp�nse <br /> actian, remedia� act�on, or remo�a� act�on, as defined ���Env��-anmen�al Law; and�d� an "Lnviranmer��a� <br /> �ofidition"means a cond�t�on tha�can cause, contribute�o, or��her���se trigger an�n��ronmenfial �ieanup. <br /> Borr�wer shall no�cau��or permit�he presence, us�, disposal, s�orage, ar release of any Hazardous <br /> Suhs�ances, or threaten t� reIease any Hazardaus�ubstanc�s, an or in the Proper�y. Borrovver shall no�da, <br /> nor all�w anyone else�o do, anyth�ng affect�ng the Proper�y �a� that �s in v�ola��on of any �n�ironmen�al <br /> La��, �b} vvh��h creates an�nviranmental Condition, or �c} �rhich, due�o�h�presence, use, or release�f a <br /> Hazardous Substar�ce, crea�es a�ondit�on�hat ad�ersely affe�ts ��e value of the Property. The pr�ceding two <br /> N�EAASKA-Sir�gle Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIF�RM fNSTRUM�NT �orm 3D�8 110i <br /> VMP g VMP6f NL�1�13D2f <br /> Watters Kluw�r F+nar�ciai Ser�i�es Page 13 of i 7 <br />