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2� 1 ��3131 <br /> ASS�GNf�ENT �F REIVTS <br /> Laan No: 'I�'i�9�5�� ��ontinued� Page 2 <br /> THIS ASSIGNMENT 1S GIVEN TD SECURE {'I} PAYfVIENT aF THE fNDEBTEDNESS ANG ��) PERFORMANCE �F ANY <br /> AND ALL�gLIGATIDNS �F BDRRDIIVER AND GRANTDR UN�ER THE fVOTE, TH15 ASS��GNNIENT. AND THE RELATED <br /> ❑QCUf1fIENTS. TH�S ASSIGN111iEIVT 15 GIVEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE F�LLC]WING TER�#liS: <br /> �RANTOR'S VIIAIVERS. Granta�waives aEl ri�h�s ar de�Fenses arisin� by r�ason o�F any "ane action" ar "anti-de�ri�iency" <br /> law, or any other law which may pr�vent Lender �rom bringing any action against ��rantor, includin� a claim far <br /> deficiency to the extent Lender is oth�rwise entit�ed �a a claim for�ie�iciency, be�ore or after Lend�r's commencement <br /> ar �ompl�tion of any fareclosure action, either judicially or by exercise of a power of sale, <br /> BORR�WER'S VIJAEVERS AND RESP�NSiBILiTiES. Lend�r need not t�ll Sorr�wer abaut any action or inactian Lender <br /> takes in connection w�th this Assignment. Borrawer assumes �he �esponsibiiity for being and keeping in�formed ab�ut <br /> the Property. Barrvwer waives any dsfenses tha� may arise because of any action ar inac�ion v�F Lender, including <br /> wi�hvut [imita�ian any fiailure af Lender ta realize upon the Property, vr any delay by Lender in realizing upon the <br /> Property. 6orrovuer agrees to remain lia�ie under th� No#� with Lend�r no matt�r what ac#ion L�nder �akes ar fails to <br /> tak�under this Assignment. <br /> PAYIIl�ENT AND PERFDRMANCE, Excsp� as atherwise proWided in this Assignment or ar�� Related Documents, Grantor <br /> shall pay to Lend�r a!I amoun�s secured by this Assignment as they become due, an� sha�l stricfly per�arm all af <br /> �ran�tar's obligatians under this Assignment. lJnless and unti� Lender exercises its right to c�!lec��h� Rents as prQ�ided <br /> below and so long as �here is n❑ default under this Assignment, Gran�ar may remain in possession and control of and <br /> operate and manage the Proper�y and ca�lect the Rents, pra�ided that the �ranting of the right�o collect the Rents shall <br /> not c�ns��tu�e Lender's c�nsent�a th�use of cash co�lateral in a bankruptcy proceeding. <br /> GR�4IVT�R'S FiEPRESENT►46T1(�N5 AIVD WARRAIVTIES. G�an�ar warrants�ha�: <br /> Dwnersh�p. Grant�r is entit�ed ta receive the Rents �ree and clear of a�i ri�hts, faans, liens, �ncumbrances, and <br /> �laims except as dis��osed t� and accept�d by Lender in writing. <br /> Righ�to Assign. Grantor has �he �ull righ�t, p�wer and authority t❑ enter int� this Assignment and t� assign and <br /> con�ey the Rents to Lender. <br /> Na Pr�or Assignrnent. Gran�or has no� pre�iously assigned or con�eyed th� Ren�s �a any ��her person by any <br /> instrument now in f�rce. <br /> iV�Fur#her Transfere �rantar wil� no�se[I, assign, encumber, ar c�therwise dispose of any tit Gran�or's rights in�he <br /> Rents excep�as pro�ided in�his Assignment. <br /> LENaER'S RIGHT TQ RE�EiVE AND C�LLECT RENTS. Lender shalf ha�e the right at any time, and eWen th�ugh no <br /> default shall have occurr�d und�r�his Assignment, to coll��t and r�cei�e the Rents. For this purpose, Lender is h�reby <br /> gi�en and gran�ed the fol�owing rights, powers and auth�rity: <br /> Notice ta Tenants. Lender may send natices tv any and al� tenants of the Property ad�fsin� them of this <br /> Assignmen�and directtng a11 Rents to be paid directly ta Lender or Lender's agen�. <br /> Enter the Prvperty. Lender may�n�er upon and talce p�ssession �f the Property; deman�, co�lect and recei�e�from <br /> th� tenants or from any o�her p�rs�ns fiable therefor, all o� �he Rents; insfitute and carry on all legal pro�eedings <br /> necessa�y far the pr��ec�ion �� the Prvperty, including su�h pr�ceedings as may be necessary to reco��r <br /> possessi�n of�h� Property; �ollec�the Rents and remo�e any tenant or tenants or other�persans�rom the Prvperty. <br /> IVlaintain the Proper�y. Lender may enter upvn the Property�o maintain the Prop���y and keep the same in repair; <br /> tv pay the �asts thereof and o� all servic�s o�F al� employees, including their equipment, and vf al� cantinuing cos�ts <br /> and �xpenses❑f ma�ntaining the Prop�rty in prop�r repair and c�nditifln, and als�ta pay al�taxes, assessm�nts and <br /> virater utiliti�s, and the pr�miums on fiire and o�her insuran�e effiected by Lender vn the Property. <br /> C�r�p�ianc� v�ith Laws. Lende� may do any and al! things ta exeGute and camply with the �aws of the State of <br /> iVehraska and also all tither laws, rules, orders, ordinances and requir�ments af al� other goW�rnmenta! agencies <br /> a�fecting ths Property. <br /> Lease the Prop�rty. Lender may rent or lease the whole or any part of the Pr�perty for such term or terms and on <br /> such �onditinns as L�nder may d�em apprapr�ate. <br /> Employ Agents. Lender may engage such agent o� agents as Lender may deem apprapr€a�e, either in Lender's <br /> name ar in Grantor's name,tv ren�and manage�he Property, including�he coile�fiion and application of Rents. <br /> �ther Ac�s. Lender may da aII such o�her �hings and acts with respe�t �a the Property as Lender may d�em <br /> appropriate and may act exclusi�ely an�l s�lsly in the place and s�ead afi Grantor and �❑ hav� all of the powers o�f <br /> Grant�r�or the purp�ses stat�d aboWe. <br /> Na Requirement to Act. Lendsr shall nat be required to do any of the foregoin� ac�s or �hings, and the fact that <br /> Lender shal� ha�e perfarmed ane or more of the for���ing acts ar things sha�l not require Lender ta do any ❑ther <br /> specific act ar thing. <br /> APPLIGATI�N aF RENTS. Ai� C05�5 and expenses in�urred by Lender in connectivn wi�h the Praperty shafl be far <br /> Grant�r's accaunt and L�nder may pay su�h costs and expenses fram the Rents. Lender, in its so�e dis�retion, shall <br /> determine the application af any and all Rents received by i�; however, any such Rents recei�ed by Lender wh�ch are <br /> not applied t❑ such costs and expenses shall be appli�d to the Indeb�edness. Al� expendi�ures made by L�nder under <br />
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