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<br /> WHEiV REC�RDE� M�41L T�:
<br /> FiWe Poin�#s Bank
<br /> 1Vorth Bran�h
<br /> 2�"�5 Narth Broadwell
<br /> G rand Is[and, N E, 688Q 3 ,,.,,,.. ,_,,,,,,,W,_, ,.,, _ Fa R,_RE CC}R D,E R„'S U S E�N LY
<br /> �'D�aa�������12958�24115�5182�1��
<br /> � � A�S�GNi1�E�VY �F REINTS
<br /> TH1S ASS�GN11lIElVT �F F�ENT� dated May �8, ��"[C, �s mad� and exe�uted bet►ween J 8� B
<br /> RENTALS LL�: A L�MfTED LlA�1L[TY ��MPANY {r�ferred t� belvw as "Grantor"� and Fiv�
<br /> Po"rnts �ank, rn�h�se address �s ��"I 5 NQrth Brvadwel�. �rand �slan�l. NE �8��3 �refer�ed to
<br /> below as "Lender"�,
<br /> A�S��NlVlENT. Far �alua�le consideration. Grantor her��y ass�gns, grants a �ontinuing security
<br /> interest in, and �on►►eys t� Lender al! af �rantor's right, t�tl�, and int��est in and to the Rents
<br /> fror� the follav�ing descrEl�ed Property lo�ated in HALL Caunty, Stat� af Nebraska:
<br /> L�T T"HREE {3} AND L�T F�UR �4�, BL��K THiRTEEN �7 3�, �1V ARIV�LD AND ABB�T�'S
<br /> The Property or its address is cammonly knvr►vn as 71�5 ►4ND 'l'I�� 11�1 S�]UTH FR�NT
<br /> STREET. GRAND MSLAND, NE �8$�3.
<br /> CROSS-C�LLATERALIZATIDN. In addition to the No�e, this Assignment secures all a�ligatians, de�ats and liabilities,
<br /> pEus interest thereon, of either Grantor vr Borro�rver to Lender, �r any ane �r more o� �hem, as w�ll as al! c�aims �y
<br /> Lender agains�t Borrawer and Grantor ar any one or more of them, whether naw exis�ing ar hereaf�ter arising, whether
<br /> re�ated or unrelated ta the purpose �f the Note, whether �oiun�ary vr �th�rvvise, whether due or no� du�, di�e�t or
<br /> �ndirect, determined �r undetermined, absolute o� con�ingent, liquidated or unliquidat�d, whether Sorrower or �rantor
<br /> may be Eiable indi�idua�ly or jain�ly with others, whether obligat�d as �uarant�r, sure�fiy, a�comm�dation party �r
<br /> otherwise, and whe�her recov�ry upon such amounts may be �r hereafter may became barr�d by any statu�e of
<br /> limitatians, and v�rhether the abligatian to repay such amvunts may be or h�reaft�r may become oth�rwise
<br /> unenfarceable.
<br /> FUTIJRE ADVANCES. In addition to th� No�e, �his Assignm�nt s�cures all fu�ure ad�ances made by Lender ta Borr�wer
<br /> or Grantnr whe�her or not �he ad�anc�s are made pursuan� �o a commitment. Specifical�y, withou� limitativn, th�s
<br /> Assignment secures, in addi�ian ta �he am�un�s spe�ified in the No�e, all future amounts Lender in its discretion may
<br /> loan�� Borrower ar Grantor, toge�her wi�rh al[ int�rest therean.
<br />