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2� 1 ��312� <br /> If the p�wer of sa�e is in�oked,Trustee sha�l recflrd a no�i�e vf defau���n each county�n which any <br /> part of the PrQp�rty is�o�ated and sha�I mai�cop�es�f such notice in the manner prescri�e�by <br /> Applic�ble La�►to B�rrower and to the oth�r pe�sans presGribed by Appli�abl�La�v.After the t�me <br /> required by App��cab�e Law,Trustee shall give publi�noti�e of sale ta the persans�nd in the manner <br /> presc�-�.bed by Applica�le Law.T�ustee,without demand on Borrower,shai�se��tbe Pro�aerty at pu��iC <br /> auctivn tp the highest bidder at the time a�nd place and under the terms designated in�he notice�f sal� <br /> in vne�r more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale vf all or any <br /> parcel of the PrQperty by pub�ic announcement at tbe time and place of any pre�iously scheduled sa�e. <br /> I�ender ar its designe�may purchase the Pr�perty at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt�f paymen#of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the pur�haser Trustee's deed <br /> canve��ng the Praperty.The reci�als in the Trustee's deed sha�l be prima f�ci�e�iden�e of the truth�f <br /> the�tatements made therein,Trust�e shall apply the proceeds�f the sa�e�n the follawing�rder: ta�tQ <br /> a�l cQsts and expense��f exercis�ng the power�f sale,and the sale,�nc�uding the payment�f the <br /> Trustee's fees actually in�urre�.and reas�nab�e att�rneys'fees as permitted by Applicabie Law;�b}to <br /> all sums secured by this S�curity Instrument; and�c�any excess to the pers�n or persons le�ally <br /> entitled t�it. <br /> 23. Re�vnveyanee.Upon payment of a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall�request <br /> Trustee to reconv�y the Praperty and sha11 surrender this Security Instrument and a11 notes e��denc�ng debt <br /> secured by�his Security Instrument to Trustee. Trust�e sha1�reconvey the Property without�arranty to�h� <br /> person or persans 1ega�ly en�itled to it, Such persan or persons shall pay any recordativn costs. Lender n�ay <br /> charge suGh person or perso�s a fee for recon�eying�he Propert�r,but only if the fee is pa��t�a third party <br /> �such as the Trustee)for services rendered and the charging of the fee is perm�tted under Applicable Law. <br /> 24. SubstituteT�ustee.Lender, at i�s option, may from tirne to txm�remo�e Trus�ee and appo�nt a successQr <br /> trustee ta any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument re�orded in the G�unty xn which this Security <br /> Instrumen�is recarded. VL�ithout conveyance of the Froper�y,�he successor trustee sha��succeed to a11 th� <br /> title,power and duties canf�rred upon Tru.stee h�re�n an.d by Applicable Law. <br /> 25. Requestfor Nr�tiees.Borrower r�quests that copies of the not��e of defaul�and sale be sent to Borrovver's <br /> address which is the Property Address. <br /> q�335398557C3 4233 354 1517 <br /> WEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie MaelFfeddi�Mac UNIFQRM INSTRLIMENT WiTH MERS Form 3428 11D1 <br /> VMR� VMPBA�NE}�1302).4d <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financfal 5en►ices Page'!a af 17 <br />